Baking With Mam

Dec 15, 2008 20:03

Okay - sorry about the delay, but I had like a bunch of crap going on. So, without further ado, here is the next installment of the Jones Family Christmas.

Title: Baking with Mam
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Genre: pure fun
Summary: Baking cookies can't go badly, right?
Disclaimer: I soooo don't own the two main characters, but, by some weird twist of fate, I own Ianto's family. Not that I wouldn't share if asked...
Author’s Notes: Based on a suggestion from thrace_adams!

“What do you mean you didn't know?” Del walked up to where Ianto stood. “How could you not know?”

“You never said anything.” Ianto told him. “I doubt she even knew.”

“But I did. I loved her, Yan. And she only looked at you.” His voice was one of a pleading child, his eyes pitiful.

“Del, be fair. I said I didn't know.” Ianto pushed Jack back a bit. He wanted Delwyn to know he could fight his own battles.

“If you had known, would you have still gone out with her?”

Ianto closed his eyes. Becca Dunham. She was his first kiss. Knowing it would kill his brother, he answered the only way he could. “No.” Liar.

“Thanks, little brother.” And something remarkable happened. Del hugged Ianto. Without trying to get him in a headlock, without trying to squeeze him - nothing like that. It was genuine.

“Yeah, big brother, anytime.” He fought back tears. He couldn't remember ever feeling like this. He chanced a look over at his mother, who was crying, her hands on her cheeks. “Mam,” he whispered to Del and they let go of one another to embrace her.

“Well,” she dusted herself off after the hug and, wiping her hands on her apron, turned to everyone. “Now that that is out of the way, how about we finish breakfast and get to those cookies?”

“Good idea,” Del said, slinging his arm around Ianto as they walked back into the house.

Glenda watched as Jack wordlessly picked up the mop and broom and walked in after them, placing them back in their places and taking his seat quietly. The girls were already there and chattering excitedly. Jack ate the food piled in front of him, lost in thought.

“So you say Becca is getting married?” Myfanwy chatted across Jack to her sister. “When?”

“In about two months,” Gwen gossiped back. “To that icky man she met at Uni.”

“Do we have to talk about this now?” Delwyn asked, shoveling food into his mouth.

“I hear she's up the duff...” Myfanwy added conspiratorially.

“Myfanwy!” Ianto yelped. “Not at the table.”

“Might have been.” She responded with a smirk very like the sly one that Ianto used. Jack noticed and smiled to himself.

“Young lady!” Glenda was shocked.

“Sorry, forgot myself.” But Myfanwy wasn't, it was clear from the chuckle.

“But she is getting married.” Ianto whispered, thinking aloud.

“Her mother must be so proud.” Mrs. Jones added. “Didn't her older brother get married last year?”

“Yeah,” Gwen answered. “They are expecting their first - I heard it was twins!”

“You two are such gossips,” Delwyn observed, “Don't go giving Mam any ideas.”

“And what is that supposed to mean, young man?” She came out of the pantry, her arms full of the ingredients for the cookies they would be making next.

“Nothing.” He looked at his plate.

“What is wrong with a mother thinking about her children getting married?” She came and stood beside the table, surveying it, hands on her hips. “There are four of you and no one has managed to do that for me yet.” She cast a soft eye at Ianto, who looked sad for a moment, and then it passed. “And don't think you're off the hook, Jack Harkness.” She met his eyes when he looked up. “Now that you are a part of the family, I expect the same from you. Surely you have a someone special...”

Jack choked on the bite in his mouth and tried not to look at Ianto. “Yes, I do.”

“Then, you bring her around. Make sure Tad and I approve.” She nodded, not giving him any other choice in the matter.

Jack had to hold back a laugh as he answered her. “I'll do that, but I'm sure you'll approve just fine.”

“Good boy.” She patted his head. Jack held in the laugh at the horror that was spreading across Ianto's face. “Now you finish up and, after we get this kitchen clean, we'll be baking the family recipe cookies.”

The only sound was one of chewing. There was no better treat than Jones Family Cookies, fresh and hot from the oven. In time, they all finished and there was a moment of cleaning off the table and washing the dishes.

“Delwyn, be a dear and get out the measuring cups. Jack, wash your hands. Gwen, Myfanwy, you can...oh, I forgot. Yan, be a darling and run next door to Mrs. Lloyd's, she said she'd let me borrow her cookie sheets.”

“Sure.” Ianto pulled on his jacket and walked out, still in his dirty pajamas, feeling a little left out as he heard Jack's distinctive laugh even as he was closing the door. It was a quick trip to the neighbor's house, and when she opened the door, she knew what he had come for and invited him in. He hadn't been in the house since the young couple bought it; the last time was when Old Mrs. Jones (no relation)
had needed someone to feed her cats while she was away. Now, it was a young couple with three small girls who lived there, and they all tumbled out to see the stranger who had been at the door.

“Who's that man, mummy?” The smallest one asked, her hair catching the sunlight.

“He's Mrs. Jones' son, MacKenzie,” the young woman answered. “He came to get something for his mum.” She handed him the cookie sheets with a smile.

“But why is he dirty?” Another child asked.

“He was probably playing outside with his brother and sisters.” Mrs. Lloyd smiled at him for confirmation. “Right?”

