Title: Geek Knight versus the Black Dragon 2/2
Author: tari_roo
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I don’t these characters, and I don’t claim to. Nor do I make any profit from them. But if I did own them, the budget for the show would have been bigger, certain people wouldn’t have died. And most importantly, it’d still be on.
Summary: The tale of Sir Rodney who
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Comments 18
Thank you - glad it met the crack needs - I know it met mine.
Thanks for the lovely comment :)
I am tickled pink that you liked it *goes even more red*
It is so gratifying when other people like your own weird AU ideas and yeah... as you know this fic - just - BURNT me up until it was done. I could have (and probably will) go on FOR HOURS about this.... Eeeeeee!!!
Thanks for suggesting so many awesome ideas. And thanks for this AWESOME comment *grins like a mad woman*
*grins* I know and I repeat myself: You can always write a sequel *hints*. *rubs hands* (I should write Maroon 5 a Thank you letter for cancelling the concert... ;) :D)
You are welcome! Thank you for including them (and twisting them! I'm in love with steam!powered!Snail!) :)
(Psst: Why didn't you post it at sga_saturday? Just curious!)
Maroon 5 would be pleased, yes, I think :)
*Takes your hints* sigh, so so so tempting - my brain!!!
Psst back - uhm, would be believe it ... too shy? I'm always hesitant with new comms and just randomly joining and posting. It feels... weird. Eh, I debated it at length with myself and was too tired last night to do more than ... post to what I know!
*is bashful*
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