Year of the Cat - Chapter 7

Feb 28, 2009 20:48

Title: Year of the Cat - Chapter 7
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Martha, other canon, some OC
Rating: say M for language and later situations
Spoilers: includes info up to end of season 2.
Disclaimer: Don't own - but wish I did...
Author's Note: As always, thank you to mrsalemp , candybree  and thrace_adams ! Lots of love to ya'll! This was possibly one of the most fun chapters to write so far...


Jack had barely gotten out of the SUV when he saw the reason he was there. Clad still in the red jacket Jack had last seen him in - a few more buttons missing than before

and looking a little worse for the wear - was John Hart.

“What are you doing here?” Jack demanded, slamming the door a bit too hard as he got out.

John shrugged that self-confident bastard shrug that drove everyone wild. “Who says I can't be here?”

“Me.” Jack's answer was flat, his mind already formulating a way to make this man disappear forever.

Who died and made you the king of the universe? Certainly wasn't you.” John held a had over his mouth in feigned shock. “Oh, did I strike a chord?”

Jack had him backed against the wall now. “Speak your peace and get the hell out.”

“I am 'out'.” John held his arms out and looked around.

The look that Jack gave him was one that he was known for on four different planets, and, subsequently, the reason he was banned from all four.

John was not affected and continued. “No, really, I have orders.”

“Orders?” Jack shook his head in disbelief that anyone would hire John Hart to do anything other than swindle them.

“Yeah, you know, like - how do you say it in such primitive times?” The shorter man mimed vaguely while speaking slowly, “A job.”

Jack was unimpressed. “What kind of a job?” He checked and double-checked that the SUV was locked, the alarm set.

Captain Hart arched an eyebrow at his actions. They both knew that if he wanted the vehicle, nothing would stop him from attaining his goal. “The kind where I come and serve out the orders on one of your 'visitor's' quarantine.”

“What did you say?” Jack froze, how and why would he get a job as a bodily repo-man? John must have really done something this time.

The Time Agent rolled his eyes dramatically with a heavy sigh. “You are getting really soft being around here so long. Or has your hearing started to go - oh, that would be bad - 'cause you know what they say the next thing to go is...” He pointed downward and grimaced.

“Who conducted this 'trial'?” Jack was focused on John, trying his best not to shove him into the wall fully and draw his Webly to hold on him.

John shrugged. “Council. And they hired me - see?” He flipped out a wallet to show Jack the orders.

Jack fell back on the SUV, arms crossed. “That's Psychic Paper. Might want to show me the real order.”

John turned it around to look at it himself. “So it is. Hmmm...” He flipped it closed and made a show of going through the rest of his pockets before pulling out a flat disk and handing it to Jack.

Turning it over and over, he glared at John, who urged him to activate the object with a hand.

“Captain John Hart, as you are now called, are called on by the Provisional Syndicate of Suns to carry out a direct order. It has come to the attention of The Syndicate that a fugitive of the Evotakers has been found in captivity on the planet Sol 3. It is not know the status of his condition in relation to his overall health. Upon giving him a fair trial as is guaranteed under our Constitution, he has been found guilty and has been sentenced to Qiw-How Nonus for the remainder of his life cycle, to be under the care of the very capable inhabitants of that planet. Your mission is to find that individual and deliver him to us in whatever condition he is presently in. Failure to do so will result in your own imprisonment.” The blue being shimmered out as the disk ended and Jack stood, looking at John.

“I don't understand.” He handed the disk back to the other man. “What does this have to do with me?”

“You have said fugitive in your storage unit.”

“Impossible.” Jack thought back to something that was on the edge of his mind. “I don't have any Evotakers in the vaults. I would remember that.” He shuddered.

“Ahh,” John walked to sling his arm around Jack. “That would be where you are wrong, my friend.”

Jack shrugged him off and adjusted his coat, “We aren't friends.”

