Challenge 01: Anything T&I -Submit

Jan 23, 2006 18:05

Okay. So here is the first challenge! I'm so happy with the member turn out, because I was sort of sure nobody would join. But here you all are. Since there are only 11 of us, I would appreciate it if all members sumbmitted this week so that there are enough icons to vote on.

So anyways, let's get to the challenge. The theme is ANYTHING Tristan and Isolde. That means this week you can do anything at all as long as it has to do with the movie..

-submit one icon per challenge.
-all icons must be Tristan and Isolde realted.
-they must be freshly made.
-icons must fit livejournal icon standards. (100x100 pixels or 40kb or less.)
-all icons must be in by Monday night at 9:00 p.m. Pacific.
-submit in a comment like this:


NOTE: Another challenge will be posted on Satruday eventhough this one will still be running. It's only because I want challenges to run Saturday to Staurday. I just have courses going on all week. Thanks so much!!

Happy submitting!


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