Characters: Jack/Ianto Rating: NC-16 Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to the BBC and RTD Spoilers: General, for series 1, but especially 'Out of Time'. Summary: Jack has to face the consequence of his actions when he next sees Ianto.
Thanks. I'd originally had a fluffier little trilogy planned but of course they had to go and spoil it. *sigh* There are times when I could pick Jack up and shake him until his teeth rattle and some sense gets into his head. That little speech to Alan last night had me hopping with fury and then they have to go and commit suicide in Ianto's car! Oooh, lovely, I thought, which is where this fic came from.
Wow. Heart-wrenching stuff. I really felt this and I could just imagine it played out. Any sequel planned? I would love for Jack to actually learn how to feel.
Most of my universes seem to have settled into the idea that Ianto is around to help Jack either fix himself or remember his way back to where he was and get him on the road to what he could be. I'm a great fan of the 'one man can make a difference' and of the idea that friendship and/or love can redeem a world.
I loved the emotions and pain you have shining through in this- absolutely beautiful, you have the right level of angst to make this plausable and appeal to my tastes.
You write Ianto exceedingly well too, I must say, I can imagine him saying the things he's been saying to Jack and it hurts me as it must do him when Jack's doing this to himself.
The last line came out of nowhere. I love it when they do that!
Ianto and Jack are the most interesting characters in Torchwood for me because they seem to have layers. And given that we've been given so little about Ianto, the fan writers can have a field day playing!
Comments 35
Sorry, chronic optimistic romantic, that's me!
I loved the emotions and pain you have shining through in this- absolutely beautiful, you have the right level of angst to make this plausable and appeal to my tastes.
You write Ianto exceedingly well too, I must say, I can imagine him saying the things he's been saying to Jack and it hurts me as it must do him when Jack's doing this to himself.
Thanks for writing :)
CS WhiteWolf
Ianto and Jack are the most interesting characters in Torchwood for me because they seem to have layers. And given that we've been given so little about Ianto, the fan writers can have a field day playing!
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