Transmission of secret letters

Nov 13, 2009 20:21

Title: Transmission of secret letters
Pairing: Yewook
Ratings: G
Summary: Yesung writes his feelings out, in small letters, hoping that someone named Ryeowook will never see them.

Hey Ryeowook,

Here I am, writing a letter to you. I will never, ever let you see this letter, or even letters, in the near future to come, because they are MY secret letters. ^^ This is the first day we met, and you are my new room mate! So..welcome room mate? Hahaha, I can assure you I will be a very nice room mate to you, so as long as you remain as cute as you are. X) Now you know exactly why I can't let you see these letters! I like penning down my thoughts ever once and then, and tie them up in little bundles and stack it under my bed. Not like you will know, but anyway. I like writing, I can express myself through writing better, speech is sometimes a bother to me. I hope you do not think I'm cold to you, because actually, I'm very warm! Just that you don't know me yet haha.'s to our start of room mating? If there is such a word. Cheers!



Hey Ryeowook,

Today was the first time I officially heard you sing in the studio. Yes, all that 'snuffling' and 'sniffling' you told me you were doing when you dragged your blanket over your head was actually you singing, I do know that! I'm a genius! :) I never got to hear your voice clearly until today...because all that singing under the covers WAS WAY TOO SOFT you dummy! You should be rather proud of your voice and sing to me at times! Or MAYBE we can have a song battle! Aren't you a bit tired of all the dance battles, instead of like SONG battles? At least I rock better at songs. ^^ I can once prevail and triumph for once. Hmm..but I may not win if I fight against you! Wait. Scratch that. I have the best vocals! HAHA. At least that's what I think, or else I wouldn't have chosen this name Yesung right? Hehe. I hope you open up to me a little more, although I don't really share my stuff with you either. Okay my bad X( Shall make an effort to talk to you tonight.



Hey Ryeowook,

Didn't know that you could be so cute huh? Hahaha. Not like Sungmin that type of girly and fluffy and bunny kind of cute, but some shy kid kind of cute. Never mind, I don't think you understand what I'm saying haha. (ANYWAY, I think Sungmin changed a lot now. He's like no longer as cute as he is, so you can probably come and step in and fill his position! I will be your manager to promote your cuteness! What do you say?) Therefore, I now proclaim you as the ETERNAL MAGNAE! I know you are kind of disappointed when you know you are no longer the youngest, no one to take care of you and treat you as the youngest kind of stuff. *evil laughter* But you will always be the youngest in my heart! You look way younger than Kyuhyun. Or maybe that's a way of saying he looks mature and you don't. HAHA. Oops. I admit, that was mean >.< Anyway, I really love the way we talk at night before we sleep now. We are kind of opening up much more to each other, and I really love the way you talk about your family, while I share with you my story. It's great to know that someone is out there, knowing everything about you huh? These days, I look forward to bedtimes! IT IS QUITE RARE FOR ME OKAY. Consider it a privilege heh. Our talks make me so tired that I can't even wake up and sneak into other rooms to tickle my other dongsaengs. I guess that's a good thing for them HAHA.



Hey Eternal Magnae,

Everyone started copying ME when I called you eternal magnae! Now I should probably patent this or slap a copyright fee onto it. It's MINE! *crosses arms* By the way, I probably should apologise for the stuff that happened today. I guess I teased you a little overboard, didn't I? I'm sorry *bows sincerely* I did see that tear glimmer and shine in your eyes, and I was really hurt when I thought that I was the one who caused you to cry. I don't really like the sensation of seeing someone close to me cry, and furthermore, I think I made you cry. I probably shouldn't have shouted the secret that I sing you to sleep quietly at night, when you are suffering from insomnia. My fault. Seeing you not smile, I really had this uncomfortable and weird feeling, and I don't want to experience it again. Forgive me please?



Hey Ryeowook,

Why did I see your smile cut off so quickly today as you leave the room? You cannot hide it from me, we have been room mates for at least 6 months! I know something is bothering you, but you don't want to share it with me. I hope I didn't do something wrong again T_T I see you struggling to hide a great emotion behind your face as you walked out, but I can sense it. After all, I am one of the fourth-dimensioners in Super Junior.



