So apparently we like to drop random fic-bombs in threads and comments everywhere, so here is an index of sorts for easy access. They’re mostly in the order that me and
pellucere wrote them in, as the actual chronological order would not make logical reading. I think we may be going slightly crazy from this.
Note: Some underlying spoilers for Victory of Eagles and the Reboot movie.
- [
link] McCoy rides in Inceptum’s belly-rigging. Sulu tries to be helpful.
- [
link]* Separate Spock and Uhura snippets
- [
link] Emily Roland meets Pavel Chekov
- [
link] The night before Kirk’s crew leaves for Australia
- [
link] What, exactly, is Lieutenant Spock?
- [
link]* JIM+BONES: and he will regret that his hip flask is not larger.
- [
link]* JIM AND BONES, AN ADVENTURE: “Pull me up, Scotty!”
- [
link] Jim cuts straps. Or, more specifically, Spock cuts Jim’s straps.
- [
link]* McCoy vs Koala
* Written by
pellucere <3
Links will be added if we happen to write anymore. Which is a very, very possible thing. We can't stop. Help.