The reason to dance (Chapter 4)

Nov 13, 2009 20:13

Title: The reason to dance (Chapter 4)
Pairing: Eunhae
Ratings: PG
Summary: Eunhyuk confronts Donghae, which puts Donghae in a slightly uncomfortable position.

Donghae squeezed his eyes tightly shut, wishing against all might that Eunhyuk would stop coming nearer. He pressed his face slightly to the wall, trying his best to put some distance between them. At least he was sure he was not ready or prepared for this yet.

Eunhyuk stared at Donghae, unsurprised by his reaction. He stayed exactly where he was.

"Donghae, you need to explain yourself. Why are you running away from me?" Eunhyuk asked, taking on an angry note at the end. "I'm not laughing at you or anything, is it that hard to even make friends?"

Donghae slowly opened his eyes, to see Eunhyuk's face twisted into pain, instead of the anger he had expected. He widened his eyes, shocked at eliciting such a response and thought from Eunhyuk, and he hurriedly shook his head furiously as if that could dispel the thoughts from Eunhyuk's head. He opened his mouth to speak, stuttering over his words.

"I..I..nev...never meant to...."

[Donghae oppa! Pick up the phone pick up the phone!] Donghae's ring tone pierced shrilly through the awkward silence between the two guys. Donghae made no move to pick it up, staring at Eunhyuk, begging him to truly believe what he wanted to convey through his eyes. Eunhyuk spotted the phone in Donghae's pocket, and took it out for him, looking at the caller identity.

[Haesica!~] flashed on the screen on the phone. Eunhyuk flinched slightly, and shoved the phone into Donghae's hands. He took a step back, and lifted his eyes to Donghae.

"I'm sorry." was all Eunhyuk could master his strength to say now. He felt that he had lost a fight, the feelings of someone who had been defeated, who had victory snatched away from him. He dropped his gaze onto the floor, turned, and ran out of the building, leaving Donghae behind, unable to explain.


Donghae walked in a daze, unable to believe or make any sense of what he had just experienced. Eunhyuk's apology kept on flashing through his mind, although he could not understand why Eunhyuk had to apologise. His hurt expression, his pain, the way he ran out of the building, the way he dropped his gaze, even the way he flinched, the way he pushed the phone into his hand kept on reappearing, and no matter how hard Donghae tried, he could not erase them from his mind. "Perhaps I should do something to make up for it...I'm such a fool." He thought. He continued to walk home, unaware that his handphone had been ringing several times since he left school.


Eunhyuk flopped onto his bed, and stared right up at the ceiling. He had bumped into Sungmin on the way out, when he was running away from that scene. Sungmin had noticed his downcast face, but was unable to make any heads or tails on it before Eunhyuk had run away again. Eunhyuk's handphone vibrated, but he did not want to pick up the phone. He knew his friends were worried for him, but he just wanted some time to himself. Why did he feel so hurt when he saw 'Haesica' flashed on the screen? Nothing felt right today, at all. It was a total nightmare, one that he desperately wanted out. He flipped onto the side and switched the lamp off. He pulled the covers over his head and jammed his fists into his blanket, wishing that perhaps, there was someone out there who really understand how he was feeling at this exact moment.

----Next morning, 7am-----

Eunhyuk walked to his desk, settling down quickly. He sprawled all over his table, closing his eyes, as he did not want to see his surroundings, especially a certain someone who was sitting behind him. Kyuhyun and Sungmin both raised their eyebrows, but did not bother Eunhyuk any further. Eunhyuk shifted his head slightly to view the scenery outside the window, marveling at the scene outside. Students were walking in pairs to their classroom, and everyone of them looked so cheerful, so alive. "So unlike me" A stray thought appeared in Eunhyuk's mind.

After staring out of the window for some time, he noticed a certain figure waving and trying to capture his attention via the reflections on the window panes. Eunhyuk squinted further, and realised it was Donghae. He raised his head and tilted it in the direction of Donghae, questioning Donghae through their reflections. Donghae smiled sheepishly, and mimed opening the drawer underneath Eunhyuk's desk, capturing the attention of his friend beside him. Donghae turned away, distracted. Eunhyuk raised his eyebrows, wondering what Donghae had planted. He opened his drawer, to notice a note in it. He fought to hide the smile that was spreading across his face, thankful that Donghae was not looking in his direction.