“Uh, yeah,” Ianto looked down, shuffling his feet before smiling a tight-lipped smile at the little girls. “Got to get back before they start baking the cookies without me.” He waved and let himself be led to the door.

“If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. I'm Anna, by the way.” She reached out to touch his arm, a little too familiarly.

“No, this should be fine, thanks,” Ianto blushed and hurried back to his parent's house. Outside, he could hear Jack's laughter still, and paused to see if he could tell what it was about.

“Jack!” Del was calling rather loudly, and then that laugh, the one that always made Ianto weak in the knees, the one he thought only he heard. “Jack, look!”

Ianto opened the door to find Jack and Del cutting shapes in the dough as his mother pulled the first batch of cookies from the oven. “Did I miss anything?”

Jack smiled at him and held up an anatomically correct gingerbread man. Gasping, he snatched it from him and crumpled it before tossing the dough back on the counter. Delwyn and Jack collapsed into giggles on the floor, prompting the girls to turn from where they sat at the table, arranging all the things they would use to frost and decorate the finished product with.

“Jack!” Ianto scolded, pointing his finger. “Behave...”

“Relax, Ianto. We were just cutting cookies.” Del defended, recovering from laughter. “Mam, tell Yan to quit being mean!”

Glenda turned to the doorway. “Thank you, son! Go and see if your sisters need any help. This batch will be cool enough to start on in a minute.” She turned to Jack and Delwyn. “As for you two - if I have to break any more danglies off my little men, you are out of here. Be nice!” She waved her finger at them, prompting more laughter.

“If it's all the same, Mam, I'd like to talk to go and change.” Ianto set the pans on the counter and gave her a quick kiss before going to put something else on.

In his room, he closed the door and got out a pair of jeans and a rather plain tee, knowing that his family were not used to seeing him in the usual suits he wore. Jack was fitting in rather well, though. He had thought that it was going to be hard to get his family to accept him. But this was Jack, after all.
Ianto had yet to meet a being alive that Jack Harkness couldn't charm in some capacity. No longer mad at him, the Welshman went to check on his father before going back into the kitchen.

Ianto found him, bent over the sewing machine, watching as the thread magically appeared. “Tad,” he called softly, but not so softly his father didn't hear.

“Ianto.” Ifan looked up. “Come, sit.”

He did as he was told, not wanting to break the silence, but knowing that he would have to. “Tad, how have you been?”

“Good,” he didn't look up. “And you?”

“Fair,” Ianto didn't know what to say now that he had his father's attention. He wanted to tell him everything - about Torchwood and Lisa. But most of all, he wanted to tell him about Jack. “I've been good.”

“He's a good guy.” Ifan did look up, catching his son's eyes.

Ianto frowned, his forehead creasing. “Who is?”

“Ianto Andras Jones.”


Ifan Jones raised his eyebrow. “As if you don't know who I'd be talking about.” Ianto was speechless. “You boys and your secrets - you think I don't know?” Ianto's mouth moved wordlessly. “Just don't tell your Mam, she really wants grandkids...” He went back to sewing.

“If you knew, why didn't you say?”

“What could I say? Don't?” He looked up again. “If there's anything I taught you boys, it's to be true to what you are at all costs.”

“Yeah,” Ianto agreed.

“And I know things, Ianto. I'm not blind or deaf. I listen and I ask questions from the people who know.” Ifan straightened the sleeve he had finished and looked over to his son. “Think that will fit your Captain?”

“Looks about right.” Ianto smiled. He wondered why his father was still working on presents. His smile turned to a frown. “How did you know Jack was a Captain? We never said.”

“I know everything.” Mr. Jones smiled, “You should know that by now.” Ianto smiled with him. “Now get up there and help your Mam, I suspect that Jack and Delwyn are driving her crazy right about now.”

“Yes, Tad.” Ianto stood and watched as his father started on the other sleeve of the jacket he was making. “And thanks.”

“Go on,” Ifan said, closing the discussion.

Ianto waved and went back upstairs to see if he could help. Jack and Del were now at the table with Myfanwy and Gwen, decorating as Glenda put another batch of cookies in.

“Thank goodness! Ianto, be a dear and help me cut these out - those two are banned from it.” She motioned to Jack and Del, who smiled and waved to Ianto in unison.

“Sure,” Ianto couldn't help but notice that Jack was now covered in not only flour, but icing as well. He even had an edible ball bearing stuck to his chin. “That's my specialty - coming in for the cleanup...”

“What's that?” Glenda asked, putting cookies on the cooling rack to take over to the table.

“Nothing.” Ianto picked up the knife and cut out a star.

“Hey, Yan!” Jack called, “I made you a cookie!” He was waving around a sugar-man dressed in a suit, complete with pink shirt and tie and little edible ball-bearing buttons. “He looks like you!”

Jack was so proud of himself that Ianto had to laugh. “Yes, he does. Thanks, Jack.”

“Can I see?” Del asked, taking the cookie from Jack. “Not exactly. He should be shorter.” Del bit the legs off with one chomp. “That's better.”

Jack looked like he was going to cry.

“DEL!” Myfanwy and Gwen shrieked as they leapt on him.

Ianto shook his head. Once Del, always Del. “The thought is still there, Jack.” He reassured him. “And I liked it - very much.”

ianto jones, jack harkness, xmas fic

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