Book Review: Summer Knight (Dresden Files #4)

Dec 16, 2012 12:23

Title: Summer Knight
Author: Jim Butcher
Pages: 371
Summary on the back:
[the summary has some spoilers for the other books so..]
Ever since his girlfriend left town to deal with her newly acquired taste for blood, Harry Dresden has been down and out in Chicago. He can’t pay his rent. He’s alienating his friends. He can’t even recall the last time he took a shower.

The only professional wizard in the phone
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Comments 11

schneefink December 16 2012, 11:17:01 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! :D Ugh, it's hard to talk about it without spoilers, but suffice to say I think it gets even better.


tari_roo December 16 2012, 16:37:35 UTC
Hurrah! You were all so right! :) Which delights me! Thanks!


faithburke December 16 2012, 11:33:22 UTC
See! This is the one where Murphy comes out to shine, and she's super, super awesome while doing so.


tari_roo December 16 2012, 16:39:55 UTC
You were/are so right! I loved Murphy is this one - so cool and yet still freaked out and hurting and in need of some empathy. Sigh. Just great!


mymuseandi December 16 2012, 14:38:15 UTC
I'm glad you like it! The series generally gets even better from here on :)


tari_roo December 16 2012, 16:41:00 UTC
That is just music to my ears! :) Hurrah!


claudiapriscus December 16 2012, 18:19:58 UTC
:-D hehe, I told you so ;) My favorite is the next one.


tari_roo December 16 2012, 18:22:00 UTC
*puts a hand over your mouth* Hush, hush. Don't tempt me, I have fic to write! No time to read more Dresden!! *stares at Kindle in want*



saphirablue December 16 2012, 18:26:11 UTC
So, I guess I should really give this series another chance? *orders book*


tari_roo December 16 2012, 18:33:19 UTC
Yes, I think you should. I don't know if all of your pet peeves will be avoided/addressed but I def. enjoyed it more than the previous ones.


saphirablue December 16 2012, 19:03:58 UTC
We'll see... :)


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