
Oct 09, 2007 16:09

Oh wow, never thought I'd EVER make a REAL LIFE post on here but the situation calls for it!! *waits for screams of horror to die off*

To everyone that's reading Two's Company, Three's a Crowd, please forgive me for the lack of updating these last few days. Totally my fault for holding back. . .but I also have to blame my friend Tawny. She's drawn ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 3

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tanzensiemit October 10 2007, 08:52:13 UTC
ZOMG CLINGAGE! *pitiful mew* . . . *coughs* Er, Hi thar. xD


wishmaster_kami October 10 2007, 19:50:12 UTC
Okay...first of...*squeeage to the max* Me and Fee(faerie_lullaby) were wondering when the hell we'd get to see him. *both are having an uncontrolable fan girl squee session*

*cough* Anyways, onto the rest of your post, that sounds like fun....o.O If you made one, you would have to inform me, for I would join, if I was welcome XD


tanzensiemit October 10 2007, 21:05:27 UTC
I know!! I've known about Speedle on the beach for a few days before Monday night's episode and I was going out of my mind between squeeing fits. OMGSPEED! And I was talking with my sister and her boyfriend (both huge fans, though Al - the BF - and I are the biggest out of the trip) and we were all speculating what the FUDGE is going on. We all think Eric is seeing things because of his head injury. But OMG just think of all the possibilities. *another squeefit*

And you'd be MORE than welcomed. =D I've got to work on a layout, set up rules, get a cast list of available chars going on, set up posting guidelines, and all that extra stuff that makes a RP journal good. xD Lots of work. . .PLUS writing chapters 8-10 to be posted by tomorrow at the lastest.

Man I feel like a slug.


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