Fic. In Shades Of Black And White (1/1)

Sep 06, 2009 08:06

Authors Notes: A follow-up to Big Bad Handsome Man. Because doctorsdiva hinted for a sequel. And I wanted to fix things between these two, having made a bit of a hash of it. So this is the angsty, fluffy, sexy fix-it fic.

Now that this is finished, I can sleep... )

fic, fluff, nine, smut, rose, in shades of black and white, angst, fix-it

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Comments 28

kyrina September 6 2009, 07:34:05 UTC
*highly approves* Very hot and yet sweet. :D


tardismate September 6 2009, 07:37:19 UTC
Thanks hun...this has eaten my brain for the last two days...hence me missing the sexy-off. Actually was so engrossed in getting it down and making sure it fit properly and was right, that I forgot it was Friday!

*shakes head sadly*


kyrina September 6 2009, 07:39:17 UTC
I was wondering... and to be frank... a little concerned when you didn't show up.

Need me to post a picture or two to bring a little taste of the Sexy Off to you here?


tardismate September 6 2009, 07:42:26 UTC
Oh, bless you love *hugs*

Now how could I refuse an offer like that *grins*


honorh September 6 2009, 09:04:10 UTC
That was lovely. I like that she didn't just brush what he said aside, but acknowledged it and let him know she understood--and still forgave him. He needed that, not just an, "Oh, it's all right." And the sex was beautiful and sweet. They're kind of messed up, these two, but they're good together. Might even help each other get less messed-up. Thank you!


tardismate September 6 2009, 09:54:18 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad you liked this - if it wasn't for you, this probably would have festered away in my brain and never seen the light of day *hugs*

This is morphing into a series of it's own, charting the progress of their healing of each other. I've already got another of these brewing cos the plot bunnies just won't let go of these two *shrugs and smiles*

I also quite like them like this - makes them really interesting to write.

Thank you from the bottom of my brain *grins*


doctorsdiva September 6 2009, 09:38:57 UTC
Oh yes! Now that is tender Nine all messed up and hurting and only his Rose can mend him.

This was beautiful, poetic and sensual and very hot. *sighs happy diva sighs* Gorgeous.



tardismate September 6 2009, 09:55:59 UTC
Thank you love - it's the first time anything I've written has been labelled sensual and poetic and I'm liking that a lot. Must have been the lack of sleep *grins*


kynaii September 6 2009, 10:02:10 UTC
I don't see Big Bad Handsome Man on your masterfic list. I would like to read it too please!


tardismate September 6 2009, 10:33:49 UTC
Since my master fic list is dependent on the mods at teaspoon approving it, they obviously haven't got to it yet, so here's the link to my journal entry

Thanks for wanting to read it :D


tardisblue September 6 2009, 16:38:31 UTC
. His fingers trailed patterns across her damp flesh, and he smiled as he realised what he was doing. He could never say it out loud, but he traced his name over her heart, handing it to her for safe keeping.

I loved this little bit, so much.
*sighs happily*


tardismate September 6 2009, 17:49:14 UTC
Thanks hun - I did think I'd strayed a bit too far to the fluffy side with that bit, but Horny!Nine muse reckoned not...suppose if he says it's okay, then who am I to argue *shrugs*


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