Log; Complete

Sep 07, 2007 04:58

When; September 6th [Morning]
Rating; PG
Characters; Kurosaki Hisoka [empathed] and Tsuzuki Asato [wearedarkness]
Summary; Given the unpleasant experience Hisoka had undergone recently, it's no wonder he had been trying to avoid Tsuzuki since his recent arrival in the city, but it's only so long before Tsuzuki starts to wonder.

In truth, Hisoka had felt a surge of relief and comfort when he first learned of Tsuzuki being in The City. After all, he had grown so used to having his partner constantly at his side that he simply couldn't accept not having him there. That had been their agreement, hadn't it? For Tsuzuki to live just for Hisoka's sake.

But still, he found himself avoiding the older shinigami like the plague, waking up even earlier than usual so that he could sneak out of the four bedroom apartment before any of the others awoke. If Tatsumi happened to be up, it would be easy enough to lie and say he just wanted to find a new job soon. After all, the teenager still refused an allowance when he wasn't doing any work to earn it. Chores simply didn't count.

After quickly showering and dressing, Hisoka was quick to grab his things and tip-toe down the hallway. He paused beside the kitchen to eye the fridge. The idea of breakfast was tempting... Maybe some tea and simple miso? No, he was on a mission of solution, and the whole key point to that was not risk getting caught.

It was with a sigh that the boy crouched down by the door to tug on his sneakers. Sneaking around like this wasn't fun... But it was better than having to face them, when he could hardly stand to look in a mirror and face himself.

It had simply been a matter of bad timing that one by one members of Juoucho had vanished and ended up in the City. After all that had happened, a bad sign like that hadn't settled too well in Tsuzuki's confidence, though at the same time he had passed the days searching for clues as to what had happened to the others.

In fairness, if he'd known he was eventually going to end up in the same place as them he most likely would not have worried so and as matters stood bumping into Watari so soon had been a pleasant quick-fix for him as far as mood was concerned.

As time had rolled on somewhat though and he had eaten and rested a bit his thoughts had moved from the flurry off happiness he'd experienced to something a little more controlled. So he knew Tatsumi, Watari and Hisoka were here and safe, that was the main thing. But with the word 'safe' came another less welcoming thought - Muraki and Oriya were also in The City. It made his stomach turn with a heavy sickly motion.

And then there was the other thought; He'd barely seen Hisoka at all since he'd arrived. He considered himself very attached to the boy, even more so given the circumstances, but he was pressed to call himself stupidly clingy. Regardless, he was troubled by their lack of contact and a restless night saw to it that he couldn't easily miss the sound of someone shuffling around before the crack of dawn.

He padded quietly out of the room, shirt untucked from his black slacks giving him a generally scruffy look as he rested one hand on the wall, wordlessly watching the back of his partner as he pulled his shoes on.

"Off out so early?" He asked calmly with a strange, almost disappointed smile.

The presence was felt first, but it was the voice that made him flinch, more out of guilt than anything. Honestly, couldn't Tsuzuki quiet down his feelings a little more? Even across the room, Hisoka was absorbing that disappointment like a sponge in water.

Keeping his back turned, the teen grit his teeth and finished tying his shoes. He knew that if he turned around and saw that face, he would surely crumble. He didn't need Empathy to know what expression Tsuzuki ought to be wearing.

"...I need to find a new job. Some of us don't have the luxury of sleeping in. Don't wait up for me tonight." Quickly, Hisoka opened the door to head out, hoping that was the end of that.

Tsuzuki's shoulders sagged a little as he frowned. He'd been used to Hisoka's short and sharp nature for some time, but even with that in mind the taller Shinigami couldn't help but feel a little put out.

He knew better than to argue the fact that he hadn't been sleeping in, or sleeping in general for that matter, at all. It was just one of those passing comments and he was sure he was being permitted a little time to settle before needing to rush out into an unknown area and find a job himself.

Directing a glance to one side, Tsuzuki chewed his lower lip thoughtfully before starting to speak once more.

"A new job?" he asked with a second attempt at a smile, for himself more than for the teenager with his back to him, to be honest "Did you have a different one until recently then? What happened?"

If anyone had given him even the slightly inkling that the subject he was brushing was more than just a touchy one he would never have even thought of bringing it up. As it was, however, he had no idea and really all he wanted was to see Hisoka for a bit longer before he ran off again, if only for a few more minutes, or even seconds.

