From the drabble list

Jun 29, 2008 19:58

Last night's episode was just the thing to inspire me for this fic. You wanted angst; you've got angst!

Title: The Nothing I've Become
Characters: Jack (mention of Gwen and Ianto).
Rating: Open
Spoilers: Strong for The Stolen EarthWarnings: Character death. And angst. I did mention angst, did I ( Read more... )

angst, death!fic, broken!jack, second season story, jack, fanfic, episode-connected, prompt

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Comments 63

angstosaur June 29 2008, 21:03:26 UTC
Brilliantly written - evoked everything I was feeling about it last night and today when I watched it again - twice. Kept looking for any sign that Jack was in the least bit worried about Ianto and Gwen and there was nothing. Unless he does show some remorse next week, I can only assume that RTD is writing him differently - so infatuated with the Doctor that he'd leave behind his "heart and soul" without so much as a hug or a kiss ... never mind a weapon that might actually protect them from the bloody daleks!!! grrrrrr..... bloody Harkness, sodding RTD .... grrrrr... another whole bloody week to stew ....

However, your piece of writing here is quite beautiful - thank you :-)


tanarian June 30 2008, 19:58:32 UTC
I think I was venting my spleen a touch when I wrote this. Jack always seems to have a lobotomy whenever the Doctor is around.


The Nothing I've Become mickeyk December 15 2008, 08:16:57 UTC
Jack always seems to have a lobotomy whenever the Doctor is around.Interesting. I always think Jack gains back a few brain cells, whenever he's around the Doctor, understands the tech stuff better than he does on TW, but does lose any backbone he has. So I wouldn't say a lobotomy, per se but that his hero worship/love for the Doctor overwhelms him and he's immediately back to 'Follow The Leader' (the Doctor) mode and takes orders from him and tends not to act independently from him if they're in scenes together, but does act if they aren't. And reading the comments for this story, yeah, I think it's that RTD can't stand to have a male companion eclipse the Doctor on any level. Hasn't he said in interviews, DWC episodes, that all female companions (or was it all companions?) fall a little in love with the Doctor. So, can't have Jack able to compete with him on any level ( ... )


mellyj June 29 2008, 22:05:20 UTC
Beautifully written as always and I love the description of Jack seeing every thing in greying spiea. Gwens words summed up his actions it's like Jack has blinkers on when it comes the doctor. Thats how I'd like to see him punished.

Having watched the episode a few times I don't think he knew the darleks where in Cardiff as Ianto said almost as an aside to Gwen. Jack was too busy charging round getting ready to help the doctor.


tanarian June 30 2008, 19:59:32 UTC
I'm hoping he didn't know. Of course, if it turns out that he didn't know then I will do a complete 180 degree turn and feel terribly sorry for him because the news is going to bloody well cripple him!


felmyst June 29 2008, 23:14:44 UTC
loved your vision..just hopefully it does not happen that way on the show... lol


tanarian June 30 2008, 20:00:05 UTC
Same here! if it does happen that way I really AM going to track RTD down and slap him silly!


descrime June 30 2008, 01:27:12 UTC
That scene really pissed me off in the show because a) everyone knows Daleks will be tracking down the signal at Torchwood like they did with Harriet Jones and b) Jack's wristband has carried three people before. So why leave them behind?

Great story, though. After leaving them behind for a second time, Jack loses all sympathy points from me.


tanarian June 30 2008, 20:03:27 UTC
I think it only carried three people because the Doctor was messing with it. mind you, John transported Jack with it in Exit Wounds. Hmmm, I suppose that if we allow that Jack didn't realise that the Daleks had located them, he probably thought that taking Ianto and Gwen with him might put them in more danger than leaving them at Torchwood? I'll be interested to see what his reaction will be next week.


anonymous June 30 2008, 07:39:36 UTC
Came here on Angstosaur's rec.

Tanarian, this is devastating and so well-written. Heartbreaking, indeed.

I'm so angry over the scene that inspired this, that I almost don't care what results from the *regeneration*. If RTD has killed off Ianto...and worse, done it as the result of Jack's cavalier rush to join the Doctor, it's unforgiveable.

You've taken the seeds from that scene and grown something so beautifully painted yet so sad. Excellent piece.



tanarian June 30 2008, 20:05:47 UTC
I was angry, as well, and I suppose this story is a response to that. Someone has reminded me that Tennant has already filmed the Christmas special, so unless that one is a flashback episode, we're probably going to have one of RTD's turn-back-time specials. I just wish I could get confirmation that GDL has signed for the next series!


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