Urrrff. So I've managed to get food poisoning for the second time in as many months. Blargh. The nausea seems to have subsided for now, LOL, so I'm cheering myself up while I can by posting some old-ish fanart. ^-^
While I was lying around, I remembered that I did about a dozen pictures between March and June of this year for
quirky_circe, in case she
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Comments 38
Pretty art! I really envy your talent...
Thanks for the well-wishes, Barb! The worst of it has passed ... I can eat Jell-O and bananas now! Yay!
Thank you for the comment, too. :D I'm happy to hear you like the pic!
Your people look real!
Oh, good! *grin* Looking at this again, their expressions seemed a little ... homogeneous to me, lol, so I'm glad some personality is still coming through. :D
Your people look real!
Thank you! ^-^ I like trying to draw/paint as realistically as possible a lot of the time although I do also wish I had more of a developed cartooning style as well :D
Anyway, thank you very much for the comment! *hugs*
And I always seem to be complimenting your icons (and with good reason, for they are awesome!), but just had to say the Kara/Babs one is stealing my heart. :D
Anyway, I shall upload it promptly! Thanks again--for the icon and for commenting! *skips away grinning like a loon*
And please, share! Great Trinity icon...
Glad you like the poses, too! That was partly quirky_circe's idea. I originally had Clark and Bruce in different poses, but she suggested that I position them the way they're drawn on the cover of the Superman/Batman Generations book, which I think worked really well! :D
Anyway, thanks for commenting, as always! So happy to hear you liked this. *hugs*
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