Today, after school, 3 in the afternoon, dance studio.
See you there.



Eunhyuk grinned down at the paper, turning his head so slightly towards the back. He caught a glimpse of Donghae discreetly looking at him, and Eunhyuk's grin grew even wider. He took out a notebook and started drawing, his hands flowing across the page. Eunhyuk tore out the page and stood up, walking calmly towards Donghae. As he reached Donghae's desk, he knelt down, as if he was tying his shoelaces. Eunhyuk took a quick glance around the room to make sure that no one was looking in his direction, and stuffed the piece of paper right into Donghae's bag. Eunhyuk quickly straightened and cleared his throat, walking out of the classroom.


"Donghae, don't do funny actions in the window panes next time okay!" Kibum playfully hit Donghae on the shoulder, before turning back to his desk. Donghae smiled, and reached down to take the piece of paper Eunhyuk had so hurriedly stashed into his bag a few moments earlier. He slowly straightened the crumpled paper, not wanting to draw attention to himself. On it was a hand-drawn picture of a fish, with the huge letters "OK" on the top right hand corner of the note.

---Lunch break----

Eunhyuk jolted out of his daydream as the bell went off, signaling the start of lunch break. Students started running towards the direction of the canteen, wanting to get a good head start in the queue. He looked around for Sungmin and Kyuhyun, but did not manage to find them anywhere. He slumped back against his chair, and started doodling on a piece of paper.

Eunhyuk suddenly realised that someone was standing beside him, when that person cleared his throat loudly. He turned his head, to realise that it was Donghae, grinning widely back at him. Eunhyuk could feel the smile that was coming on to his face, but he fought it, adopting a solemn and grim expression, nearly frowning. He shrugged his shoulders at Donghae, and stared at his face. Donghae pointed randomly to a bird outside the window pane, and Eunhyuk turned around to look at it. Simultaneously, Donghae slapped a piece of paper down on Eunhyuk's desk, and ran out of the classroom. Eunhyuk raised his eyebrows in surprise, and carefully pulled the piece of paper towards him. On it was a hand-drawn picture of a monkey, holding on to a bunch of bananas. Eunhyuk started laughing, he couldn't help it.

"Yar Donghae! When did I ever become a monkey?" Eunhyuk mumbled to himself as he felt the smile on his face grow.

---After school, 2.30pm----

Donghae started warming up in the dance studio, not wanting to seem to bad in dancing in front of Eunhyuk. He had seen what Eunhyuk had done before, and he did not want to seem too far off either. Or at least he thought he was not too far off. He looked at his own reflection in the mirror, breaking into a silly grin. It had been ages since he had such fun passing messages during classes. All the notes only contained silly messages and drawings, but surprisingly both of them had enjoyed it, breaking into random fits of laughter when they were reading the notes, earning glares or weird stares from classmates sitting beside them. Once, Donghae had burst out into laughter, earning a flying chalk from the tutor. He grinned silently to himself. As Eunhyuk sat two rows in front of Donghae, they had to make Kibum be the middle man by passing messages back and forth. Kibum had initially grumbled at the prospect of such a job, but was quickly silenced after Donghae promised to treat him to a sumptuous meal. Donghae laughed aloud at the memory, recalling the size that Kibum's eyes had grown to after knowing the reward that was waiting for him.

"Hey, what's funny?"

Donghae whirled around the room, to catch Jessica walking into the dance studio. For some reason, his heart started to jump erratically, as though he was feeling guilty. He felt his cheeks blush, not in embarassment, though he was trying to hide something from Jessica. He shrugged his shoulders, a little annoyed, yet a little nervous that his girlfriend was here.

"Uhm Jessica....I'm not free now. I'll call you when I go home, okay?" Donghae fished around for an excuse, trying to get her to leave the dance studio. Somehow, he did not want Eunhyuk to find him and Jessica in the dance studio, alone. "I don't want him to get the wrong idea.." the thought popped out in Donghae's head. He frowned at his own thoughts, unable to make any sense out of them.

