Book Review: Fool Moon

Sep 16, 2012 19:35

Title: Fool Moon
Author: Jim Butcher
Pages: 342 (kindle edition)
Genre: Supernatural slash detective noir

What it says on the back:
Business has been slow. Okay, business has been dead. And not even of the undead variety. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

claudiapriscus September 16 2012, 20:26:21 UTC
I think I can safely say, without giving too much away that this is not a one off of whump. Having now somewhat explored the world of comics, I can even more clearly see their influence on the story. In other words? Dresden is totally spider-man: frequently in over his head, getting physically and emotionally pummeled, and never giving up, regardless of any horrific beatings he may have endured.


tari_roo September 16 2012, 20:29:58 UTC
\o/ *\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/*\o/* \o/

Its one of the reasons I love Spidey so much - the whump. Oh the whump :)


faithburke September 17 2012, 10:29:02 UTC
I feel like rubbing my hands together in malicious glee and laughing an evil laugh, as I know what is coming.

In other thoughts, one thing to remember is that when Butcher sold 'The Dresden Files' he had the first three books completely written and ready to go. After that, he becomes a little more secure and confident as a writer and things become more complex. And yes, I do not think it is a spoiler to say that poor Harry and whump are very well acquainted.


tari_roo September 17 2012, 10:46:08 UTC
Your malicious glee and evil laughter makes me very happy - as does the assurance of more whump :)

*giggles in delight*

Question though - how does the tv series tie in the books? Or does not tie in at all?



faithburke September 17 2012, 12:08:06 UTC
A couple of episodes tie in pretty closely to Storm Front and Fool Moon, and there are a few places scattered throughout where things were fairly clearly inspired by things in the books, but after that it diverges fairly strongly. Two different interpretations of the basic concept, mostly. I think the TV show was actually pretty good as long as I don't try to mix it with bookverse.


tari_roo September 17 2012, 12:34:59 UTC
Hmmmm, interesting. And sounds good. So when would be a good point to start watching the series? After which books?


saphirablue September 17 2012, 20:27:05 UTC
I'm happy that you liked it and will keep on reading! :)

Yeah, all the werewolves in one book - I got very confused about them and didn't know which kind of werwolf Harry is dealing with at the moment. :/


tari_roo September 18 2012, 05:19:45 UTC
Hmmm, it was a very busy plot line with LOADS of comings and goings. Its a miracle my overtired brain at 1am even followed it all ;)


saphirablue September 18 2012, 20:34:46 UTC
That's the power of the reading bug! :)


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