Unspoken reasons

Nov 13, 2009 20:40

Title: Unspoken reasons
Pairing: Eunhae
Ratings: PG
Summary: Eunhyuk decides to take a break, away from this hustle and bustle of Korea, to somewhere where he can clear his mind, and think about his problems slowly. He never knew that someone would actually see him off this way....

Eunhyuk turned, one last time to face Eeteuk hyung, before breathing in deeply and exhaling. A break for himself, just solely for himself, in Paris, to recharge, relax, and perhaps to move on. Smiling a little at Eeteuk, he raised his hand in a gesture of saying goodbye, only to have his hyung rush up to him and hug him tightly.

"Eunhyuk, don't take too long to relax. Come back soon, hurry home to Korea. Whatever you are waiting for, whoever you are waiting for, will be here in Korea, waiting for you, when you come back. I promise." Eeteuk gently released Eunhyuk from his hug, lifting Eunhyuk's bag for him. He unzipped a particular compartment on the bag, turning it around so that Eunhyuk could see what he was doing. Sighing softly, he thrust the bag towards Eunhyuk, and pushed him towards the gate. Mouthing something that looked suspiciously like Donghae, Eeteuk stared back at the frowning Eunhyuk, whose composure just seemed to break, just this little. Motioning for Eunhyuk to put his hand into the bag, Eeteuk turned around, his mouth lifted at the sides into a smile.

Eunhyuk raised his eyebrows, as he dug his hand into the bag, not really expecting anything. His hands unexpectedly brushed against an envelope, and he frowned curiously. He withdrew his hand out, looking down at the envelope in his hands. On it, was a single word. Eunhyuk's heart jumped a little, he would recognize that handwriting anywhere. Gulping nervously, he proceeded to draw the letter out, a little afraid to know his destiny, be it a happy one, or one that resulted in just more pain and despair for him.


Hey Eunhyuk,

Honestly, the first time we met, I'm sure I would not have fallen for you. A guy like you, can easily slip through those gaps in my hands, unnoticed, disregarded. To see your true form, the person beneath, plunging and ploughing through that depth, I think it is all worth it.


Eeteuk once asked me a very simple question. Why do I like you so much? To answer it truthfully, I don't really know it myself as well. I replied something along the lines that, do I need a reason to like you, to love you? Deep down inside, I pondered, thinking, trying to sieve out the exact reason that makes you so attractive, just to me.

People say that you are stingy, refusing to treat your dongsaengs to anything, and always continuously borrowing money from others. Well, I think that's cute, and it suits me, because you are never stingy when it comes to me. You give your love freely, and I think that is so much better a gift than anything else that money can buy. Your infectious happiness, and content, joy in life, is the best thing that has ever happened to me, cheering me up unknowingly every time.

Perhaps it is the way you joke around with your friends. Being so gullible and all, you are always trusting and ready to believe others, never once doubtful. Seeing you being pranked nearly every single time Heechul decides to be evil for the day, or seeing you being lied to by Kyuhyun, just because he is our maknae he can do so, or seeing you just staring forlornly into the fridge, where there is a post-it proudly announcing the theft of your strawberry milk by some very non-obvious member. The times after that, when you will break out into a grin, relieved to find that this is just a joke, and is not happening in reality, or when you rush and turn around, just to face me, happiness evident on your face, and you just grab anyone beside you into a hug, all your anxieties and worries gone in that moment. Or perhaps it is the way you hug me so tightly, after you learnt that we are not disbanding, after all.

Talking about smiles, perhaps it is your gummy smile that made me like you so much. Always flashing your signature smile, no one can even compete. Honestly, personally, I think your smile could easily rival Kibum, but you probably would not want to do that, saving that smile just for those who are really close to you, who are really part of your family. It lifts my spirits, every single time I see that smile, because it helps me forget my weariness, all the crap I have faced that day, just to focus on one perfect picture in front of me, to imprint it into my mind forever.

Or maybe it is the way you dance. Being so confident and cocky, all mixed into one, at that exact moment. It seemed as though no one can bully you when you are dancing, or even, no one dares to bully you. Your gullible and naïve side, thrown away, and in the place emerged a new you, where poise is just simply radiating off you, catching me off-guard always. You always make one simple dance move look so good, that everybody will be scrambling to learn it after you experimented some in front of us. I spur myself on to dance better, because I want to reach your standard one day, and be able to match, or even battle one day.

Perhaps it is the way you stick your tongue out when you make mistakes during your dance. You never tolerated mistakes in your dance, being so much stricter with yourself, than with the others, and me. When you forget a step on stage, you do that embarrassed look of yours, before sticking out your tongue slightly in an apologetic gesture, and returning to the dance once again, after flustering around a little. When you accidentally slip on stage, which happens a lot of times, you will start to flail your arms around, trying to regain your balance, looking perfectly in sync with the rest of the members, for some odd and weird reason. Somehow, everything you do on stage just fits in perfectly with the rest of us, and you just weave in and out, flawlessly, tugging my heartstrings so easily every single time.