John forced a smile. “It would be so easy, Jack. I extend the olive branch over and over, and all you do is bat it from my hand. Why? We used to be so good together.”

“Stick to the reason you're here.” Jack reminded him coldly.

“I told you. You have something that I need - and for once it isn't that hot body...” He licked his lips in thought.

"Save it.” Jack snapped. “I told you that I didn't have anything even resembling an Evotaker in storage - no corpses, no live specimens. So you can hunt somewhere else.” He turned to go out to the Plass, hoping to shake the other man.

John followed him, much like a little brother would - close on his heels. “But Jack,” he drew out, “I tracked the signal here.”

Jack spun to face him and got a chestful of Captain John. “You have a signal?”

John made a 'duh' face and bobbled his head around. “Well, how did you think I was supposed to find it? You, my dear, have been out of the game for far too long.”

Jack sighed heavily, crooking his mouth in thought. He no more wanted John Hart in the Hub than he wanted him in his own flat. But he had a direct order. And Torchwood had promised to honor those long long ago. If he could prove to Jack that there indeed was a signal to the vaults, he would have to bring him in to retrieve said individual. “Fine. But, touch nothing.” He poked at John's chest. “I mean it - one false move and I'll shoot you myself. Understand?”

“Oh, baby, you know what to say to make a man hot.” John grumbled even as he nodded agreement and pocketed the disk in favor of a small hand-held device.

Jack's hand instinctively went for his gun. “What are you doing?”

“Relax,” John rolled his eyes again. “It's a Monitoring DNA-Meter, calm down.” He watched Jack's hand relax only slightly. “I know, horrible name, maybe we should get that little boy-toy of yours to think of a new one?” John noticed Jack's hand grip the gun handle tighter, but he still didn't unholster it.

The machine began to alternately flash between the blue and green lights on the top while making a 'boop boop boop' noise that reminded Jack of the time he and Ianto went to the beach and they had rented that silly metal detector. Though, they had found that Keratometer; not that it had operated correctly since it had been brought into the Hub.

“So, what is this telling us?” Jack leaned over the device, but couldn't decipher its readings.

John looked up at him with as close to doe-eyes as John Hart could manage. “It says we need to go into your 'top secret' base and find the bloody reason it's beeping and blinking.”

Jack looked at him with obvious concern. “I mean it. I will shoot you without even blinking.”

“Always such a kinky bastard,” John smirked, walking toward the Tourist Entrance. “Well, you coming?”

Jack sighed and followed him, taking out the key and letting the two of them into the office. “Let's get this over with.” He led John through the maze that was the back passage way to the Hub proper. When they reached the main floor, Jack noticed that the device was 'boop'ing a little faster. “Is that a good sign?”

“The best. It means you were wrong.” Another of those smiles that infuriated and thrilled Jack at the same time was on his face.

“Yeah, well, let's get this over with so that you can be on your way.” Jack slung his coat over the rolling chair that Ianto usually sat in. “Follow me to the vaults.”

“So forceful.”

“Warning one.”

John quirked an eyebrow. “After three, do I get sent to your office?”

"Warning two.”

John seemed to be considering what his next move would be as Jack ignored him and started to walk towards the vaults. “Hey! Wait up!” He had to hurry to keep up with Jack's brisk walk. “I know you want to get me out of here as soon as possible, but you should know as well as I do that in order to get accurate readings on any equipment, you have to give it time to work.” Jack turned to glare at him. “I mean, you know that - right?”

Jack stopped - leaning against the wall, his arms crossed - to regard the man before him. The last time they had parted, John had seemed genuinely sorry, but Jack couldn't even be sure that this John was one that knew about the loss of his team members. “John, tell me what you know.”

“Oh, like that is going to work.” John smiled down at the device, noting that the beeping rhythm had not changed. “You have to be trickier about it. Used to be a time when you knew how to do this, Jack, maybe you should...”

