
Nov 13, 2009 20:14

Title: Memories
Pairing: Eunhae
Ratings: G
Summary: Eunhyuk recalls the very start of their relationship, till the present, and the future.

Eunhyuk settled back into the couch, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. It has been ages since he felt this relaxed, this carefree. Work, like Sukira, promotion of their new album and practice for Supershow II has drained most of his energy these days. Somehow, he was glad that he had these memories. He knew that one day, he would be able to sit back, and recall all these fond memories, laugh at them, cry at them, shout at them, or just savouring, reminiscing. He was glad that he had members of Super Junior as his friends, especially Donghae, his closest best friend in Suju. Although Donghae was, somehow, different from Junsu, he appreciated and cherished both of them a lot.

He remembered the day when he first met Donghae, bumping him in the doorway at their company. The smile both of them flashed at each other, the hand Eunhyuk had lent, as he had accidentally knocked Donghae to the floor. That was the start of their friendship. The spark was unspeakable, immediate, and that bump just seemed to accelerate it, as if fate was even eager, itself, to see them find each other as soulmates.

He remembered the day when he teased Donghae, together with Junsu, telling Donghae that he would one day forget about him and Junsu, once Donghae was famous. He recalled Donghae's face twisting in an emotion he couldn't explain at that time, and the amount of pain Donghae seemed to hold in his heart as he ran to the toilet. Eunhyuk had banged on the toilet door, hard. Donghae had locked the door from inside, and the sobs were loud and clear, piercing Eunhyuk's heart each time, reminding him that he had indeed gone too far with his joke. He remembered Donghae shouting at him, shouting that "I will never change!". He smiled at the thought, almost hearing that indignant shout at him again, the shout that reverberated throughout the room, that transcended the awkwardness between them, and brought them even closer together.

He remembered the day when he first saw Donghae dance, surprised and impressed, even awestruck, at the way Donghae could move. The amount of passion that seemed to burst forth within him, the amount of pride he placed in dancing, Eunhyuk had to admit, that amount of pride could easily rival his. Eunhyuk had never once conceded defeat to Donghae, but in his heart, he always forced himself to train even harder, in order to continue to be Super Junior's Dance Machine, and not get caught up by his best friend. Both of them had recognised the competition, and warmly welcomed it. Instead of breaking them apart, which such competitions normally did for friendships that could not withstand any pain or trouble, it just brought them closer together, to the point that they knew they were the soulmates of each other, understanding every single movement of the other, knowing every heartbeat and able to interpret any thought going through any of their minds.

He remembered the way they had completed each other's sentences, calling each other 'my own'. He remembered introducing himself as "Donghae's Eunhyuk', which Donghae had cheekily followed up with him being "Eunhyuk's Donghae". The screams and shouts from their fellow fangirls had nearly deafened him, but deep down, he bubbled with happiness, with an inexplicable reason. He recalled the exact incident that had them finally confessing to each other, revealing the feelings buried deep down within them. Both of them had immediately broken into smiles, relief apparent on their faces. They had then broke out into fits of laughter, seeing how they were reflections of each other. Reflections, being able to mimic each other so well; Reflections, being able to understand each other so well and show the same emotions simultaneously: Reflections, so close that they had confessed to each other at the exact time.

He remembered the day when they had finally revealed their relationship to the rest of the members. Instead of the cold silence that they had expected, everyone started to cheer and filled the room with claps and whistles. They had then looked at each other, embarassed, yet happy to bathe in such a light and carefree atmosphere, happy that their members had no objections, happy that they no longer had to hide and could freely express themselves in front of their friends from that day on.

He remembered the first time Donghae had wrapped his fingers around his. It was after a movie, which he till today he remembers the name of the movie, the exact timing, the exact location, even the exact seats they were seated at. They were walking home from the movie theatre, and were considering if they should go for dessert instead. Donghae's hands seemed as if it had accidentally brushed his, followed by his shoulder. Donghae's fingers then, slowly but surely, wrapped themselves around his, closing in between his fingers tightly, his thumb pressed tightly against Eunhyuk's. Eunhyuk recalled that he had grinned so widely, that Donghae had called him a lightbulb that day, lighting up the whole street with his gummy smile, and a happy monkey. "His monkey" Donghae had said.

He remembered every single detail, and will still continue to remember. He opened his eyes and took a sip of the tea that he had freshly brewed, admiring the scenery outside the window. He smiled to himself.

He saw the lock turn in the door through the window pane, and he swiveled around, showing off his signature smile at the person who walked in. Donghae grinned back widely, walked forward and gave him a hug.

What else could be better? This moment was perfect, a cup of tea, a beautiful scenery, and his Donghae was right here, beside him, talking and laughing, building up memories of their own.


A/N: Not edited yet!~ >.< Was listening to Sukira live (!!!) and was super inspired to write this fanfic, in commemoration for my very first time listening in! <3s Hyukkie!~ Hahaha. He's so cute! *fangirls* anyway the usual. comments are <3s! please do comment!!!

rating: g, length: woah it's a one-shot!, genre: romance o.o, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!

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