Title: How The Dark Knight Rises is Not Going to End
Continuity: Batman: Nolan movie-verse (ish)
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, John Blake, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Plus Special Guest Stars!
Pairings: Implied Bruce/Selina, Implied Bruce/Talia
Rating: PG (violence)
Genre: Angst, Humor
Word Count: 2,550
Summary: When Bane's assault on
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Comments 4
First, hope you don't mind that I've rec'd this on my LJ. :)
Second: Wheee...! Something tells me a whole lot of us would be thrilled out out of socks if the movie ended that way. And I like the movies. It's just that the way they have Bruce so isolated, no other heroes even mentioned, let alone a hint of a Robin, sometimes I want to ask, "Why so serious?"
If Bruce just survives the movie, that will be a triumph, but it's hard to even get my hopes up about that. :/
Thus, this story is a delightful what-if treat, and my favorite part is when Bruce wakes up from the dream. Dick! J'onn! Other heroes! Bruce helping out Clark! Perfect!
Actually, though, I lie. My favorite part? This: “I don't know why,” he murmured into the empty room, “but I think that you might owe me something, Detective.” Poor Ra's...
Thank you for this.
There are a few ways Nolan can go to "end the legend." Most obvious is to kill Bruce, which is part of why I don't actually think they'll do it. More likely he has to really retire from being Batman, due to, say, crippling injury and/or birth of a child (why hello, Catwoman and/or Talia) That's one of my actual hypotheses.
But yes, I'm quite flattered that you liked my little amusement enough to recommend it. Thank you!
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