wriso me up, boys!

Oct 30, 2012 13:47

november's such an in-between month, isn't it? - not quite autumn, not quite winter, that pleasant dreamy lull before the holiday rush. a month where you sit with your cocoa thinking: work's so yesterday; if only there was something a bit more challenging in my life, a bit more scope for whining and wretching and creative cocktail-making.

well there is! it's called wrisomifu (write something, you miserable fuck), and it's back for a month of bitching and griping as we wrestle our way through 10 minutes of writing a day. it's both as hellish and as simple as it sounds: sit down with your laptop/notepad/crayons, write anything at all about anything at all for 10 whole minutes, then check in with your fellow mifus and tell us how balls it's all been and how you're down to the advocaat in your booze cupboard.

it starts bright and early november 1st, so if you're new to wriso, you have the next 2 days to hum, ha, twiddle your thumbs ineffectually, and then sign your month away. comment below for a share of the misery...

eta: sign-ups now closed.
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