
Oct 03, 2030 23:23

; inactive

I am no longer active on LJ, however all my public posts (icons etc) are still accessible.

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Comments 42

smudge_pot February 23 2008, 21:48:14 UTC
Want to friend me? I'm also from Ireland and we share a few interests. Plus. I've just become a Twilight fan :D


tardisdoll February 23 2008, 23:03:09 UTC
Totally! I love making new friends. Oh isn't Twilight just fabulous? I've added you, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you. =D


smudge_pot February 24 2008, 20:41:37 UTC
I'm totally hooked on the Twilight series now! I've just started New Moon.


t_a_n_g_o June 13 2008, 15:15:36 UTC
Hi we have a mutual friend elki308 and quite a few intrests in common; Doctor Who, Robin Hood, Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Indianna Jones...

Really love your FO banner!


tardisdoll June 14 2008, 20:17:13 UTC
Cool! *friends you* Looking forward to getting to know you. =]


charlie_the_ed August 7 2008, 06:51:57 UTC
is adoring doctor who count for having fandoms in common?


also charlie_the_ed August 7 2008, 07:00:19 UTC

love snow patrol/the killers/the fray
V for Vendetta/Donnie Darko/Indiana Jones/Disney Movies/Transformers/


Re: also tardisdoll August 7 2008, 12:55:06 UTC
Awesome! New friends are love! *friends you* =]


Re: also charlie_the_ed August 8 2008, 05:50:20 UTC
new friends are love aren't they?



honestly anyone who has the cutest lj name ever has to be quite fun.

any name with a positive connotation and the word Tardis is pretty fabulous as well.


(The comment has been removed)

tardisdoll August 8 2008, 15:02:51 UTC
Cool! New friends are love! And yeah coursework sucks lol. *friends you* =]


jaynem89 August 24 2008, 01:33:08 UTC
I think we have some fandoms in common. DW.A2A.LOM.Mock the Week....could be some more :D

Add me?



tardisdoll August 24 2008, 15:39:55 UTC
Sure, cool. New friends are love! *adds you* =]


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