One of the absolute reasons why I like you so much must be your love for everything around you. Remembering the time when we first won our award for 'U', you cried on stage, hugging every single member, those tears unable to stop. When we reached the backstage, your tears continued to flow, and when interviewed, you told the fans, that you were crying out of joy. Seeing our work rewarded after such a long time, seeing some recognition gained after such hard times during training before debut, seeing the 13 of us together, for once, winning this together. Or maybe, it was that time, when we deceived you, telling you that Super Junior was going to disband, just for the sole purpose to make you cry for Exploration of the Human Body. You cried sincerely, from the very bottom of your heart. You hurt so much, because you love this group too much. Others may call you a crybaby, or Heechul may occasionally tease you about being our group's crybaby, along with Ryeowook, but I know, you don't shed tears that easily, only when needed, only when you are really affected, only when you really feel for that particular issue. And for that single reason, I told myself, to cry for those who are really dear to me, and you are one of them.

Perhaps it is the way you have matured throughout these years. From that youthful times, when we were all about 18 years of age, having just entered the entertainment industry, till now, where we have already released our third album, and have received so much love from our families and fans, and with our fanbase still increasing every single day. From that blond hair of yours, till the copper-red hair of yours during Supershow II, from that joking character of yours, to one where you will solemnly sit down and think through first, before doing anything. From that person who always burst out into laughter without a single care in the world, to one who now shows appreciative smiles, making the receiver feel as if he or she is the most loved person in the world. Capturing every single image of you throughout these years has been wonderful, great in fact. Never forgetting the very basic of our selves, and slowly changing, evolving to suit the environment, seeing the way you mature so gracefully and so well, it just tugs my heart once, and again.

But the ultimate reason? When I see you cry for me, when I see your love for me, when you confessed. Somehow, this didn't go into my brain properly, I didn’t manage to process the exact words you said at that moment. I turned, I ran, I closed up. I locked the door, hearing you standing quietly at the other side, just listening to my breathing, as I sank down onto the floor, covering my eyes with my knees, thinking, thinking, and thinking. Hearing you slowly walk away after some time, knowing that you are probably not going to get a response any time soon, or perhaps, no positive response at all. I begin to think, and confirm my true feelings for you.

Hearing that you are going off to Paris soon, and I'm leaving for China soon for Super Junior-M's activities, my heart can't help but give a little wrench, painfully reminding me every single day when we are going to separate again. So here I am, taking hyung's suggestion, that I carefully evaluate the reason why I like you so much, and penning them down, so I will not forget, so I will be able to recite it to you one day, so you can personally hear it fall from my lips one day.

I put this letter in your luggage, something which you don't know yet, or perhaps, Eeteuk will tip you off, or push you in the correct direction. I imagine you, frowning with those eyes of yours, as you carefully place your hand in this compartment, searching, searching for something that you don't know what it is. As you read this letter, you now know my answer.

I love you more, and more. (Somehow, our songs do really come in very handy and useful when I need and want to confess.)


P.S. Come back soon from Paris, okay? Don't spend too much by yourself thinking, monkey.


Eunhyuk folded the letter carefully, back into the correct creases. He raised his head, and right before him, on the other side of the glass partitioning them, was Donghae. Eunhyuk smiled, wondering when did Donghae reach the airport in such a short period of time, and doing it so inconspicuously that Eunhyuk didn't notice him at all.

Placing a hand on the glass, Donghae raised his eyebrows tentatively at Eunhyuk, wondering if this time round, his feelings will be returned, by this person who seemed to have stolen his head from a long time ago. Tilting his head to the side, he stared back, in his reflection, and at Eunhyuk, willing through his eyes, for Eunhyuk to do something, just to show him his feelings.

Eunhyuk smiled that smile of his, raising his hand carefully just to cover Donghae's, fitting in perfectly with the curves of their hands, as if that glass partition ceased to exist. Both of them stared at each other, unable to tear their gazes off.

It will be a long time….when I come back from China….and you come back from Paris.

Yes, it will.

Your eyes are twinkling. Will….will you wait?

Unable to hide his grin that was already forming on his face, Eunhyuk stared back into the depths of those eyes, nodding once, raising the second palm onto the glass.

Yes. I will see you again, Donghae.

Pinky promise? Donghae stared back, raising the other hand with his pinky up.

Eunhyuk laughed quietly, not wanting to attract attention to them, two adults just standing here and conversing through their eyes.

I promise.


A/N: Evelyn asked me yesterday....she asked for the reasons why I like eunhyuk, when he has flaws and stuff. ^^ it's a valid question...and I have never really looked closely into it until she brought it up >.< so the letter here actually represents my reasons, why I like eunhyuk just so much, other than the eunhae moments, which just purely belongs to eunhae. I wrote the letter first, then I wrote the plot, so there may be some =S somewhere around.

Thank you for loving super junior, like me, and thank you for reading this. =)

rating: g, focus: eunhyuk!~, length: woah it's a one-shot!, genre: romance o.o, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!

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