Fail & Green Lantern

Jul 01, 2011 20:59

Is there an emoticon for epic fail?( I'd list ... )

epic fail, writer_update, movie_review

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Comments 13

claudiapriscus July 1 2011, 19:48:12 UTC
Ryan Reynolds is <3. I had a crush on him way back in the 2 Guys a Girl and Pizza Place days. (That show also had Nathan Fillion, an you believe it?) I didn't admit it at the time, not even to myself, but yeah. What can I say? My teenie-bopper self had taste.

He's really the only reason I want to see that movie, heh.

When is the AU BB due?

You could do what I did with the dexter fic and wallow in denial. Work on your exchange story, and then finish the other story at the last minute. (In my case, past the last minute. I don't recommend it.)


tari_roo July 1 2011, 19:58:36 UTC
*fist bump*

Me too! I have a few grainy episodes of 2 Guys a girl and a pizza place and I just love it! I have been a Ryan fan for so long I am so pleased that his career has allowed my continued ogling. I even sat through Blade 3 just for him (again the only reason to watch that movie, that and his abs).

And yeah, on my rewatch of 2 Guys, I was delighted to see Nathan. Another man I am delighted to continue to watch. Heck, I even remember watching Michael Rosenbaum in Zoey, Duncan, Jake and Jane, when he still had hair. :) Ah, the early teenfan memories.

the AU BB is due 1 Aug, and I am supposed to submit the rough draft today (cough) and I am 23k in and no end in sight. The idea of just quitting is so appealing. The less stress the better.


claudiapriscus July 1 2011, 20:50:54 UTC
How much further do you think you have to get on it?


tari_roo July 1 2011, 21:03:47 UTC
Welll... the first 2 sections are def. done. I am wandering in the morass of the 3rd. The last section and an interlude are complete (and in need of editing)

The problem is the middle which involved completing the introductions and establishing the relationships of the SGA team. And then starting the actual quest. I still need to write at least two critical scenes and probably half a dozen or so 'getting people to where they need to be' scenes.

Part of my slowness has been world building and I love doing that. Expanding on the pictures and scenes in my head and just letting it all flow into an epic. Oy... there's my problem actually - its an epic and I don't want to chop it into instalments OR rush it.



auntmo9 July 1 2011, 19:59:10 UTC
The real question is, which will make you more stressed and more angry: dropping out or squeezing it all in (because squeezing it all in is the only option that will make you busier)

Are you someone that can let the AU Big Bang go without beating yourself up and stressing yourself out and then therefore truly finishing it your leisure? Or do you thrive on dealines and stress and will do better if you squeeze it all in? And really, regardless of what type of person you are, you also have to look at the cricumstances you are facing. Even if you thrive on deadlines, you might have enough of those, along with the usual crap in RL just to let the AU go for now.

But in the end, only you can make that decision.


tari_roo July 1 2011, 20:11:05 UTC
Ah, Auntmo, you are so right.

I thrive on deadlines - at work only. In my personal life, not so much. I especially am finding that writing to a deadline is messing with the creativity process. I know where I want to go and how to get there, but actually getting it onto the page in a format and style I like is proving so difficult. I am definitely leaning towards quitting and taking a step back until RL is less hectic. I may have a twinge of regret over not completing on time, (as I dislike not meeting my commitments) but it won't keep me up at night.

Thanks for the advice.


kristen999 July 2 2011, 01:57:24 UTC
Everybetty and I dropped out of the SGA Big Bang when we wrote “Long Ago (And Far Away)” because we were running out of time. And it was the best decision we ever made.

When we'd made the choice we thought we had 5k left, but it ended up another 15k and the quality of the story would have suffered if we tried to squeeze everything in. Not to mention time to do a through edit. (Especially with an AU. All that world building makes or breaks an AU I think)

Maybe having the deadline was a good way to get the meat of the story done and then keep plugging away at it?


tari_roo July 2 2011, 09:39:16 UTC
Whew, thanks Kristen. Yes the deadline was a good impetus to do something I might have put off for ages due to the scope of what I wanted to write. However, now its only adding to the general overworked and stressed feelings I am wading through and the last thing I want to do is start resenting the story, or doing a half-assed job.

thanks again!


saphirablue July 2 2011, 06:12:38 UTC
In my opinion: Drop out and finish in your own time. It's better to have a story finished later than planed which is just the way you want to have it than a story that is finished on time but you don't like (parts of it) and always think: If I had had the time I would have changed x, rewritten y and added z.

*hugs you*


tari_roo July 2 2011, 10:29:46 UTC
Thanks Saphira. Appreciate the hug - needed it.

I have let the mods of AU Big Bang know that I am dropping out. The 'getting longer by the day' Shep with Wings fic will be finished, I promise... eventually :)

Thanks again


saphirablue July 2 2011, 10:38:13 UTC
You are welcome! :)

:) *rubs hands* I'm looking forward to it but don't let yourself be pressured (either by me, someone else or yourself) to finish it when the fic doesn't want to be finished. Resenting a story you've written is really not a good thing.


tari_roo July 2 2011, 10:52:52 UTC
True, true. And I am my own worst critic/task master.

I am feeling a lot better today - free to work on other things and keep plugging away on my fav Wing!Shep



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