Dear LJ

Jul 23, 2012 18:22

Dear LJ ( Read more... )

writer_update, writing

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Comments 8

phebemarie July 23 2012, 17:41:53 UTC
Feel better soon! :)


tari_roo July 24 2012, 05:19:23 UTC
Thanks :) Getting there -- or my delusions are increasing


black_raven135 July 24 2012, 00:56:25 UTC
You are doing what I should do also
Until I do something about THIS story that my muse has dragged its feet on since October 2010, I have no right posting on LJ
I also should do what I used to do and whenever I am waiting write.
I recently found four pages I had written, mind you not large pages but. . .


tari_roo July 24 2012, 05:21:29 UTC
*fist bump of procrastinator solidarity*

Yeah, the temptation is huge just to post and be all 'bloggy' but unless I knuckle down and be disciplined, no writing it forthcoming. Usually I post WIPs and the impetus to write the looming 'its been two weeks, you have to write' but I promised I wouldn't do that myself or my readers anymore. Alas, now, with that looming pressure, writing seems to take second place to a lot of things :)

Good luck to us both!


black_raven135 July 24 2012, 16:56:55 UTC
".......writing seems to take second place to a lot of things :)"

(((((NODS)))))) once again can relate
Not only RL but I find myself reading ff instead of finishing my own.......


tari_roo July 24 2012, 17:39:15 UTC
Alas, even reading fanfic has taken a backseat these days *sigh*

To writing!!


ferrous_wheeler July 24 2012, 11:29:27 UTC
Hope you feel better *hugs and brings you a cup of tea*
Yay for the future fic,! and I totally get the hard to write when there are too many distractions, but will miss your postings though :)
Since I have been - mainly - computerless, I've actually made headway on a story that's been sitting around for a while. It still sucks, but the ideas are getting easier.


tari_roo July 24 2012, 17:38:38 UTC
Computerless!!??? O.o How have you survived!!? I get a twitch in the eye just thinking about it *eek*

While considering since posting this 'Dear LJ' I've not one, but THREE things I Desperately Needed to post... sigh. Hopefully I won't explode and will just write ;) (and keep an offline copy of everything I 'can't' post)


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