Title: Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd (7/?)
Author: tansensitmit
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Eric/Ryan
Summery: Ryan loved his brother, he really did, but he was going to kill him if he tried to set him up on a date with one of his co-workers.
A/N: You might not get this reference now, but once you read down you will: undivided is SUPPOSE to be like
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Comments 12
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I like keeping things a little lighter between Eric and Ryan as well because, really, I'm none to pleased with how the writers of the show have basically used Ryan as the goat, where everything bad happens because of him, ya know. Im enjoying the fact that this new season there seems to be a little less tension between the two of them (Eric was so cute in the interrigation room!) though.
I think that was probably my favorite part. I just laughed and laughed, though maybe it's because whenever H is brought up all I can think of anymore is SuperCop lol
And the banter between the two at the end. So cute *g*
Eric and Ryan deserve a little cute time too! =D
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