The reason to dance (Chapter 9)

Nov 13, 2009 20:43

Title: The reason to dance (9/?)
Pairing: Eunhae
Ratings: PG
Summary: Donghae and Eunhyuk are finally together, but the insecurities may pose as a severe threat to break them apart.

Donghae slumped into a chair, swiveling around in it with a wide grin lighting up his face. He was met with a raised eyebrow from Eunhyuk, and both of them burst out into laughter upon seeing each other's reactions. Eunhyuk lay down on his bed and stretched lazily, rubbing his stomach in satisfaction.

"Your mum's a great cook." Donghae stated simply, as he dragged the chair across Eunhyuk's room, to be closer to the bed.

"Yeah I know." Eunhyuk replied, leaving a single eye open to stare at Donghae, while he rolled over onto his side. He grinned back, happy to just have a simple meal with his loved ones. They had been together for nearly two months now, not that anyone else knew about it yet. They always tried to keep it low-profile, and none of the others really understood their relationship, although they had constantly guessed at it, making the both of them amused at how wrong the others can get.

"Hey. Did you hear the new rumours? You are following me around so much, because you simply adore my dancing skills and people think that you are trying to ask me, no, to beg me to teach you." Donghae exclaimed excitedly, puffing up his chest in an exaggerated manner.

"Liar." Eunhyuk exhaled, throwing a pillow at the guy right next to him, who quickly caught it and stuffed it back at him. "I dance way better, and that's a fact. And besides, you never ever dance in school before, or even before anyone else, except me." Eunhyuk raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah! So aren't you honoured?" Donghae teased, grabbing another pillow from the bed and started whacking Eunhyuk with it. Eunhyuk groaned as he twisted away from his cruel person, who seemed to be like a hyperactive child. He snuggled under the blankets and stuck a tongue out at Donghae, as he managed to evade the attacks successfully by creeping to the further end of the bed. Donghae narrowed his eyes slightly, before turning away to face the windows. The silence between them grew longer, as they wandered down their own paths in their minds.



"Your parents….do they know about us?" Donghae questioned, his voice soft, betraying the anxiety and fear in him. Eunhyuk propped himself up on an arm and stared at the back view of his chair. It seemed as if Donghae had been thinking about this question for some time, being so quiet at the dining table just now. Even the occasional snide comments made by his younger sister didn't seem to affect him much. Eunhyuk sighed, as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Nope." He breathed out, sensitive to whatever reaction Donghae would have.

"Do you….plan to tell them? Will they….accept? It's difficult for an only child to…." Donghae mumbled on further, rambling to himself, as he got even more absorbed. Eunhyuk quickly scrambled towards the chair and turned it around, lifting Donghae's gaze to meet his. Donghae's eyes gazed back, a little wary, yet a little frightened, as if he did not know whether to accept a gift that was pushed towards him.

"Donghae." Eunhyuk stated, moving over slightly on his bed to make space on his bed. He sighed, as Donghae remained motionlessly on the chair, staring into blank space. However, his fingers betrayed him, as Donghae kept on rubbing them together, a sign that Eunhyuk easily recognized, signaling that something was wrong. Reaching over once again, he grabbed Donghae's sleeve and dragged him onto the bed beside him, tucking him into the blankets as well.

"Donghae. Stop. Stop. You are scaring yourself. Stop thinking about that. For now." Eunhyuk whispered softly into Donghae's ear, trying to convince Donghae. He placed his hands behind his head, wondering if he was trying to persuade himself as well. His mother was definitely not a problem, but he was not that sure, in the case of his father. Eunhyuk was definitely expected to have a normal family and have an heir to their inheritance. Sighing again, he looked at the figure next to him, who was still facing away.

"Donghae…." Eunhyuk murmured, worried at the lack of response. He leaned over slightly to look at Donghae in the eye, but the other buried his whole face into pillow he was clutching. Eunhyuk widened his eyes, and proceeded to snatch his pillow back from the arms of the other. "Donghae, look at me, please." Eunhyuk pleaded, after figuring that he was not going to get any response at all.