Jessica stopped in her tracks.

"Fine, I'll go. You always seem to be in a bad mood nowadays. No matter how many times I tried to call you yesterday, you did not even bother to pick up. Did you notice the number of missed calls you had yesterday night? What am I to you in the first place? And now you are frowning at me? What exactly did I do to deserve this?" Jessica frowned back, mirroring the features on Donghae's face. She stalked out of the room.

"Such a weird thought, such a weird thought. Get rid of that thought." Donghae muttered to himself. He looked up, suddenly noticing that Jessica was gone. He was thoroughly confused. "Did I do something wrong again? Or did she just told me that she had something on?" Donghae tilted his head to the side, trying his best to recall what had just happened. He traced the frown etched onto his face in the mirror, trying his best to erase it off, just like how he was trying his best to erase that thought off his mind.

----Dance studio, 6pm----

Eunhyuk collapsed on the dance floor, thoroughly exhausted by the dance training he had just gone through with Donghae. Although Donghae did not possess the same amount of talent in dance, he sure made it up with his enthusiasm and passion, surpassing Eunhyuk in terms of emotions. "Donghae's a fast learner. He is one of the few who can keep up with me..."Eunhyuk thought to himself. Donghae handed Eunhyuk a bottle of mineral water, disrupting his thoughts.

"Hey, thanks." Eunhyuk took the bottle gratefully as he gulped down the water. Donghae smiled, screwing the cap on his own bottle. Dancing with Eunhyuk was exhilarating, he had found it wonderful, every moment took his breath away, and he was unable to keep track of the time, as he was too deeply engrossed in learning the dance Eunhyuk taught.

"Hey Eunhyuk, why do you need to learn this dance so well?" Donghae asked, curious. To his surprise, Eunhyuk started blushing hard. Donghae drew his lips together and stared at Eunhyuk. It seemed as though...Eunhyuk wanted to impress someone. Donghae was unable to drop his gaze, suddenly feeling stupid and insensitive for asking the question. At that juncture, Donghae did not want to know the answer to his question, he felt as if he would be disappointed. "What if he answers, saying that it is to impress some other girl..." Donghae felt his heart sink.

Eunhyuk fidgeted a little, tracing unknown patterns on the floor. He refused to mantain eye contact with Donghae, preferring to look down. He could feel Donghae's stare at him, but he fought the desire to glance up and look into those dark orbs Donghae possess.

"You really want to know?" Eunhyuk asked shyly. Donghae continued to remain motionless, not knowing how to answer Eunhyuk's question. Some part of him really wanted to know, while the other didn't want to, because it wanted the answer to be only related to him. Donghae jolted up in surprise, nodding his head furiously to shake that thought out of his head. "I'm so weird today, my brain keeps on running off by itself and sending me weird signals. Am I being controlled by an alien!!?!?" Donghae widened his eyes in the possibility. He jumped onto Eunhyuk, tugging Eunhyuk's sleeve.

"Eunhyuk, I think my brain may be controlled by an alien today! It has been giving me weird thoughts and I'm really afraid!" Donghae whispered, careful not to let any other hear it, especially the alien, in order not to warn it.

Eunhyuk broke out into a smile. He grinned at the child-like figure who was clutching onto his sweat-soaked shirt.

"Yar Donghae, you are really cute. And why I want to learn this dance so well?" Eunhyuk waited patiently as Donghae drew his eyes up from the floor to gaze back into Eunhyuk's.

"It's because of you."

----End of Chapter 4, Part II----

A/N: ^^ Thank you for your concern~ I'm perfectly fine now X) So back to writing fic after DOING MY WORK HAHA. Yay!~ Hope you guys like the fourth chapter, came up with it on a random brainstorming session in school. (I wasn't paying attention >.<) Haesica is only lasting for a few more eunhae is coming probably pretty soon!~ ^^ Comments are <3s! so please do comment kay!~

genre: romance o.o, rating: pg, length: woah multichaptered?, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!, genre: au o.o

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