From the drabble list

Jun 29, 2008 19:58

Last night's episode was just the thing to inspire me for this fic. You wanted angst; you've got angst!

Title: The Nothing I've Become
Characters: Jack (mention of Gwen and Ianto).
Rating: Open
Spoilers: Strong for The Stolen EarthWarnings: Character death. And angst. I did mention angst, did I ( Read more... )

angst, death!fic, broken!jack, second season story, jack, fanfic, episode-connected, prompt

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Comments 63

chughes1147 June 30 2008, 23:14:55 UTC
That story just killed me. Why isn't it Saturday yet?

I think Ianto and Gwen kept the invasion from Jack - I'm pretty sure he had no idea about the Daleks heading their way. He was running around at this point, and I think both of the team sort-of knew that the Doctor was important to him, and he was heading out. They didn't want to stop him.

I'm not fully sticking up for Jack though - I would never have just left like that! I agree that the Doctor hasn't treated him the best, and Jack makes it worse by believing that he is perfect. Plus with a team that has just lost two members, and leaving the others alone with Daleks on the hunt was not a good call.


tanarian July 1 2008, 08:24:43 UTC
I'm tending to blame the way the DW writers write Jack now that I've had time to calm down. They really seem to be afraid to have another alpha-male in the room where the Doctor is concerned. (Witness the fact that the Brigadier is never around, even though he's mentioned.) In fact I can't remember a time when the new Doctor had a male character that was a match for him. And yes, I am including the Master. There was nothing alpha about this version of the Master. He was just a psychotic brat with clever toys. *yawn*

I would like to think that Ianto and Gwen kept the news of the approaching Daleks from Jack, because they knew he needed to go and help the Doctor and that he would never leave them if he thought they were in danger. That makes them even more heroic, but Lord, the impact it's going to have on Jack! I am hoping that RTD has the decency to make at least one small nod in that direction next week, but I have my doubts.


chughes1147 July 1 2008, 18:23:17 UTC
I couldn't agree more about the DW writers - I'm not sure why, but they do seem to have a problem with male characters being brought in. None of them seem to ever be able to match the Doctor, or in any case, have a CHANCE of doing so.

It's probably why I want Ianto on the TARDIS so bad - saying 'He's not that young' whilst everyone else was fawning over the Doctor! I think he would be a brilliant match for him, but sadly it will most likely never happen.

I really do hope that the news was just kept from Jack - I want both Ianto and Gwen to have been heroic. Also RTD could either pull this off or not - he's a sort of man who gets it spot on one time, then completely misses the mark the next. I really do hope so. If ONE HAIR is hurt on Ianto's head...oh dear.


rabecka July 1 2008, 08:20:50 UTC
Gorgeous story. And please let it not happen this way.

I do have one take on Jack's behavior that doesn't seem to have come up yet. If we remember the Gamestation as the last time Jack fought the Daleks, he knew that he didn't have a chance at stopping them. All he was doing was trying to buy the Doctor time, and he fully expected to die doing it. And along with the Doctor, he wanted Rose away and safe.

This time, before the Doctor showed up, he was basically sitting on his hands, convinced it was hopeless. "There's nothing I can do. We're dead." Which may very well be a correct assessment. When the Doctor shows up, he suddenly has hope again, and assumes he'll be most effective giving the Doctor any support he can. Parallel to the situation with Rose, he may think he's leaving Gwen and Ianto in as safe a place as possible.

As explanations go, you can take it or leave it, but it's the only theory that doesn't leave me wanting to scream at him...


tanarian July 1 2008, 08:26:31 UTC
Yes, I'm hoping that as well. That he didn't realise that the Daleks had found TW3 and that he would be going into danger but leaving his people behind and safe. The Daleks must be his ultimate bogie and he must want to keep Ianto far, far away from them.


alba17 July 1 2008, 14:54:18 UTC
This story is gut-wrenching. Yes, I'm hoping Jack didn't know the Daleks were about to attack TW. I think my take on it was similar to rabecka's. But it certainly was alarming how Jack rushed off happily to the Doctor with his half-baked promise to come back. Oh, Ianto's expressions. Surely they wouldn't kill off TW characters in DW, would they? Unless TW3 goes back before this episode. God, I hope not.


tanarian July 4 2008, 11:13:12 UTC
It is really irritating the way they sideline Jack as a character whenever he's on DW. It's almost as if they can't handle him without reducing him to the level of the Doctor's pet dog. I won't be able to settle until I see tomorrow's episode (and if they have killed Ianto off, I will just go ballistic!)


alba17 July 4 2008, 11:35:07 UTC
I agree. They didn't have Jack do much on DW3, "pet dog" indeed. Please don't go there about killing Ianto off! I'm in the US, I can't see it DW finale live, but hopefully will see it by Sunday evening.


tearful_eye July 1 2008, 22:42:45 UTC

beautiful as always, but... *wibbles* (please show, don't ever do that!)


tanarian July 4 2008, 11:11:06 UTC
I feel the same way, truly.


anonymous July 2 2008, 22:40:23 UTC
Sorry to comment anonymously (I swear I'm not a troll - just inept with LJ today!), but having re-watched the ep, I don't think Jack did know - he was all busy with the call to Martha. At any rate, MY Jack didn't know and that's the way it will stay no matter what RTD says to the contrary!


tanarian July 4 2008, 11:09:49 UTC
To be honest, if it does turn out that Jack knew, I will promptly AU the incident and then he won't!


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