"Eunhyuk…." Donghae mumbled into the pillow, before turning his face away to look at Eunhyuk straight in the eye. "My parents…..I don't dare to tell them at all…..I don't know what they will feel, or even do. I used to have a girlfriend, but I like boys better? How do I even break it to them? I…."

Eunhyuk leaned over and hugged Donghae tightly, burying his own face into the pillow Donghae was holding onto. He did not want to face the reality as well, or the possibility that they may have to separate. Donghae hesitantly wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk as well, as they sought comfort from each other.

Donghae sighed softly to himself. He wanted time to stop forever, at this instant. At least, at this very moment, there were no 'others' in their minds, no obligations to think of, no duties to fulfill, no responsibilities to carry, no one to let down.

A knock on the door made the both of them jump apart, and Eunhyuk hurriedly stood up, tidying his hair a little as he walked over to the closed door. Opening it, he saw Yuri standing outside, and he gave his sister a sheepish smile. Yuri glanced back into the room, where Donghae was sitting upright on the bed, waving slightly. A smile playing at the corners of her lips, she leaned forward to whisper into her brother's ears.

"Umma was standing outside your door just now. I bet she was eavesdropping." Yuri smirked slightly, noticing the horrified expression that slowly crept across Eunhyuk's features. Yuri patted her brother on the shoulder. "Don't worry, umma already knows. All females are sensitive, just like that. As for Appa, we will not tell him yet, until you feel that it is the correct time to do." She finished with a knowing smile, backing slightly away from the door.

"Oh yes, this plate of fruits! Umma says to finish them, and let Donghae have some too!" Yuri pushed a plate into Eunhyuk's stunned hands, before slamming the door close on her brother. She chuckled slightly behind the door, before skipping away lightly back to her own room. She knew her mum definitely could tell that there was something on between her brother and Donghae, more than just friends, by the way they just look at each other, at times. It could be rather frightening, seeing how her mother connected everything instantly.

Eunhyuk turned around, placing the platter on his table as he grabbed an apple to munch on. His sister was just plain bubbly, and he couldn't help but smile at her antics. He offered a piece to Donghae, who seemed to have frozen on the bed, with no intention of moving at all. Eunhyuk's mind whirled quickly, guessing directly at the cause of this déjà vu scene.

"Donghae. My mum…she's fine with it. I assure you. If she wasn't, she would have probably kicked you out of the house the very moment she knew." Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulders lightly, trying his best to make light of the situation, as Donghae turned to face him with an incredulous look plastered on his face.

"What!" He yelped, as he grabbed Eunhyuk by his shoulders and started shaking him back and forth. Eunhyuk quickly swallowed the slice of apple and gently slapped Donghae's hands away, a snort escaping from his lips. Donghae pouted at the trembling figure in front of him, who was helplessly laughing till he was clutching his sides in pain. Aiming a kick at Eunhyuk's shins, he grabbed a piece of apples and stuffed it right back into Eunhyuk's mouth. Donghae then turned away, triumphant.

The moment of silence that followed got Donghae's attention, as he warily turned back around to spot Eunhyuk choking on the piece of apple he had forcefully stuffed in. Widening his eyes in horror, he started to pat Eunhyuk hurriedly on the back, his eyes flashing genuine concern as he took in Eunhyuk's form.

"Got you!" Eunhyuk grinned, as he pushed Donghae backwards, a victorious smile gracing his face. He happily munched on the apple that he pretended he had choked on, oblivious to a fuming guy beside him.

"Alright alright. I admit that was a little mean. But my mum, I think she is open-minded enough to accept her son for who he is, and to embrace whatever he chooses." Eunhyuk explained, closing his eyes thoughtfully. Donghae nodded tentatively, biting his lips slightly as he took in what Eunhyuk had just said. Eunhyuk opened his eyes, took a piece of fruit and offered it to Donghae, who finally took it, without that glint of worry hidden in his eyes.

