Title: Lex's Red Suit Pairing: Clex Rating: NC-17 Warning: Oliver's a little unsympathetic here! Plot: It's Christmas Eve and Toyman takes a RedK revenge on Lex! What will Clark do?
Amid my love for everything else that is AMAZING about this, what actually made me laugh the hardest was that you ACCURATELY CAPTURED TOYMAN'S ANNOYINGNESS! The stupid rhymes, gawd!
And this:
"You put Lex on a spaceship?"
"It's deactivated," says Oliver, a little defensively. "He can't go anywhere-"
I especially loved when Lex said that he didn't care if Clark burned the whole place down. That's Lex for you! Yep! To quote David Bowie: "As long as we're together...the rest can go to hell!"
Comments 36
Maybe Toyman planned all this to freak Oliver out and make him jealous!
Playing Cupid to Clex would be a great revenge on Ollie!
And this:
"You put Lex on a spaceship?"
"It's deactivated," says Oliver, a little defensively. "He can't go anywhere-"
"A spaceship?" Batman repeats.
*diez* Batman is so wise. :P
Batman is so wise.
He knows that Lex + spaceship = Trouble!
I do love when villians' plans kinda backfire and finally bring Clark and Lex together. :)
Looks like they both finally got what they wanted for Christmas. ;D
That's just giving Lex a new project!
I do love when villians' plans kinda backfire and finally bring Clark and Lex together. :)
Yeah, I like villains-as-accidental-matchmakers a lot!
Looks like they both finally got what they wanted for Christmas
*wraps a red bow around them both*
I especially loved when Lex said that he didn't care if Clark burned the whole place down. That's Lex for you!
Yep! To quote David Bowie: "As long as we're together...the rest can go to hell!"
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