お知らせ / announcement

Feb 02, 2025 19:31

I don't accept any friend requests. I still write fanfictions, but THEY ARE NOT HERE.

If you are interested in reading my fics, PLEASE ADD MY FIC JOURNAL: 
Thank you.

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Comments 91

edthegreat September 3 2009, 07:07:59 UTC
Hello there^^
umm...i was just visiting ppl that i had on mi list,
and i saw ur post, and i just wanted to say that i added you as a friend because i thought ur posts were interesting^^
u seem friendly as well..lol


tanakakoki_fan September 4 2009, 13:06:59 UTC

thank you ^^
ah lol i seem friendly? xD I can be very annoying dark when i am pissed off, but otherwise i try to be friendly :)



sokerihai September 3 2009, 14:28:19 UTC
Hi ^^/ I added you as a friend.

I have been reading your journal because you write a lot of things that I could have written myself. I'm happy that you are able to be in Japan and you seem to work very hard! I'm working right now so that I'll be able to go to Japan next year and hopefully I can live there someday. My family doesn't support me at all because that is not what they want me to do. Your writings make me feel that I'll be able to achieve my goal and I'd like to thank you for that.



tanakakoki_fan September 4 2009, 13:11:42 UTC
Hi ^^

thanks for the add

You can manage it!! really, just remember this: never give up.
Your life is your life and of course you have to live it trying not to fight or doing something that your loved ones wont be proud of, but if u have a dream and the desicion to fulfill it grab the chance. i support you. ^^
I hope u can come to Japan next year and if u want we can meet. :)
I am glad i could help with my posts.
and yes, no matter how hard it seems to fulfill ur dream nothing is impossible. believe me, if someone would have said 1 year ago where i will be and who i can meet i would have just laughed coz it seemed impossible.
u know i have a feeling that half of my journal readers dont believe what i am doing or who i can speak to but i dont blame them it would seem impossible for me too.

so, hontou ni, never give up! Keep the faith!


Hi!8D 6summer_rain9 September 4 2009, 04:15:19 UTC
I hope you don't mind my random add.:D I wondered for a bit wether or not to add you.I'm more of the shy type, so I usually prefer anonymity.Shame on me.:P
I'm kind of new to this lj thing, but I read some of your entries related to your life in Japan, and I think they referred to a trip you took in 2008.Am I not mistaken, aren't I?O_o
It sounds creepy, I know it.XD Sorry.;P
But I'm sure you can understand how I feel at the moment, the kind of thoughts that are flowing in my mind while I'm getting ready(or at least trying to get ready)for my very first trip to Japan.;)
Anyway, reading your experience helped me a bit in understanding what to do when I'll be there, what I must expect from Tokyo and from a homestay.;)
I'd like to friend you, and to know you better, if you don't mind it.:)
You're like...a Senpai.LOL
Plus, to me, you seem a nice and straightforward person.And I like these features very much.:)
Sorry for the long comment, I hope to talk to u soon.;)


Re: Hi!8D tanakakoki_fan September 4 2009, 12:59:31 UTC

^^ nice to meet you! thanks for commenting and adding me as a friend.
Lately i am very busy and dont update journal much. Honestly reading your comment surprised me a little. I would have never thought that my writing helps anyone with what to do in Japan, but if it is the case I am glad and I try to write more in the future. :)

Oh, you are coming to Japan? Good luck!!!
If you have any questions feel free to ask me either here, either in pm or if u want i can give my email in pm.

where are you from? ^^ if u dont want to tell it here write pm ^^

me? senpai? xDD
arigatou gozaimasu *laughs*

looking forward talkng with u more :)


Re: Hi!8D tanakakoki_fan September 4 2009, 13:18:42 UTC
ah i forgot lol
it was not 2008, i was only for five days in Japan in 2008. My japan related article starts from 2009 march ^^


videki September 5 2009, 17:08:46 UTC
Igaz engem már "adoptáltá"l :) csak néhány gondolatot írnék ide. Ki tudnék menni Japánba, (lehet majd valamikor, hogy találkozunk) de nekem is van egy nagy álmom amit talán valóra is tudok váltani, nem tudom mikorra meg lesz e belőle valami ezért nem szeretném elárulni előre. Ha egyszer sikerül akkor úgyis megtudod, ha meg nem akkor meg minek tudni azt. És én sem szeretném feladni.


kuro_nya September 6 2009, 02:47:50 UTC
hi~ i hope this isn't too late! but haha seems like ur life is taking quite a turn in japan!! well.. honestly, at first, when i added you, it was because i wanted to have some friends in the KATTUN fandom, but after reading ur posts i kinda... felt a similarity between us. I also think i should live in japan, just thinking about it makes me excited and well.. haha my parents don't support and stuff and i'm still underaged, but reading ur journal makes me feel as if i'm in japan.. i may sound too exaggerated, but it's true, that was how i felt! and i was really happy when u encouraged me when i left a comment about how i have a dream that seems impossible! i feel as if i'm knowing part of you from the things u post and how u would talk about ur feelings and things! hope you won't mind staying as friends with me! it's just that i feel like our lives have a lot in common! thank you!


tanakakoki_fan October 15 2009, 08:16:53 UTC
sorry for the late reply ><
*kicks self*
There is no impossible :) I believe in it. There are just things that seem to be impossible.
I may be a careless idiot, but I go for something even if it has only 1% chance of possibility.

Hope we will be good friends :)
and thanks for adding me.


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