Piano at the Courtyard (Chapter 2)

Nov 13, 2009 20:27

Title: Piano at the Courtyard (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Seohyun/Kyuhyun
Ratings: PG
Summary: confrontation.

Yoona led Seohyun to the canteen, chatting animatedly throughout the whole way. Seohyun was starting to feel slightly comfortable with the environment here, and the friendly and relaxed culture that most students seem to portray. She liked learning at her own pace, absorbing knowledge whenever and wherever she was. She smiled to herself, listening to the tone of Yoona's chatter, catching the gist of it. I'm glad to have a friend like you, Yoona.

Yoona tugged Seohyun's sleeve to join the queue, introducing several other classmates to her. Yoona was now talking to another friend of hers, whose name Seohyun remembered to be Taeyeon. Taeyeon seemed to be a boisterous girl who can burst at the seams with all her passion in the world, her vibe infectious. It wasn't so bad coming to this school after all, perhaps, except for that incident after the chemistry experiment Seohyun blushed furiously, shaking her head in an attempt to forget that scene that kept on replaying in her mind.

"Seohyun, what's wrong?" Yoona frowned, feeling slightly apologetic for leaving Seohyun out of her conversation with Taeyeon. She smiled guiltily, and Taeyeon immediately caught on. "What are you thinking about, Seohyun?" Taeyeon asked.

"Uhm….you know, our class…seems a little peculiar, with an eclectic mix of students…."Seohyun mumbled quietly.

"Ah yes! Kyuhyun is in your class, isn't he?" Taeyeon exclaimed happily. "I forgot that you were in the same class as Yoona!" Taeyeon smiled to herself, turning to Yoona and poking her in the side. "Why didn't you further explain that enigma cousin of yours to your new classmate?" Taeyeon enquired, smirking.

"Cousin?" Seohyun glanced at Yoona, who seemed to be fidgeting nervously under the gaze of two of her friends beside her. "Keep it down!" Yoona hissed, "I don't want the school to know that I'm related to one of the richest person in Korea, I want to enjoy a normal life, have a sense of normalcy, instead of all that hype that is surrounding Kyu, you know. I sometimes wonder how he manages to cope with all this spotlight focused directly on him." Yoona smiled sheepishly. "You wouldn't look at me in a different light right, will you, Seohyun?" Yoona asked nervously.

Seohyun flashed one of those rare, true smiles of hers. Coming to this school wasn't that bad after all, it was fun, and her friends were definitely the ones she could imagine herself enjoying the rest of the school terms here, with them, exclaiming over test results and random crushes. "Well, I think I have to consider you know…." Seohyun said, frowning slightly at the floor, earning a gasp from Yoona, while Taeyeon's eyes lit up immediately.

"I see I have already another bosom friend here who can make fun of Yoona!" Taeyeon smiled, pulling Seohyun into a hug, to which Seohyun froze immediately, not used to such close contact with others. Taeyeon didn't seem to notice, or rather, didn't seem to mind, clutching at her arm tightly like a 5 year old child, bouncing up and down, filled with energy to the brim. Seohyun closed her eyes tightly, silently thanking her destiny for allowing her to be here.


Seohyun carried her bag, walking purposefully towards the old courtyard that she had just discovered in the morning. When approaching the corner, at the field right next to it, she heard a few giggles and chattering filled the air. She stopped, peeking her head slightly to spot the people there. She saw a bunch of girls, with one standing right in the middle, clearly the leader of that clique. She was pointing to the stairwell right beside the courtyard, whispering to her friends, who then broke out again into fits of laughter. Seohyun frowned unknowingly; it had seemed that they had broken the peace and silence that made this place so attractive for her, spoiling and tainting the surroundings a little. She withdrew her head back, and plugged earphones into her ears, waiting for the girls to leave.