Jack had had enough. “Listen, Jonalm...” He paused for a reaction, which was nothing short of what he expected.

John's eyes flared dangerous for a moment before he got control of himself. “I haven't heard that name in years.” Jack smiled, knowing he had gotten the upper hand. “You shouldn't look so smug though, Jagan...”

Jack lost the upper hand as quickly as he had gained it. His face betrayed him as he held in the growl that he wanted to use on the man before him. John could tell that he had gotten to Jack more than Jack had gotten to him. “Don't you ever...”

“Oh, is Daddy Jack still on the 'do as I say, not as I do' kick?”

Jack's face flushed for a moment with the thought that John knew about Henry; there was no way. He and Ianto hadn't even had the boy for a full day yet - even Hart wasn't that good.

"Now, if you would so kindly show me the areas where you keep all your 'visitors', then I can do my job.” John looked down at the device, which had been making noise the whole time, he supposed, though he hadn't realized it until now.

Jack pushed away from the wall, still more than a little angry. “Let's get this over with.” He led him first to the holding cells, which yielded nothing more than a slower rhythm, something that John took as an invitation to dance. Jack was less than amused. “You can stop that now.”

“Thought you fancied a good dance, Captain.” He sambaed closer to the taller man. “We have plenty of time.” He was dangerously close to Jack now. “I mean, really, I am practically capable of inventing time...”

“Touch me and you go straight to warning four.” Jack informed him, no trace of smile on his face. “And there are only three to be had.”

John shrugged and moved back slightly. “Tough room today. Have it your way, though. Lead on.” Jack stepped in front of him. “Know how you like to lead...”

Jack ignored him and went back up the stairs to the morgue, trying not to shiver thinking about everyone that was encased within the walls. People he had loved mixed in with people he himself had killed - all of them sharing the fact that they were property of Torchwood. They both listened as the machine began to beep faster. John moved up and down the rows, holding the hand-held machine higher and lower until both lights flashed on and the 'boop' became a steady tone.

“Found it.” John switched the device off and leaned against the row of drawers, his hand on the handle of the one that had been chosen.

Jack shot forward and batted John's hand away. “Don't touch that drawer; don't ever touch that drawer!”

John held Jack's hand in his, idly rubbing his thumb over the back of that hand. Jack didn't seem to notice as he didn't react other than to grip the hand tighter. “Strong feelings about it then?”

Jack searched John's face for some bit of recognition. “What is the last you remember about me - about this place?”

John looked at the floor, almost looking like he was really sorry. “When I was here last...I tried to stop him, I did! I was too late. I never wanted to...” He lifted his head, a sad smile on his face. “Jack...”

Aware that he was now rubbing the back of John's hand soothingly, Jack put on his own thin smile. “I forgive you.” He reached up with his other hand and ran it through John's short hair before kissing him on the cheek.

John seized the opportunity and tried to twist his head for more, but Jack lightly shoved him away. “Worth a try,” John shrugged.

Jack only stared at him. “What did the...ah...'person' in this drawer do?” Jack felt the number on the outside, tracing the curves of the '3' over and over.

John shook his head. “Not sure.” He watched Jack's hand. “The prisoner was tried in his absence. All I was told was that I was to collect said prisoner.”

“You don't know what the crime was?” Jack was protecting the drawer with his body now.

“Jack, we both know who is in this drawer. Are you going to make this easy or hard?” He chuckled an aside. “Never thought I would have to say that...” John cleared his throat and continued. “The Provisional Syndicate of Suns sent me - I have to.”

“I suppose.” Jack stepped back and drew the drawer open, trying not to look at the face inside the cryo-freezer. “I'll help you get him ready.”

John wanted nothing more than to draw his former partner into a hug, but the standoffish pose that Jack was striking held him back. He looked down and into the box as he opened the door. “Jack, if there was any way...”

