[ log; ongoing ] jezebel & megumi - truth and deceit

Feb 13, 2009 04:09

When; During the kidnapping
Characters; Jezebel Disraeli [deadlyhealing] & Megumi [roseblooms], possibly Alexis [maitre_de_carte]
Rating; G-PG.
Summary; Megumi ends up facing Jezebel and tries to find a way to escape.

Two days. Counting them off didn't make them pass any more quickly, nor was it easy in this state at all to really focus. She was tired, thirsty and she could feel her magical energy growing weaker in a state where she was in such limited contact with water.

He'd done his homework, she'd give him that. Her hands were handcuffed to the bedposts of the room in the flat, and while she had a maid attending to her needs, such a prone position to be in was not something she liked, and struggling had only served to injure her. She was healing, slowly-- but so disconnected from her family, she wondered if anyone would ever be able to reach her. It was only fortunate that she'd managed to get her message sent out before Alexis knocked her out, but what good would it do if they couldn't find her? She had to keep her shields up, so that Alexis couldn't use her hair again-- so far, so good, he'd been unsuccessful at getting them by the root and that was her only relief here. She'd forced herself into a seated position, keeping herself calm-- it wouldn't do to tire herself out after all. The bruises had almost faded from around her neck and shoulders, and she was thankful for that at least.

Her eyes though, remained closed as she sat there on the surface of the mattress. She had to focus-- her friends would have things taken care of, but they wouldn't be able to find her here. And she had to find a way out before she reacted and hurt someone who shouldn't -be- hurt by her hand. Just how that would be, she still had to decide-- but she would do it.

And she swore Alexis would pay for this humiliation. There was no turning back now.
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