Kyuhyun raised his head slightly, just to spot that group of girls standing at that exact same spot again, giggling. He sighed loudly to himself, and picked up a stone, contemplating the way to chase them away. He sat up straight and stared right at the girl in the middle of the clique. She had a familiar face, to which Kyuhyun forgot the link to the name. He frowned, jerking his head slightly to the side as the girl spotted him.

"Ah, it's Hyun-ah, isn't it?" He thought silently to himself, anger swelling on his face as she pointed at him, and giggling again among her friends. "Aish, she's annoying." Kyuhyun thought as he settled himself comfortably back on the stairs. Why couldn't they just leave him alone at times and go do their own stuff? He wasn't an exhibit in the museum, and he was now feeling as if he was a prized animal displayed for all to see in the zoo. "I'm not a bloody animal." Kyuhyun muttered to himself, pulling his earphones on to shut the noise off. To his disappointment, he couldn't block out the continuous and rising pitch of the laughter. He glared at the offending stone in his hands, and withdrew his hand smoothly. He threw the stone, his arm curving into a perfect arc. "Perfect." Kyuhyun thought to himself, as the stone made its way towards the bunch of girls, scattering them immediately as they saw the stone flying across the field, screaming as they fled.


Seohyun stared at the bunch of screaming girls running past, her eyes wide open. She wondered at the cause, which became clear after the culprit fell and bounced a few times, before rolling in front of her. She picked up the smooth stone, and a smile rose to her lips. She was unable to stop it, the way this stone actually managed to frighten so many girls away, it seemed as though it was perfect for this moment. She gripped on to the stone tightly, picking up her bag and making her way across the field towards the courtyard.

"YAH! YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!" A high pitch exclamation shot across the courtyard. Seohyun froze and spun around immediately, her eyebrows raising as she saw Hyun-ah shouting. She threw glances behind her shoulder, and pointed to herself, making sure that Hyun-ah was referring to her. Hyun-ah seemed exceptionally livid, her cheeks flushed with colour, and her eyes tinged with humiliation? Seohyun tried to suppress the laugh that was threatening to spill forth within her, clamping down tightly on her lips.

Hyun-ah walked over, and gripped Seohyun's wrist tightly. Seohyun gasped in shock and pain, her hand opening to release the stone she was clutching in her hands. Hyun-ah smirked at the falling stone, turning her glare towards Seohyun.

"You, the new girl, and you already dare to go against me? Don't you want to live a peaceful life and continue your studies at this school? YAH! Are you dumb or deaf? Can't you reply?" Hyun-ah shouted right in the face of Seohyun, who had frozen to the spot, her limbs locked, her mind numb. She gasped in further pain as Hyun-ah now proceeded to twist her wrist slowly, increasing the excruciating pain bit by bit. Her eyes soon filled with tears as she realized that Hyun-ah wasn't going to stop it, until she really got a reply. Seohyun glimpsed at the face in front of her, that devilish face, and was able to make a retort….when her courage failed her. She remembered her mum telling her to stay out of trouble in school, and to keep the family pride and reputation intact, no matter what happened. Seohyun shook her head quickly, trying to express her wishes to ask Hyun-ah to stop.

Hyun-ah smirked at the sight of the girl in front of her. She grasped Seohyun's face and pulled it right up to her eye level, looking straight into Seohyun's eyes. "The next time you do this, you are dead. Or perhaps, I should leave you something to remember me by?" Hyun-ah stated simply, as if she was discussing the time or the weather. She put out a free hand, in which one of the girls in her clique hurriedly placed a pair of scissors within. Hyun-ah smiled angelically at Seohyun, whose eyes suddenly showed fear, and the realization of what was going to happen. To Hyun-ah's surprise, she actually detected a glimpse of hatred and defiance within that pair of eyes, prompting and encouraging her to snap the pair of scissors open, drawing it slightly over Seohyun's face, lingering, before pressing down with further pressure.

