Christmas With the Jones - Part 10b

Dec 25, 2008 21:57

Sorry about this being so late - expect Christmas day and the exchanging of gifts tomorrow. Honest.

Title: Christmas Eve - part b
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Genre: pure fun
Summary: …later that night
Disclaimer: I soooo don't own the two main characters, but, by some weird twist of fate, I own Ianto's family. Not that I wouldn't share if asked...
Author’s Notes: Presenting the second part of Christmas Eve. Christmas will either be later tonight or tomorrow.

”And this was the year Ianto gave Delwyn a black eye…” Glenda pointed to a picture in the album she held in her lap. “Do you remember that year, Ifan?”

Mr. Jones grunted as he read the magazine in front of him and sipped the eggnog in his hand. Ianto raised his own mug to his father in agreement.

“And here’s the year that Del and Ianto gave each other black eyes…” Gwen, who was perched on the arm of the couch, her arm around Jack, pointed out.

Jack bent to look closer, “Do they always fight?”

“For as long as I can remember - yes,” Myfanwy clinked glasses with Ianto.

“I’ll drink to that,” Ianto agreed.

“You’re drinking to everything,” Gwen observed. “You might want to slow that down.” She frowned.

“Lay off,” Del stuck up for his brother, raising his own glass to him.

“Here, here!” Ianto raised his glass, as did his father.

“Jack, do you want some eggnog before this lot drinks it all?” Glenda went to stand, but Jack stopped her. “That’s all right.”

“Jack doesn’t drink, Mam,” Ianto waved his glass around, leaning as close to her as he could, which was awfully close. “It makes him lose his inhibitions,” he giggled out in a breathy stage whisper.

“Ianto, that may be enough for you,” Jack said, leaning across Mrs. Jones.

The man let his head roll back to face Jack, smiling broadly. “Nah,” Ianto got to his feet. “I can still sing!”

Jack went to stand, but Gwen pushed him back into the couch. “No, this is going to be good. Ianto rarely sings.”

Sitting back down, Jack’s mouth was a hard line. He’d seen Ianto a little tipsy before, but this was far past that.

With a flourish, Ianto threw his head back and began to sing tunelessly. “I’m a little teaboy, short and stout - but not really that stout, so please don’t pout…” He was miming the words as he went, causing Jack to cover his face in shame for his boyfriend.

Del stood up to join his little brother as Ianto continued to sing, not anything near the real song. No one could keep Jack in his seat this time.

“Look, Yan, maybe it’s time to go and lie down for a bit, sleep it off…”

Ianto turned to see Jack in his haze and wrapped his fingers around the captain’s suspenders. “And kill the buzz? No way - I would rather just go to bed; no sleep.” He bit his lip and pulled Jack closer, but Jack turned his head when Ianto went to kiss him.

“Yan, how many fingers do you see?” Jack held two fingers up.

Ianto grinned impossibly, “Jackie, I see all the fingers I look at,” a statement which ended in more giggles.

“That’s my baby brother - the lightweight.” Del held his glass in a toast, not meaning anything by it.

Ianto suddenly turned, “You wanna go?”

Del held up his hands in surrender. “ Yan, it’s fine, I didn’t mean anything..”

Ianto’s eyes flashed dark. “No, Del, let’s do this. Let’s do it right. That little fight with the mop and broom? That was just the first round!” He was getting closer to Del with every word he spoke.

“Yan, don’t.” Jack warned, a slight growl in his voice, his muscles tensed to separate them.

“No grab-assing near the tree, boys!” Glenda warned, sternly, her focus mainly on the photo album.

“This isn’t grab-assing, Mam,” Ianto assured her, pushing the sleeves to his shirt up to his elbows. “We’re finishing something we should have years ago.” His eyes never moved from Del. “You ready for this?” Ianto made the drunken hand motions for fighting.

“Ianto Andras, Delwyn Robert - you heard your mother,” Ifan spoke up, finally putting his magazine aside. “She said to calm it down.”

“What she said was ‘no grab-assing’, Tad,” Ianto argued. “This is not ‘grab-assing’ - this is a beat down - or it will be, once I get my hands on him.”