He could have kicked himself for walking into that, but the way Tsuzuki asked made him panic. Did he know? If he did, there were no emotions giving it away. His hand tightened on the doorknob and he tried to keep his mouth in a firm line to avoid giving himself away as he turned to look. Regardless, he hadn't been able to control the panic in his eyes that the question brought about.

If he did know, then how would he have even found out? Oriya wouldn't have told him, would he? Or even worse, Muraki? No, if Muraki had done it, the doctor surely would have boasted publicly.

...No. Tsuzuki didn't know anything. He sighed and relaxed a little. "There were disagreements, that's all. What do you want, Tsuzuki?" He eyed his partner warily, much like a cornered rabbit eyed a foxed, ready to bolt at any second.

Tsuzuki stared at the other Shinigami for a moment, a confused kind of expression playing on his face as his soft amethyst eyes stared back at Hisoka's own sharp emerald ones. He was certainly not empathic and truth be told he was often glad of it. He could only imagine what horrible things that boy had seen and felt over the years, but even without that kind of ability he wasn't completely naïve.

"Want?" He questioned, looking a little hurt for a second before shaking his head and taking a careful step forward "I just…" He trailed off. Just what? What did he want? He was pretty sure he didn't want anything in particular aside from the boy's company, but somehow he was finding it hard to get that out vocally.

"Just..." he attempted again "I keep missing chances to talk with you, since I got here, you always seem to be somewhere else. Or... Just going somewhere else." He was about to add 'like you're avoiding me of something!' with a laugh, but he didn't want to even consider that possibility. Perhaps he was scared to think there was a chance that could be true, but his reasons for thinking that were most certainly very far off the mark indeed.

With a weakened grip on the handle, Hisoka looked out into the hallway to gruffly respond. "Despite what Watari-san keeps saying, this is not a vacation. Unless you want us to be trapped here forever, I have some investigating to do." Really, that was half the reason he wanted a job. It was an excuse to nose around and learn as much as he could about this place and how to escape.

Pausing, the younger shinigami gave Tsuzuki a glance over before shaking his head. He slept in that? Well, the poor guy hadn't had much choice... "You should ask Tatsumi-san to pick you up some clothes today or something."

Blinking a couple of times, Tsuzuki glanced down at himself. Ah yes, he was sort of lacking in the possession department. He only had to his name whatever he had on him at the time he had appeared in the City, so the pants and shirt he wore, his coat, tie, shoes and socks, whatever was in his pockets and various trinkets he may have on him. Hisoka was right, of course, on both accounts. This was not a break, and for a second he found himself wondering on whether or not he had subconsciously considered it such. He decided he had not, but again to argue the point would be pointless.

He uttered a soft chuckle before shoving a hand into his hair sheepishly "Yeah," he said with a smile "Yeah, I suppose you're right. I can't expect Tatsumi to do that for me though. It's not his job to clothe me after all."

A thought dawned on him then as he began digging around in the pocket of his pants before drawing out the money he had on him. 1,153 yen. Even if he assumed that the place took that kind of currency, which was unlikely, it was not very much. Certainly not enough to get himself some new clothes.

"Well... I guess I should look for a job." he sighed as he bowed his head. An idea came to him then as he lifted his eyes to Hisoka with a wide smile "I could come with you, to look for a job I mean!"

With an inward groan, Hisoka rolled his gaze up to the ceiling and wondered just who up there hated him enough to put him through this. Oh wait. Enma.

Still, he knew that it would be going too far to just slam the door in his partner's face after a suggestion like that, so he just rested a hand on his hip and held up his wrist to look pointedly at it. "You have five minutes."

He was pretty sure that wasn't enough time...at least not if Tsuzuki wanted to get clean. Once the five minutes were up, Hisoka was definitely out of there.

"Huh...?" The older Shinigami stared at Hisoka with a stupid kind of look on his face, perhaps already half expecting to be shot down and told to go back to bed, or something similar. The smile that crossed his face then was perhaps one of maybe two genuine smiles he'd expressed since getting there. He held a hand up briefly, fingers fanned out "Five minutes? Right!"

He turned then and dashed from the hallway, snatching his small pile of clothes from the bedroom before pelting back out again and toward the bathroom, pausing then to flash Hisoka another bright smile "Five minutes! No problem! Thank you~ Hisoka!" And with that he darted off to the bathroom, trying to pull his socks on as he went and of course almost stumbling into a wall headfirst, but amazingly recovering himself just at the last second.