"YAH! HYUN-AH! YOU GET AWAY FROM HER! NOW!" Yoona shouted as she dashed across, pushing Hyun-ah away from Seohyun. Taeyeon and a group of friends quickly gathered right beside Yoona, and they were soon surrounded by bodyguards. Hyun-ah rose her eyes at the sight, clapping her hands delightfully, while glaring all the time at Yoona and Seohyun.

"Well, Yoona, so it seems we meet again. I thought after you changed school, I wouldn't find you again. It seemed like an expelled student actually managed to get into the school which had forced her to leave one year ago. What a surprise." Hyun-ah spat out in falsetto. She immediately turned her back and walked across the courtyard, with her clique following her. Yoona glared with hatred at the departing figure and then proceeded to check for injuries on Seohyun.

Hyun-ah suddenly turned back to face Seohyun. "It's not over yet, you girl. Throwing that stone in your hands, you are doomed." She smirked, before taking out a ring from her pocket and throwing it in the direction of Yoona's gang, spitting after the ring in the process. Taeyeon's face immediately paled, but as she walked forward to pick up the ring, Yoona stopped her, picking it up herself. Yoona glanced down at the ring, the intensity of her gaze increasing by every passing moment. She slipped the ring onto the forefinger on her left hand, twisting it once around. Seohyun glanced in concern at the sudden change of attitude in Yoona, from that cheerful girl in the morning, to this frightening and commanding, power-wielding female character in front of her.

Yoona turned with a sigh towards Seohyun.

"I'm sorry Seohyun. I'm sorry for not coming earlier. Those girls were just…. Indescribable." Yoona exhaled sharply. Seohyun glanced down at the palm that was clutched tightly into a fist, while she leaned on Taeyeon for support. "Yoona…what's that ring for?"

Yoona raised an eyebrow at Taeyeon, who then hesitantly nodded her head, as if affirming her decision. Yoona stared at the stairwell that was right behind the courtyard, increasing the volume of her voice until she was sure whoever behind could hear it as well.

"Seohyun, you now have enemies. Enemies who belong to one of the most feared gangs in Seoul, whose daughter you have just met." Yoona said calmly, her expressionless voice conveying the exact opposite fear that Seohyun was feeling. "This ring goes back to a long time, the wearer of this ring is the protector is whoever is being targeted." Yoona stated, before her voice dropped to a whisper. "It was present even when my father dropped out of the triads to rejoin society."

Kyuhyun, I hope you are ready. Yoona thought grimly.


Taeyeon gently lifted Seohyun's wrist, expertly checking for any injuries or signs of twisted wrist. Seohyun seemed to be in a daze, and Taeyeon shook her hand, trying to lift her out from it. She glanced worriedly at Seohyun, who smiled back at her reassuringly, then turned her gaze towards Yoona, who was looking out of the classroom they were in, the figure cut out against the sunlight grim and tough. Taeyeon sighed, turning her attention back to Seohyun, and smoothly nodded her head to give Seohyun the go-ahead to fire her questions.

"What is this? Who are you? What exactly happened? What will happen to me? What do I do?" the questions gushed out all in a rush, as Seohyun stumbled over them, not knowing which one to ask first.

Yoona clenched her fist to her chest, fingering the ring. She took the ring off and placed in Seohyun's waiting palm, motioning to her to take at the words carved and burnt into the ring. The words were in italics, emitting a strange charm that drew Seohyun in to take a closer look. She gasped, her eyes widening immediately, as she re-focused her attention onto Yoona, who had once again turned to face the scene outside the windows.

"Yes, it's in Latin. It says Till the end, we fight " Yoona smiled wryly to herself.

"I'm so sorry Seohyun. It was probably me and Taeyeon who dragged you into this unknowingly." Yoona spun around, guilt evident in her eyes. Seohyun hurriedly shook her head, although her eyes still portrayed the numerous questions that were running across her mind. Taeyeon clasped onto Seohyun's hands gently, covering them softly with a heartbreaking smile.

