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Oct 02, 2008 11:06

When; October 2nd; late morning/early afternoon
Rating; PG
Characters; Tony Stark morethanasuit, Rain livingmyths, and any of Rain's friends that want to join.
Summary; Rain's friends gather to celebrate the completion of her home.
Tony waited with the others at Rain's new "house". A lot of people had helped out with it in one way or another and he knew that she was be excited that so many of her friends had gotten involved with it. Besides that, Rain had a lot of friends who had shown up just wanted to celebrate the occasion with her. Personally, Tony enjoyed being part of something that was built for no other reason than just to make someone happy. That was always a good feeling.

And he was excited to see the look on her face when she saw them all. Even if she couldn't seem to understand why, Rain had a lot of friends.


A ways away the Iron Man suit was landing on the roof of the library, waiting to pick Rain up to take her "flying." Tony wasn't in the suit so that he didn't risk accidentally giving away that there was a surprised planned for her and so that he could be at the actual house itself. Remote piloting worked great this way.

Once Rain was ready, he could take her to her new home.
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