Hisoka just folded his arms across his chest and gave an impressed glare in response to Tsuzuki's smile. So grateful...for what? To be honest, Hisoka couldn't figure out why Tsuzuki enjoyed being around him so much. Even he knew that he could be a buzzkill sometimes...especially when he was trying to be. Like right now.

...And it wasn't working.

He kept glancing at his watch while waiting, counting down to the last second. There was a small smirk of triumph as he turned to walk out the door. Five minutes were up. At least this way he could claim that he had given Tsuzuki a chance, however slight it was.

It was the fastest he'd ever tried to get ready, and as a result he was even scruffier looking that usual; damp where he'd washed, shirt untucked, tie not even tied yet and a towel around his shoulders as he emerged suddenly from the bathroom and bolted over toward the door. He flopped himself down to a sit then, hurriedly pulling on his shoes and then standing almost as quickly as he'd let himself sit down. He beamed at his partner then, a mixture of pure happiness and bizarre triumph as he pulled his coat over his shoulders.

He'd forgotten all about tying his tie - it was around his neck, he could feel it was there, the fact he hadn't yet knotted it was a minor detail. He flicked some of his damp hair out of his eyes before grinning at Hisoka once more "No problem at all~" he stated, clearly pleased with himself.

It was with a frustrated growl that he turned to see Tsuzuki as he yanked on his shoes and stood back up. "It doesn't count!" he responded sharply, eyes narrowed, looking for anything out of place that might have made it so that Tsuzuki was in fact not really ready.

Then he saw his face, and just how proud he was, and it was horribly infectious. Hisoka could look as irritated as he wanted, but he could feel Tsuzuki's pleasure like it was his own. And that... That only brought a stab of guilt. The boy's eyes softened and he signed, stepping over to reach out and take the tie.

"...Your tie's undone," he murmured weakly as he went about knotting it for the other. There was no more resolve in his eyes, though, and as he straightened and tightened the tie so that it was snug, it was clear by his expression that Tsuzuki had won this round.

Tsuzuki blinked down at Hisoka, blushing a little as he rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't embarrassed by the boy's actions by any means, he was embarrassed himself for forgetting the thing and having his partner do it for him.

The amethyst eyed Shinigami smiled then, placing a hand lightly on Hisoka's head, not ruffle the hair so much as to kind of pet or stroke him, an affection gesture of gratitude before vocalising it.

"Thank you, Hisoka," He said, still with that smile "You really helped me out there!"

It was strange, but he found himself reluctant to draw his hand away. If he was honest and if they weren't rushing out he may have even gone so far as to admit he would have possibly given the smaller boy a hug, but things were as they were and he was pushing his luck as it was. The fact remained though he had missed Hisoka terribly.

Normally the touch would have merely brought out an annoyed look and a brush off, but it made him freeze and stare at the tie in front of him with a look that could only be called terror.

It was different when he touched somebody. He had needed to touch Haruhi in order to carry her, and of course touching Tsuzuki was sort of a requirement for knotting his tie. But to have someone else reach out and touch him... It was still too fresh. Too soon.

With a shudder, Hisoka slapped Tsuzuki's hand away and quickly stepped back, turning his burning gaze on the floor as he tried to cool off for a moment. He knew he was being illogical. Tsuzuki was the exact opposite of Muraki. Tsuzuki was kind and would never hurt him. But still...the touch had brought back repulsive memories.

His mouth tasted bitter then as he turned to stalk out, doing his best to keep his voice light. "Walk fast or I'll leave you behind. And lock the door."

That look... What in the world could have caused that? It made Tsuzuki stop short and jerk his hand back as Hisoka smacked it aside. He gave him a long, surprised look, quickly thinking through his own emotions. He couldn't think of anything he had been feeling that could have caused Hisoka to have that kind of expression. So it was not caused by something on his end. If that was the case then it meant--

Hisoka's voice broke his thought process apart though, making him shake his head to bring himself back into a state of reality almost as he nodded a little "Yeah... Sure thing," he said softly, still very worried by the way Hisoka had reacted to him... Watari said nothing had happened, but he was starting to wonder and he couldn't help it, even if he was trying to tell himself that this was not the time for paranoia.

After stepping out, Tsuzuki pulled the door to a careful close, trying to keep it quiet so as not to wake the others inside as he locked the door and turned to look at his partner silently. Just what had happened since they'd been separated, anyway?
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