"As you may already know, we are daughters of two bosses in the mafia, who had now taken a break and left the mafia for good. However, you know that we don't leave the triads, it is the other way round; the triads leave you alone. It seems like we have some unfinished business, and it contributed to the reason why Yoona was expelled last year. Hyun-ah is just a minor obstacle in the way, I'm surprised that she is going all the way out to harm and annoy every single friend that is around us. Now that you are already targeted, I'm sorry, but I guess you have to stick with us in school these days, in order for us to always be there whenever you need us, anytime, anywhere." Taeyeon managed, her grip tightening slightly on Seohyun's hands.

Seohyun smiled, not wanting to display the fear in her eyes. What have I gotten myself into?

A ringtone suddenly pierced through the air, jolting all 3 of them out of their thoughts. Seohyun quickly fingered her pocket with her left hand, pulling out the phone by her strap. She glanced at the caller id and paled, quickly flipping her phone open and grabbing her bag in one smooth motion.

"I'm sorry. I will be there now." Seohyun fumbled. She bowed quickly to two of her friends, before dashing out of the classroom to the carpark, where her mum was furiously waiting for her for the past 10 minutes. Seohyun closed her eyes as she ran to the carpark, wishing that she would have it easy for the first day of school.


Taeyeon turned around to face the door of the classroom. "Come in." She stated simply.

"How did you know I was there?" Kyuhyun walked in, with his eyebrows raised. He shrugged, before lifting a finger to indicate that he didn't need the answers. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, as he stared at the ring in Yoona's outstretched arm, frowning further when he spotted the type and the motto engraved on the ring.

"You bloody implicated Seohyun into this mess, by throwing that stupid stone and not making it clear that it was YOU who did it." Yoona stated in an expressionless voice, turning her face slightly away in order to not let her cousin see her anger flashing through her eyes, and the worry and anxiety she had for Seohyun. Seohyun was just a newcomer, her first day of school today, and she already made 'friends' with one of the 'powerful' person in the school, simply with her and her cousin's help. The tears came forth slowly, as she recalled the possible ways that they were capable of when teasing and torturing a victim. Yoona did really treat Seohyun as a friend, and to think that if they target all her friends in this way, she was truly afraid that something would happen to Seohyun.

Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows at his cousin. He sighed, knowing how much his cousin had gone through during those days, as the girls were relentless in getting her expelled, due to her father's influence, and partly due to the unknown relation between Yoona and Kyuhyun, which led to many girls wondering and guessing at it, and guessing it all wrong.

"We resort to the same old plan, as per normal." Kyuhyun said, flinging his bag across the table and removing pieces of papers and pens in his bag, distributing them around the three of them. Taeyeon quickly started to draw on the foolscap, noting down every single way that they could protect their newcomer now, their friend now. So it's time to introduce her to the real world we live in? the unspoken question in Taeyeon's eyes left Yoona thinking. Kyuhyun nodded in affirmation.

"Well, I prefer to remain unknown. Gosh, all the time that I am supposed to enjoy from skipping those boring lessons has just been ruined by that irritating daughter of the typical and equally irritating father clan to hers." Kyuhyun closed his bag quickly, fumbling with the catches, before swinging it across his shoulders.

"Yoona, don’t worry too much. I will personally be in-charge of her training, okay?" Kyuhyun asked as he prepared to leave the classroom. Yoona spun around, nodding quickly, before pulling out her mobile phone to start making several messages to inform everyone involved of the proceedings. "And you will be behind all this without exactly showing your face and revealing your identity?" Yoona asked quietly.

Kyuhyun smirked at his cousin. "Isn't it obvious?"

"And I believe I will take this." Kyuhyun stated, picking up the ring that is now on the table before Taeyeon, before walking out of the classroom.

rating: pg-13, genre: romance o.o, type: mafia yeah!, length: woah multichaptered?, pairing: kyuhyun/seohyun!

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