When; Late Monday/Early Tuesday
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Mina Harker [
madame_harker] and Rodney Skinner [
Summary; Just like old times. They investigate the possible cause behind one of the diseases. Which leads to finding one of the dispensers.
She had already felt suspicious when figured out that the rampant diseases were not a curse, but she hadn't really wanted to believe that someone other than the deities could be behind it. Confirmation that the Black Plague was indeed a clever copy of the original had been confirmation of one of her worse fears. Mina didn't like the idea of someone starting a World War in her time, and she certainly did not like the idea of someone waging biological warfare on the City.
She and Skinner were finally getting to put their investigating skills to work, but honestly she wished it didn't have to be for something like this. She had seen the ill with her own eyes. Helped to treat so many and there was no way she could let this go on if it was in her power to help stop it. Finding and destroying the infected rats' nest seem to be the only logical conclusion. She moved quickly grabbed some supplies from the hospital before she left and headed toward the square to gather some more supplies. If they were going to kill and destroy the nest, they would need to be prepared.
After buying the things they would need, Mina headed to meet up with Skinner. Time was definitely a factor in how quickly she moved. Her face covered with one of the sterile hospital mask, she walked toward her meeting point.