Christmas With the Jones - Chapter 13 - Conclusion

Jan 26, 2009 14:29

Title: Christmas With the Jones - Chapter 13
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Genre: pure fun
Summary: The Adventures of Jack's Wii.
Disclaimer: I soooo don't own the two main characters, but, by some weird twist of fate, I own Ianto's family. Not that I wouldn't share if asked...
Author’s Notes: So, here it is - the last chapter. But don't cry, there is more to be had. The next story - “Year of the Cat” is almost ready to go. Thinking about a chapter a week right now. Anyway, enjoy! (Oh, and, Patelyne - here is some angry!Yan for ya!)

“What's this, then?” Owen threw his coat on the couch as he looked at the projector screen Jack had set up. “A slide show of you and the Teaboy on holiday?”

“No, it isn't.” Ianto narrowed his eyes at the medic as he fell on the couch. “Jack got a Wii for Christmas from my brother.”

“Do you have a black eye?” Gwen came over to Ianto.

“Don't wanna talk about it...” The Welshman grumbled, taking a drink of the beer he was holding.

“Rough night in?” Owen asked.

“Don't wanna talk 'bout it, I said.” If looks could have killed, Owen would have dropped.

“Who wants a game?” Jack clapped his hands together as he came down from the conference room. “Owen? Tosh?”

“What games do you have?” Gwen asked, stashing her things at her desk.

“Well, he bloody well has Wii Sports...” Ianto grumbled.

“I said I was sorry.” Jack looked down at the man. “How many times do I have to apologize?”

Ianto just shot him an icy glare and took another drink, his eyes never moving from the man.

“I'll bowl a game with you,” Gwen offered, picking up the Wii-mote.

“You know I hate to wear the wrist strap,” Jack offered up as an apology, before taking Gwen up on her offer.

“I believe your term was 'sissified wrist strap'...”

“Yan,” he turned back to him. “I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to slip.”

“Of course not, how could you? Not like they warn you about it on a separate screen or anything.” Sarcasm was one of Ianto's many fluencies. “Gwen, stand back when he throws the ball.”

“The mystery is solved!” Owen exclaimed, falling on the couch beside Ianto. “You want me to look at that?”


“Fine, then, you can pout in pain.” He tugged on Gwen's pant leg. “Set me up. I'll play a frame.”

“How about you, Tosh?” Jack was putting in the players he had created earlier for each team member.

“I'm not really good with bowling.” She looked up from her computer screen. “I'll sit this one out, if you don't mind.”

“Right.” Jack put himself, Gwen, and Owen in and they bowled a few rounds, Gwen always making sure that Jack had the strap on, as Ianto was sitting right behind him and she didn't think that he needed the other eye blacked.

“If Gwen makes this spare, it will be a miracle!” Ianto observed. “7-10 split is hard to pick up.”

“Oh, hush you.” She batted back at him, but, despite all her care in making sure Jack had his secure, she hadn't put her safety strap on yet.

Ianto watched as the controller came at him in what seemed like slow motion and he could do nothing to dodge it. It struck him in the other eye with as much force, if not more, than the other one had earlier in the day. “Bloody wank!” He clutched his eye.

Jack leapt over the coffee table and was on him in seconds. Owen was trying to pry Ianto's hand from his eye. Gwen stood covering her mouth in horror.

“What happened?” Tosh asked, raising her head from whatever she was working on.

“That devil machine attacked me! Again!” Ianto was kicking at anyone who tried to get near him.

“Dammit! Ianto, let me look at it.” Owen pulled his hand roughly away to see it was already starting to bruise. “You got lucky twice. It didn't get your actual eye at all, did it?”

“Leave me alone, Owen,” Ianto shrugged him off.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked bending to look at him. “Do you want ice for it?”

“I have something better.” Tosh was coming back from the small refrigerator she kept near her desk with something in her hand. She pressed it to Ianto's face and he sighed. “There.”

“Thank you.” Ianto cooed. “You alone are my real friend.”

“Oi! I was going to help you!” Owen looked over at Ianto for the first time. “But, you know, I think Zorro can do his own battles...”

“Enough,” Tosh smacked at Owen. “It makes sense - both his eyes needed it. Besides, it will reduce the bags under his eyes.”

“Hey!” Ianto corrected.

“Don't act like you don't have them. Why do you think I keep that in there?” Tosh hugged him and secured the mask in the back so he could move his head around. “Now, I think I do want to play,Jack.”

“I think this game is over anyway.” Jack looked to his colleagues for a nod, which he got. “What do you want to play?”

“Boxing.” She held her chin up proudly.

“Are you sure, Tosh?” Ianto asked from where he was now reclined. “That's how this whole thing started.”

“You were boxing with Jack?” Gwen sounded shocked.

“Don't sound so surprised. It's a great workout.” Jack told them. “I'll go if you will.”

“I'll take that challenge.” Tosh took the other Wii-mote in hand and made a big show of tightening it.

“I got fifty on the plucky one.” Ianto called, eyes closed.

“I'll take that,” Owen countered.

“Hey! No bets!” Jack turned around and showed them he was also tightening the wrist strap.

Tosh and Jack were near the end of the game when Tosh landed a particularly good punch that K.O.'ed Jack. She smiled at him and he went to bow to her. Somehow, it went wrong and she ended up actually punching him. With the hand holding the controller.

“Son of a-” Jack yelled, grabbing his own eye.

Ianto fell into the couch and almost burst a gut laughing. “Looks like you'll need this, sir.” He took the cooling mask off and pressed it to Jack's face.

“I'm sorry,” Tosh said through what almost sounded like giggles.

“THAT'S IT!” Jack yelled, yanking the console from the table and pushing it roughly into Ianto's lap. “Lock this thing in the secure archives! It's now considered alien tech!”

“You owe me fifty, Owen,” he declared with a smirk as he stood and went to Jack's office to do as he was told. He placed it in it's own box and locked it away for future Torchwood teams to find. But not before he smiled and muttered, “Obscene Machine.”

ianto jones, jack harkness, xmas fic

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