Completely unrelated to the rest of the post: I saw a gray fox on my walk this evening! So cool! And now back to your regularly scheduled fannish rambles.
I just rewatched Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. I was somewhat hoping I'd like these episodes better the second time around, but nope. It's still a collage of reused ideas that
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Comments 8
I really, really hope that Moffat doesn't try to bring her back.
I think you're doomed to disappointment there :(
To quote Ms. Song, SPOILERS! ;)
I'm trying to avoid almost all information and even informed speculation about the new series, partly because I like being surprised and partly because I want to live in hope about things like this for as long as possible.
I do like the idea that the Doctor finds someone to love again. I just didn't think the episodes made me believe that someone could be River Song. I disliked how her knowledge of his name seemed to privilege her above all other companions. Plus, I would have liked it if she hadn't recognized this incarnation of the Doctor, because I do suspect Ten is too fully built around Rose to romantically love anyone else (except maybe Jack) until he regenerates, which we know is soon.
What bugged me about her was the "trying too hard" aspect of the story, trying to put all that backstory and emotional weight into a character we've just met, and kind of failing. Also, DT and AK, while both fine actors, just didn't have the screen chemistry that would make me believe in their relationshipYes! I could have bought a character with extensive ( ... )
I'd heard about Moffat not knowing the circumstances under which Mickey ended up in the TARDIS, but I hadn't realized an RTD failure to communicate was an issue on his other episodes. I believe it though. Oh, RTD, you mad welshman.
(The comment has been removed)
Yep! River's specialness is too much tell, almost no show. Also, we get it exclusively from her word, leading us to wonder if she really is as important to the Doctor as she thinks she is.
There have been plenty of female one-offs who have come off fantastic (even in several Moff episodes- like Nancy) without the writing having to browbeat the viewers into it.Exactly! Nancy and Sally Sparrow were both terrific. I even rather liked Reinette, though I do enjoy shouting "French trollop!" at the screen during GitF, just for the heck of it. Mrs. Moore in Age of Steel/Rise of the Cybermen is another great example. Impossible Planet/Satan Pit featured a whole team of people who all managed to have a personality that we got to know in a natural-feeling manner. Jabe had only a few minutes of screen time and massive amounts of make up, but she still managed to have more chemistry with the Doctor and more ( ... )
For that matter, ask Harriet Jones and the Family of Blood if they don't consider Ten himself plenty dangerous -- which is what appears to be a major turn-on for River Song in her relationship with the future Doctor.
(And, reaching even farther back, I'll bet she would really have been impressed by Seven had she known him!)
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