009. Coffee

Nov 13, 2009 20:45

Title: Coffee
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Ratings: G
Summary: Coffee is their middle ground, and that's where they start.

For the 100 suju fanfic challenge!

Donghae stares at the cup in his hands. He brings it closer to his nose, taking in a whiff of that heavenly aroma. He smiles, just a little, as he swirls the coffee and takes a sip. It's not that bad after all, he finds out, raising his eyebrows in surprise. He places the cup on the dining table, as he walks over to the fridge to find something to eat, to go along with the coffee.

Opening the fridge door, he takes a quick look inside, and something catches his eye. Hesitantly, he takes the thing that has captured his attention out, walks back to the dining table, and takes a seat. He places it beside his cup of coffee, and he stares at them. He cannot help but burst out into laughter, those two actually look rather good together. He grows silent after a while, contemplating.

He wonders if the other knew, that he switched from hot chocolate to coffee because of him. Just because of one single incident.

He wonders if the other knew, that the latter had pervaded into his life, slowly but surely, in ways that Donghae himself cannot explain.

Like how he will find himself standing beside the other, during interviews, concerts, or even just simple fan meetings. The way his hand will unconsciously wind around his, when they are bowing to the audience, simply thanking them for making their way here. The way he always hugs the other, even though he himself has once stated that he doesn't like doing skinship with guys. It's a really weird thing, but somehow this person has changed him in ways he never expect, and this person has made things that he once rejected outright, seem alright to him now.

And this person has brought more colour and light to his world, painting the vast skies blue and the lawns green, adding in that rainbow for good measure. Painting in a sea, painting in a jungle, and a place, where the two areas meet. It may seem impossible, but Donghae knows, that somehow, he has done it.


Eunhyuk stares into the fridge, wondering where his strawberry milk went to. He is sure that he just placed his newly-bought carton of milk into the fridge, and now it's missing. He frowns a little, straightens up and scratches his head. He walks over to the table and sits down heavily, puffing his cheeks out unknowingly. He switches his gaze to the table, and observes that there is a cup there, with the smell of coffee wafting from it.

Smiling to himself, Eunhyuk stands up and walks over to the kitchen counter, unscrewing the bottle of coffee beans and inhaling the aroma of coffee beans. He scoops some coffee powder out and adds hot water into the cup that he found on the table, swirling the cup gently. Coffee reminds him of something, or rather, more specifically, somebody.

He wonders if that somebody knows that coffee has become a substitute for his strawberry milk.

When he desperately seeks some comfort, and that somebody just magically disappears, as if he is too well-liked and is claimed by every single member in Super Junior every single time, he finds himself automatically making a cup of coffee, savouring the after taste in his mouth, even though the cup has been drained a long time ago. (Eunhyuk personally thinks that he is the member who has the least amount of time with the other, and he pouts at his thought.) It helps to keep him calm, and peaceful, a replacement for him, something that constantly reminds Eunhyuk of him. Even when the other is somewhere around the world, in China, or in Thailand, and not readily available beside Eunhyuk, a cup of coffee is what is all he needs, to remind him of them again, to cheer him up, just with those simple memories of them together.

He remembers the time he asked the other to try some of his strawberry milk, pushing the carton insistently in his face. He had taken a sip and made a face, declaring that his hot chocolate was much much nicer. And Eunhyuk doesn't mind, he knows everyone has their own preference and taste, so he sticks to his milk, and the other sticks to his chocolate. (But Eunhyuk knows that sometimes the other will order strawberry milk all of a sudden in some café. Eunhyuk knows, because he has just bought a magazine, which featured Super Junior-Mandarin on the front page. And they were doing that interview in this café. And a pink liquid that looks suspiciously like strawberry milk was placed directly in front of the other, so Eunhyuk just knows.)

But somehow, they find themselves reaching for the same bottle of coffee on that supermarket shelf, when Eeteuk ordered them to go and shop for groceries. They had stared at each other for some time, until Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow at the other. Both of them burst out into laughter, and Eunhyuk couldn’t help but draw out the hot chocolate powder that he had already placed in the shopping basket. The other had smiled, as he produced the carton of strawberry milk behind his back.

Since then, coffee has been the middle ground for strawberry milk and hot chocolate, a union of love for the drinks they personally prefer.

Eunhyuk smiles at the thought, and he drinks one mouthful of coffee, swirling the liquid in his mouth. He wonders if the other knows, and he wonders what the other feels, as well.


Donghae stands outside the kitchen, wondering if there is anyone in the kitchen, just because he doesn't want anyone to be in there when he discards that carton of strawberry milk in the rubbish bin. He leans over carefully, and there isn't a sound at all. He grins to himself, already congratulating himself for a job well done, and jumps into the kitchen.

He freezes, as he stares at the other person in the kitchen; and Eunhyuk freezes as well, as he stares back at Donghae.

Eunhyuk's gaze travels downwards to the undeniably pink strawberry milk packet in his hand, and Donghae quickly hides it behind his back, grinning sheepishly at the ground as he traces patterns on the ground with his foot. Eunhyuk finds a smile crawling up his face, until Donghae looks up and stares at the cup in his hands.

Eunhyuk blushes furiously, placing the cup behind his back as well, turning towards the kitchen counter as he fumbles for some non-existent spoon, which he doesn't know what he is going to do with it when he finds it. Donghae has recognized it at the first glance, well, after all, it is his cup. Eunhyuk starts tidying up the kitchen counter, putting the coffee powder in its rightful place, trying to distract himself from someone who is standing behind him.

Donghae bursts out into laughter, and Eunhyuk joins in, unable to deny the infectious laughter. Eunhyuk turns around and meets Donghae' gaze, while Donghae brings the carton in front of him, staring at it amusedly. Both of them shrug at the same time, as if to apologise for whatever they just did, although they know the other doesn't mind, or doesn't really care. (Or that is what Donghae thinks, when he drank Eunhyuk's strawberry milk without a single care in the world. Eunhyuk hasn't made up his mind whether to be furious, to cry or to laugh at Donghae.)

Donghae grins at the person before him, and draws out his wallet from his back pocket. He waves it slightly in front of the other's face, and Eunhyuk lights up with comprehension immediately.

"To the supermarket? Our coffee supply is running low…"

"To the supermarket." Donghae replies.

Eunhyuk smiles, as he takes the outstretched hand in front of him, and pulls the other out of their dormitory to the supermarket below them.

They are getting coffee, but they know, that they are getting more, their friendship turning into something much richer, and into something that seems much better, than just coffee, strawberry milk, or hot chocolate tasted singly.

Coffee is their middle ground, and that's where they start.


A/N: This fic is for eiarim unni! Because it is her birthday today!

Happy birthday to you!~

And I'm a little disappointed, because I took back my marks for my Mathematics paper today. And I missed...by 0.5 to a certain grade. Einji, if you want to know you can ask me personally. But I give myself a pat on my back, because average was an E, which is 45 to 50~, and 40% of the cohort failed =X And I actually didn't fail! ^^

Anyone noticed that the advertisement at the top and bottom of this livejournal has AN ALIEN IN IT??! Donghae!~

rating: g, length: woah it's a one-shot!, genre: fluff o.o, miracle_____ fanfic challenge~, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!

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