Title: Upon the Brink
Series: Matchmaker
tardisblue Beta: The ever so wonderful
wildwinterwitch Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: T
Summary: The Doctor closed his eyes, tilting his head back. He had fallen. And he had fallen hard.
Author's Notes: A huge thank you to
wildwinterwitch for her support and superb beta-ing skills. A big thank you also goes out to
amberfocus and my significant other for
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Comments 23
And we will just have to wait and see about the Doctor!
Hee! This is so him.
I love reading the thoughts of the TARDIS, though I am wondering what a tin of biscuits has got to do with her plan.
I'm very much enjoying writing the Tardis as a character. And about the biscuits...I believe she got careless when she hid all the food from the Doctor (though she won't admit it and states she was only trying to help the Doctor with his "predicament").;D
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She is definitely one of the wonderfully determined and mischievous types!
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I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it all so much!
I also love when she meddles. Good old Tardis!
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