“Ianto.” Tad rose from the chair and there was a sudden stillness in the air. Any sane, sober man would have stopped right there. But Ianto was neither at that moment.

“Truce,” Del said. “You win. Always. I concede.” He backed away as Ianto advanced on him.

A cruel chuckle rose from somewhere in Ianto that made Jack shiver. “Yan, sweetie - come on.” Jack tugged on his arm and was shrugged aside. “Ianto!”

He couldn’t even hear Jack as he flexed his hands. He was thinking of one thing only. Del. Somehow, right now, to Ianto, Del was everything bad that had happened to him. And Ianto aimed to take care of that once and for all. He drew his fist back and swung.

Del anticipated it and did the same. What they did not anticipate was that Jack was going to try to break up the fight.

Jack was caught in the middle of the two brothers, both of them fighting like it was a life-or-death showdown. Fist after fist crashed down on Jack before anyone realized what was happening. The twins were hiding behind the couch squealing and begging their father to stop the fight. Glenda was hitting at Del and Ianto alternately with a rolled up magazine Ifan handed her.

“IANTO!” Jack managed to grab the collar of the shirt he was wearing and swung him wide, away from the possibility of hurting anyone else.

Ianto blinked, seeing for the first time that Jack was covered in his own blood. He looked to his knuckles to see the same and began to sob.

“THAT’S IT!” Glenda grabbed Del in one fist and Ianto in the other. “CORNERS!!!”

Both boys looked at one another and then her for a moment before running to the corners they had been forced to stand in as children, not daring to move now any more than they had back then.

“YOU!” Glenda was on a roll. “Into the bathroom so I can clean all that up.” Jack looked blankly at her as he gingerly touched his face to access the damage. “NOW! HOP TO!”

Jack felt his legs moving before he could say anything to his brain. He found himself, moments later, seated on the edge of the bathtub as Glenda Jones dabbed at his face with a cool cloth. “Thanks, but, you don’t have to do that.” He knew he couldn’t explain why and that she would be a witness to it firsthand in a moment, just as her son had been.

“Shut up.” She slapped him on the arm, making him wince. “No more talking from you. I do the talking here.” Jack clamped his mouth shut. “Now, I know that you saw something up in the attic that you shouldn’t have. I said shut up. Ifan talks to me. It may not seem like we do a lot of that, but I am sure you are aware that we Jones can carry on for days with nothing but looks.” She allowed Jack a snorting laugh before continuing, “I know that you saw a UNIT cap, and the two of you more than likely saw the pictures. Don’t smile at me like that, Captain Jack Harkness, man of immortality; and don’t look so shocked.”

“How did you…Ifan told you?” He tried to hold it in, but the words fell out.

“He didn’t need to. I had higher clearance than him.” She smiled. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

For a brief moment, Jack was worried. Was this sweet woman - the mother of the love of his life - a woman he had screwed over in the past? But no, that didn’t fit at all. He would have remembered someone as striking as she had been in her youth. Then it hit him. “You - I know who you are.”

“Hello, Jackie.” She waved playfully at him before snapping back into interrogator mode. “Now, I know you and Ifan had ‘the talk’, but whatever he said, goes double for me. And if you intend to break that boy’s heart like you did so may of my colleagues’, you are in for a world of hurt. But you remember that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Jack looked at the tile floor to compose himself before looking up, his trademark smirk on his face. “You were the best strong-arm UNIT had back in the day. No one assumed that someone as delicate-looking and unassuming as you could bite the head off a live bear.”

“Thanks for the compliment, Jack, but I meant what I said.” She was serious. “Now let’s get back out there and see the damage, shall we?”

“Can I just say one more thing?” Jack stood and looked himself in the mirror.

“Go ahead,” she allowed.

“If your son is anything like you, perhaps I should better guard myself.”

“Sweetheart, you better pray my son is exactly like me. Even with your ability, someone has to save your ass.” She smiled as she left him looking in the mirror, shouting down the hallway. “Everyone get to bed! I don’t care if you are to blame or not! Father Christmas won’t come - hell, he might not anyway!”

Jack watched his face as the bruises went back from where they started. This was supposed to be a simple holiday. But,he reflected, when was anything around him simple?

ianto jones, jack harkness, xmas fic

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