Donghae glanced over at the clock on the bedside table, and he yawned, noticing that it was already approaching midnight. He glanced over at Eunhyuk, who still seemed to be rather energetic, even after the huge meal they had. Eunhyuk stared back, his face questioning. Donghae shook his head, a small smile on his face, as his eyes ran over the room. He leaned over and reached for the timetable tomorrow.

"We have geography tomorrow." Donghae stated.

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

"Why? I always thought you hated it? Like how you would make faces at the back of our tutor, then quickly reassembling your features as she turned around, her eyes scanning the room to make sure that everyone is dutifully following and copying notes."

"You mean you actually noticed so much about me before?" Eunhyuk asked, a playful glint in his eyes. He walked over and sat beside Donghae on the bed, snatching the timetable away from Donghae.

Donghae blushed slightly, as he quickly switched his gaze to a random spot in the room, pretending to be occupied in his sudden, new-found quest of memorizing Eunhyuk's room.

"Don't avoid the topic." Eunhyuk teased, as he pushed Donghae playfully, gaining a mock stare and a pout in return.

"Well…yeah." Donghae mumbled silently under his breath, not wanting to admit this fact to Eunhyuk. Even though he had implicitly hinted that he had been noticing Eunhyuk for quite some time since he first wrote that letter, he didn't exactly state when and where. It would be terrible, if Eunhyuk actually managed to find out.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yes." Donghae sighed, raising his eyes to observe Eunhyuk's defined jaw line.

"Yes to what?" The smirk grew even more pronounced on Eunhyuk's face. Donghae dropped his jaw in mock surprise as he pushed Eunhyuk, making the older one lose his balance to fall onto the floor. "You heard me the first time round!" Donghae gasped, blushing furiously.

"Hey! You are so not getting away with that!" Eunhyuk exclaimed loudly, as he stood up and brushed down his pants. He grabbed a pillow and struck out at a certain grinning youth sitting on his bed, causing a huge-scale pillow war. Eunhyuk laughed as he caught Donghae's surprised expression, it was priceless. "Spending time like this, for me, is already perfect." He thought to himself.

Both of them froze suddenly, as they heard a crash. Staring at each other, they turned their heads to spot the plate now lying on the ground, shattered into pieces. It seemed that the both of them had unintentionally swiped the plate onto the floor while fooling around previously. Donghae smiled at Eunhyuk, a little embarrassed, a little sheepish.

"The plate….your mum…."

"My mum will not make a fuss out of this. I promise." Eunhyuk winked, as he bent down and proceeded to pick up the shards, careful not to slip and cut his hand. "If she does, at the most I will just tell her that you did it. She wouldn't come after you, she likes you too much, even more than her own, true son." Eunhyuk teased, as he gathered the pieces into a random piece of newspaper.

Donghae attempted a mock swipe at the figure crouched on the floor, as he felt his mouth curling upwards into a smile.

"I will go and throw this away. Don't walk about without wearing my room slippers; you may cut yourself, alright?" Eunhyuk instructed, brushing Donghae's hair affectionately as he stood up, making the blush even more pronounced on Donghae's face. He quickly tiptoed to the door and opened it quietly, poking his head out to see if the commotion had alerted anyone. Heaving an exaggerated sigh of relief, he threw a backwards glance and smirk at Donghae, before slipping out of the room.

Donghae shook his head furiously to clear his mind. He still could not understand the effects that Eunhyuk sometimes had on him. They were just….mystical….inexplicable. He stood up and walked over to the window, glancing down at the sight outside. A figure was walking up the pathway towards the house, wearing a long overcoat and carrying a briefcase. "Eunhyuk's dad." Donghae decided, as his gaze followed the man. As if he knew someone was looking at him, the figure raised his head to meet Donghae's gaze, and both of them froze, staring at each other through the glass panel.

