Supply and Demand 4: Scarce Skills - 4/?

Jun 19, 2016 20:49

Supply and Demand 4: Scarce Skills (SGA/SPN) 4/?
author: tari_roo
Rating: Gen - PG13
Disclaimer: I own nothing and profit from nothing. But if I did, SGA would still on air and Dean would have super powers.

Summary: Life on Atlantis is about to get very interesting as the Trust launch their newest plan. Good thing Dean is still on-board, as the ' ( Read more... )

fanfic, supply and demand, fic_spn, fic_sga, crossover_fic

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Comments 6

nicky69 June 19 2016, 21:58:23 UTC
Yay \0/

I'm so excited to see more of this verse, it's one of my favourites. Every time I see an new chapter I do a little happy dance.

*runs off to read*


tari_roo June 20 2016, 17:58:46 UTC
Thanks :)

Hope you enjoy!


ferrous_wheeler June 20 2016, 16:30:32 UTC
Yippee!! :))) Oh so happy to see more of this story! Love how you've woven in the tiny turtle of (now) terror from the earlier posts, and I'm so curious as to how it all ties together and who's behind it all. Yup, totally still one of my fave fics :)


tari_roo June 20 2016, 17:59:14 UTC
Awwww. thanks friend :)


mrs_warwick July 14 2016, 21:18:04 UTC
Hooray! Another chapter of my favourite fic series.
The mysterious turtle from part 1 re-appears. I was wondering what had happened to it.
Thank you for updating.


tari_roo July 17 2016, 16:32:54 UTC
Thanks for the comment.

My pleasure. Chapter 5 is also up - on my LJ


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