One day they will return to this point, all the Ly-cilph that have ever lived. It will not happen while the primary star still burns; they will travel until the boundary of the universe contracts once more, following the galactic superclusters as they fall into the reborn dark mass at the centre, the cosmic egg regathering all it has lost. Then they will be back, congregating around the black star husk, sharing the knowledge they have brought, searching through it for that elusive ultimate understanding.
You won't like this, Woman. There ARE no books in here but various reference volumes (my Oxford and other dicitionaries, for example), so I picked the lightest to life book. It is a small paperback desk encyclopedia.
Page 23, line 5: "Lift occurs because the wing's upper surface is more convex, and therefor longer, than the lower surface."
Comments 4
The Reality Dysfunction by Peter Hamilton
Page 23, line 5: "Lift occurs because the wing's upper surface is more convex, and therefor longer, than the lower surface."
See, boring, boring, boring.
"Air must therefore travel faster past the upper surface than past the lower, which leads to reduced pressure above the wing. (See also windrunnel.)"
Now, don't you wish I had picked an interesting title...a book further down called "Talking Dirty"?
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