Since I'm going away for a few days starting tomorrow, I wanted to post the guidelines for nominating a story for the D&DC Fan Fiction Awards before I leave.
So keep checking out the many wonderful fics you'll find at
these sites, assemble the necessary info, and get your nominations ready to send in!
I'll post a few reminders regarding deadlines when I return on the 30th. Have a great weekend, everyone!
D&DC Fanfic Awards - Nomination Guidelines
Nomination period: January 1 - January 31
(This is a busy time of year, so I wanted to give everyone plenty of time to read, enjoy, and submit before the awards get underway.)
When nominating stories for Treasures of Tardos, please submit an email including:
- Title
- Author
- Link to the story
- Rating
- Author's email address
- Category/Categories you are nominating it for
- Notable character(s) (Applies to Best Original Character and/or Best Characterization)
* Submit nominations to NLRummi (at) gmail (dot) com by January 31. (11:59pm EST - U.S.)
* Submit as often and as many stories as you would like. (Authors: don't forget you can nominate your own stories if you have something you are particularly proud of!)
* Remember to review the
General Rules when submitting your nominations.
* Enjoy all the marvelous fic in our D&DC fandom!