A call quickly broke the stares going on between them, as Eunhyuk's mother warmly welcomed her husband back to the house, just as Eunhyuk slipped into the bedroom. Donghae wondered if he had just imagined what he saw, and for once, he prayed really hard that whatever that had just transpired between him and Eunhyuk's father was just an illusion.

"What's bothering you? Come on, it's late. My mum gave you permission to stay over for tonight. You can have my spare uniform for tomorrow." Eunhyuk mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He walked over to the motionless person at the window, and he wrapped his fingers around Donghae's, smiling as he did so. Donghae jumped a little, before laughing nervously, gripping Eunhyuk's fingers even tighter.

"Come, sleep." Eunhyuk mumbled, as he led the both of them towards the bed, tucking the both of them in snuggly.



"Your…your fath.…you have the dance auditions tomorrow, don't you?" Donghae hurriedly changed the topic, not wanting to destroy this precious moment between them now. Deep down, he had this feeling that nagged him incessantly, his instinct, his gut feeling. Somehow, Eunhyuk's father did not seem to take it rather well, that Donghae was always staying over at their house.

Donghae felt a slow nod from the figure beside him, and he rolled onto his side to press his face into Eunhyuk's back, pulling up the blankets just a little tighter to cover the both of them. Eunhyuk breathed in deeply, enjoying this moment. Donghae suddenly felt Eunhyuk freeze, and he prodded Eunhyuk in the shoulder. Eunhyuk motioned for him to stay silent, as he pointed at the thin line of light that shone from the living room. A shadow indicated that someone was standing outside, listening, and it definitely did not look like Yuri, or Eunhyuk's mother.

"Eunhyuk's dad," Donghae thought to himself again, within a short span of 5 minutes. He pressed his face further into Eunhyuk's shoulder, hugging him tighter. Both of them relaxed when the shadow disappeared, after a minute of silent observation.

"Yeah I have dance auditions tomorrow. You know, I have wanted to ask you, the choreography we have been doing for the past few weeks. Can you….can you do it with me? Please?" Eunhyuk asked, hope evident in his voice. They had been practicing hard for this audition that was coming up, a chance, finally, for Eunhyuk to prove his worth to the seniors present, and possibly gain the attention of some dance company that might possibly be there to scout for new dance talents.

Donghae rolled onto his back as he pretended to consider, causing Eunhyuk to turn over hurriedly and worriedly to gaze at his expression. Donghae stuck out his tongue at Eunhyuk, rubbing a hand over his chin, as if this was a very difficult question posed to him.

"Hey! Why are you taking so long to answer! It's not like you can't dance, you have been practically begging to dance with me since that day you gave me that letter!" Eunhyuk whispered harshly through the dark, where the both of them could not see the features on the other's face. Eunhyuk tentatively reached a hand out, as he touched Donghae's face, his hand moulded to his face shape, waiting patiently. His smile grew as he felt Donghae nod, his happiness increasing in leaps and bounds as well.

"Alright. Sleep now." Donghae mumbled, as he turned around to hug Eunhyuk, his head placed under Eunhyuk's chin. Donghae felt his lips pull into a smile, as he felt Eunhyuk wrapped his arms securely around him, tucking his chin in further. It felt warm, and peaceful, as both of them drifted off to sleep.


A/N: My birthday is coming soon! It's 12 days after Donghae's birthday, so you would see an explosion of fanfics coming up right after today! ^^ Exams are nearly over! And I'm glad for that. I'm thinking of buying SJM album (Korean version) and I can't make my mind if I should buy Super Junior Volume 3 Version D. There's uhm DVD in it, and I'm pretty much torn. Anyway, here is Chapter 9, and I hope you enjoy it!

genre: romance o.o, rating: pg, length: woah multichaptered?, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!

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