“Don't,” Jack warned him, pushing a gurney that was nearby over to put the body on. “We need to unfreeze him and prepare him for the trip.” His tone was professional, and he allowed John to help him left the soon-to-be prisoner onto the awaiting gurney.

They pushed him to the medical bay without a word, only stolen glances that spoke volumes. Jack wanted to trust John, and John was more than willing to give him reason to trust, that was why he had asked for this job in the first place. He knew that if he could get into Torchwood, to see Jack, that he could find a way to make the man that he once fell in love with trust him. And here he was, everything going according to plan.

“Help me here.” Jack pointed to the body. “I need to get him hooked up to some liquids, rehydrate him. But before I do that, I am going to have to put restraints on him.” He scrubbed at his face with both hands. “I didn't ever think I was going to be doing this...”

John stopped him with a hand to the chest. “Jack, slow down. You can talk me through it. Just like the old days.”

Jack's eyes met his for one more moment before turning to hand him the restraints. “Just make sure he can't get to his...” Jack stopped and gripped the wrist nearest him. “How the hell did he get this?!?!” He held the arm up for John to see.

John bit hip lip and looked down at the floor. “He...uh...well, you see...”

“Out with it!” The soft tone he had been using was replaced by a sharp bark that echoed in the tiny bay.


Jack's eyes bugged out of his head and he slammed his fists down, not caring that they were on the body in front of him. “HE WHAT?!?!?”

John held his hands out in surrender. “He was a Time Agent. That's how he got in this mess in the first place.”

“And no one thought to tell me?”

“We tried. Four of us - don't you remember?” John was worried. He could remember clearly the day they had contacted Jack. “It was shortly after Marcus died and you were offworld...” He looked at Jack's face, but found nothing there to indicate that he did. “Really? You don't...oh.”

Jack turned away, unable to look at John anymore. “Are you going to help me with this?” He took the Vortex Manipulator and handed it to John. “You'll need this.”

“You did have memories erased! I thought it was just a story!” He caught the wrist strap and put it in his pocket.

Jack gave him an acidic look and growled. “Just put the damn restraints on; I'll start the drips. Then you can get out of here. And, so you know, I don't expect to see you around here ever again. I mean it. You have taken enough from me. Give me some peace.” With that, he helped John make sure the patient was secure and began the revival process. Then he left the room, finding that John was following him again. “What?”

“Listen, if I had known...” John started, leaning on the nearest desk, crossing his ankles.

Jack suddenly lunged forward, poking at John with one finger. “If you had known, what would you have done?” Jack fell back, his hands in his hair. “Jesus! I should have known!”

John moved to stand at Jack's shoulders, gently rubbing them. “There was nothing you could have done. I tried.” Jack groaned into the sensation; John rubbed harder. “Look where it got me.” He laughed, finding the situation grimly funny. “I ended up bullying the one person I had really ever loved.”

Jack turned to look at John and found something he hadn't seen in a long time. Suddenly, the air was too cloudy for him to even think. He found himself unable to turn away, even though he knew that he should. He knew that what he was about to do could very well end the most wonderful thing he had going in his life, but he couldn't care. Nothing mattered. Nothing but John Hart and Jack Harkness and the way they were now kissing - with fire and need and...

“JACK!” The voice was shrill.

John grabbed Jack back when he tried to turn from him - or at least he tried. Jack spun to face Gwen, whose mouth was hanging in shock, her eyes wide. He shook his head in confusion before turning back to growl at John, whose only reply was to shrug and look away. “Just wait for me in my office!” He yelled at John, pointing him in that direction. “You can take the prisoner when he's ready!” He turned back to address Gwen. “And you - sorry you had to see that.” He composed himself for a moment. “Could you be a doll and get us coffees? Ianto won't be in today.” He flashed a quick smile at her.

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, I can do. Be back in about,” she looked at her watch. “Fifteen.”

“Make it thirty,” Jack informed her as he started up to his office.

ianto jones, year of the cat, fan fiction, jack harkness

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