Hey Wookie,

Now I know! Hahaha you are so silly! When I told you that I was jealous that Heechul had Heebum as a pet, and suggested that I wanted a pet as well, you thought I meant that you weren't good company for me, that I didn't like talking to you as much as you did? Dummy! I had to ask Eeteuk-hyung (and pestered him until he got sick and tired of me! Your fault now!) and I finally understood why you were so sad yesterday. Haha Ryeowook. You are the best best best-est room mate I could ever ask for, putting up with all my quirks and habits, being there for me always (even though you didn't know that I needed someone there to talk to), encouraging me and being so sweet. (Now, all the more I cannot let you see this heh.) I cannot express this to you face-to-face, you know your hyung is shy too! *pokes fingers together* And now I have got a pet turtle, a turtle that costs me about 350 000won! And I couldn't tell you the exact reason when you asked why I got a turtle. ^^ It's because a turtle doesn't need much attention, and I don't have to play with it every moment I have at home. So that I can focus on you, and continue to listen and chat, forging those memories with you together. It doesn't take my attention away from you, because you are always the best one in my life! And because you got so upset, I am hereby naming you WOOKIE, a cute expression for you whenever I remind myself of how you got jealous of a TURTLE. Haha.



Hey Wookie,

Thank you for being there for me today. When I attended that variety show, I somehow already knew that they were going to talk about our family members. I miss my parents very much, and I haven't had the chance to see them for such a long period of time, after Super Junior officially debuted. It has been ages since I really sat down and talked to them, or ate the delicious food my mum always cooks, or played video games with my siblings, or even sat down and bickered with my dad. All those emotions were overwhelming me, I didn't know what to say. My throat was choking full of them, and when I was asked to make a comment, I couldn't say anything, my tears just spilled out all on their own. Thank you for your silent encouragement, and for answering the question for me. Sometimes I do wonder if I had told you a little too much, you seem to know quite a lot about me now. And I have a secret that I don't really want to tell you.



Hey Wookie,

Manager-hyung announced that you are going off to China next week, to be a part of Super Junior M. I think I should be happy right, happy that you guys are going and promote Super Junior to the rest of Asia. But somehow, I had this feeling that came over me, this overwhelming sadness and grave emotions. I know it was supposed to be a great enough reason to hold a celebration, but I wasn't in the mood at that time exactly. I don't know what I am feeling, this is way too weird. I don't want to tell you face-to-face. But....I think I will miss you. I will miss those nights where we stayed up just to talk to each other, or the times we hanged out in the kitchen together, just making coffee, sipping it bit by bit, sitting down by the table and chatting over random stuff. I will miss the times where we sat outside the balcony, singing together, adding our voices as one to create such a melody that I was sure it would charm the birds. Or the times when I ran into the room, wanting to find you for no explicit reason, and there you were, at your desk, smiling so widely that my heart almost broke into two, seeing the relief and happiness on your face as you saw me that day. Ryeowook, I will miss you. Come back soon, okay?



Hey Wookie,

Saw you looking wistfully at Eunhyuk and Donghae yesterday in the kitchen. I was wondering if you had the same thoughts as me. Seeing them fighting over one bottle of strawberry milk, pouting at each other, then suddenly all back together again, and even sharing the same bottle of milk as if nothing had happened, then playing and making a fool of themselves when they ran out of the dorm to buy more strawberry milk. Eunhae made me think. I think I have started to like you a little. Till the extent that I can't really think straight as the day when you leave for China comes closer. My mind isn't working, my heart beats really fast when we sing together, harmonising that perfect melody in the studio. I don't understand this, and I don't believe what Heechul-hyung said, that I am in denial. Am I really in love with you Ryeowook? Is it one-sided? I don't want to hear your answer now, I'm afraid I will be rejected. I don't think you know my feelings, because I try my very best to hide them in front of you, and the only way you can know is through these letters, which I have never once shown you yet. I'm afraid of rejection, Ryeowook. Now I wonder, if Eunhae is possible, that what Yewook, the pairing that our fans love so much? I think I'm starting to love Yewook too.



Hey Wookie,

Take care of yourself when you leave for China. I will miss you. And I will wait for you in Korea, in this dorm, in our room. All the best room mate. And I think I have confirmed something. I really do like you. I really love you.




^^ Wonder how I found this pile of old dirty letters? Hehe. YOUR TURTLE WAS CRAWLING UNDER YOUR BED AND I ATTEMPTED TO SAVE IT. And then I kind of dragged this whole shoebox with letters out. And I read every single one of them.

I wonder if you are going to get a heart attack when you see my letter here amidst yours heh. ^^

Because I have the same feelings too Sungie arh.

I like you too.


(no YOURS either BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME)dearest Wookie


A/N: First time writing Yewook! Hahaha always been a more of Eunhae fan! So you see a bit of Eunhae here. Sometimes I think what suju would think when they see these fanfics HAHAHA. Anyway! Comments are <3s so please do commment! ^^

rating: g, pairing: yesung/ryeowook!, length: woah it's a one-shot!, genre: romance o.o, genre: fluff o.o

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