Recs for women writers

Feb 16, 2018 21:30

So I'm looking to broaden my reading and turning to my flist for help. I'm willing to try almost anything: fiction, non-fiction, novels, short stories, poems, essays, plays, comics... Any genre welcome, including "literary". I'm able to read in english and german ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

_profiterole_ February 16 2018, 21:28:58 UTC
Have you read An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows? (portal fantasy)
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemisin? (mythological fantasy)
Daughter of Mystery by Heather Rose Jones? (fantasy of manners)
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers? (sci-fi)

These are all highly enjoyable books with diverse female characters.


tamsinwillougby February 19 2018, 21:49:29 UTC
I haven't read any of them yet but am putting them on my list. Thank you!


_profiterole_ February 19 2018, 22:05:01 UTC
You're welcome. I see that you've received plenty of recs, so you should be busy for a while, but feel free to ask at any point if you're looking for something specific.


tamsinwillougby February 20 2018, 20:09:18 UTC
I'll take you up on that, thank you!


goddess47 February 17 2018, 02:01:58 UTC
Some of these are fandom writers that I like to support:

I can recommend Captive Prince by C. S. Pascat.... you have to read all three books, but it's an engaging story. (It's an adult story with M/M sex -- since I don't know what you're looking for ( ... )


tamsinwillougby February 20 2018, 21:15:43 UTC
Thank you for the recs!


sidleypkhermit February 17 2018, 07:02:29 UTC
I recently finished Claudia Gray's Star Wars tie-in novel Leia: Princess of Alderaan and I enthusiastically recommend both that and her post-OT novel Bloodline. (The former is more of a YA novel, I think, but it respects its readers.)

Yikes, I know you asked for any genre, but perusing my nonfiction books at home there are...not exactly a lot of beach reads. Here are some top picks but basically all of them come with a caveat of "a good book to read only if, you know, you feel like you're in, like, a good place emotionally to read this?"

Rebecca Skloot, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Hillary Clinton, What Happened
Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery
Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside
Deborah Lipstadt, Denying the Holocaust
Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan, Why Civil Resistance Works
Sara Paretsky, Writing in an Age of Silence


tamsinwillougby February 20 2018, 21:19:38 UTC
Thank you for the recs! I'll wait until I'm in a better place brain-wise until I try the non-fiction, but they do sound intriguing.


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