My aunt's passing earlier this year, and the subsequent need to deal with her posessions put a few things into sharp relief for me. Besides having to deal with the vast extent of her packratting and hoarding, going through the unfinished projects was a sad business.
Reflections )
Comments 13
It's a timely reminder for me, too. I'm really good at starting projects...
And I think we all need a kick in the butt occasionally to remind us to go ahead and actually finish things, rather than leave a trail of unfinished projects.
I'm getting slowly better about finishing projects as I become more secure and confident, and I'm hoping to set myself attainable goals this year in sewing, crochet and knitting, and writing, along with upping my fitness levels. It seems to me that breaking it into concrete steps is the way I need to approach projects; otherwise, I become overwhelmed and paralysed by inactivity.
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece - I hope you'll post pictures.
BTW, I love the new LJ look.
I do have all the embroidery floss for the Jungle/Safari sampler for Dashiell (I'll take a picture and post that soon), I just need the cloth to embroider on, and I have two other patterns that came from a stack of my aunts things, along with the hand-dyed silk floss she'd already bought to make them. One is a Halloween Sampler, and another is a cat in a summery setting (not a realistic looking cat). Both pieces that appealed to me and suit me in a way.
Both of those were unstarted projects, and she probably picked up the patterns and the floss at a convention or maybe ordered online or something.
The Jungle sampler will be first, before Dashiell gets way too old, lol.
And thank you about the new layout. It's one from the Style Contest selection which I liked, called Fleur. I felt it was time for a change... just in time for the new
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They're priced like works of art too, the materials are quite expensive to purchase. But, I guess that's true of all hobbies and art really.
For now it's still back in Holland amongst several other items that need to be sent to me at some point. I have a couple of other, simpler, cross-stitch projects around that I can do, including a cute jungle sampler for Dashiell.
This is a good reminder for me too, on the yarn front. It's not that I don't finish projects, it's that I buy yarn for projects but then go and buy more yarn and more yarn, etc, and don't even start the other projects.Bad me.
In my aunt's case, I think she had enough materials for projects that she could have worked on full-time until she was at least 100 or so, no joke.
I'm sure everyone has stuff lying around for future projects, and there's nothing wrong with having stuff for the future, and several projects on the go, but sometimes you just have to watch that those two things don't get out of hand and that you just make sure you finish things in a rate that closely resembles the rate at which you acquire other things.
Organisational stuff is similar really... you need to make sure you get rid of a similar amount of crap as that which you accrue at any given time.
Ah... the new year, a time for kicking organising and cleaning in the butt, lol.
And yes, the new year is the time for that. :)
I like your new years resolution (life change). I think I will also try and adapt that to my life changes in 2007. Instead of pushing things aside I will finish them! :)
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