Log: Complete

Jul 08, 2006 00:48

When; Last night
Rating; PG/PG-13?
Characters; Simca (simca_swallows) and Sano (iron_clock)
Summary; After a rather unpleasant conversation with Yoshitsune, Sano gets comforted by Simca.

Now that her few shaky moments of extreme anger had passed, Simca was composed enough to slip over to Sano’s apartment to survey the damage. Yoshitsune wanted her to come over to talk, but that bastard could wait. She was calmed down enough to speak with Sano at the moment, but definitely not the other. It really did take a lot to get the girl so furious, and Yoshitsune could probably give a class on how to do it. But that didn’t matter right now. Her own feelings and wounded pride would be dealt with later.

After setting Cuilan up with a piece of cake to keep him occupied at the kitchen table and waving goodbye to Yzak and Dearka, Simca padded barefoot down the hallway to Sano’s apartment, which was only two doors down from her own. Knocking gently on the door, she jiggled the handle and finding it unlocked, let herself in. Akira was apparently coming by as well, but Simca wanted to catch Sano alone before he started drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

“Sano?” she called out, peering around and taking a few tentative steps in. “It’s me.”

Time, it seemed, had stopped.

Propped up on pillows in bed, Sano quietly sat there with his laptop, long fingers resting gently on the keys. He really had been foolish for diving headlong into… into whatever it was with Yoshitsune; Akira’s words echoed in his mind. Really, he should’ve been more careful.

At the gentle knock at the door, he turned his head and forced a small smile on his face. Simca had come over just as she had promised, and Sano rose from his spot, carefully setting his computer down on the nightstand. “Thanks for coming over,” he murmured, taking a few steps closer to her. “I’m not dragging you away from any more important business, am I?”

His eyes flicked over to the computer again before focusing on Simca once more. Oh, he knew that Yoshitsune had asked her to come over, he knew that the other had insulted the girl to the point that the swallow was now angry - a rather difficult task. But… what was he going to do about it?

Absolutely nothing. It wasn’t that often that he felt so… resigned.

Brushing past Simca, he closed the door behind her before leaning against it, eyes downcast. “So.” Sano paused, hands folding neatly in front of him. “Things turned out a bit oddly didn’t they?”

“Mm no, of course not,” Simca shook her head, flashing a small, mournful frown at the man in front of her. She watched him for a few moments in silence as he moved around, looking more serious and unhappy than she had ever seen him. That was not helping to quell her anger at all. Seeing her friends unhappy, especially when it was caused by someone else, pissed her off quite passionately.

Now wasn’t the time, she continued to remind herself, relaxing the clenched fists at her side that she hadn’t even noticed she had tensed. Hazel eyes followed Sano’s gaze back to the computer before they met hers again, listening to the soft click of the door behind him.

“Yeah,” she murmured, standing in a strange sort of limbo in front of him, hesitating, until she finally threw caution to the wind and closed the steps between them, gently unclasping Sano’s hands and pulling him in for a warm hug, cheek resting on his chest, eyes fluttering shut. It wasn’t one of her usual hugs, face first into her rather impressive chest. Instead, it was warm and comforting and filled with sympathy and as much reassurance as she could muster.

“I’m so sorry,” she said again, even though she had already apologized and Sano had asked her not to. But she couldn’t help it. After all, she had been the one to keep pushing him to sort through his confusion. And look where it had landed him.

Sano glanced up just in time to see Simca pulling him into a hug. Almost out of instinct, his arms closed around her, forming a protective loop around her form. Another faint smile appeared on his face as he shook his head slightly. “I told you not to apologize, didn’t I?” he said, voice soft. “It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault.”

His hand gently rubbed her back, as a long, slow sigh slipped past his lips. Sano tilted his head back and stared blankly at the ceiling of his room. Was he really that attached to the other that Yoshitsune’s words could put him in such a state? It wasn’t like it was uncommon for people to sleep around, even if a two night stand was a bit odd…

Back home, they were teammates under the Genesis flag. Here? What were they? The hand on Simca’s back stopped as he tried to answer that question, find an answer to what they had been before the bomb had been dropped. Well, the answer seemed rather clear on Yoshitsune’s side, but Sano’s? He wasn’t quite so sure.

Was the answer the reason why he couldn’t even seem to lift a finger against the other? Couldn’t even verbally strike back? His brow creased, fingers slowly moving to clench at Simca’s shirt. “You know… I think I may have actually been expecting something from… whatever that was.” He laughed hollowly. “At some point, I somehow managed to develop feelings for…” That bastard. That teammate. That guy. That Yoshitsune. “…him. What a mistake. Hah.”

“Why the hell are you comforting me?” Simca cracked a small, sardonic smile as she listened to Sano’s words, feeling his voice vibrating deep in his chest beneath her cheek, the gentle thump-thump of his heartbeat beyond that. Still, she didn’t move and let him rub her back softly. Her train of thought was similar to Sano’s, naturally, wondering how this had all happened.

Sano was strong. Incredibly strong, even by her standards, and to have something effect him so hard was somewhat bewildering. It threw her off slightly, and didn’t exactly help with her own muddled feelings on the matter. The fact that he didn’t want to take any vengeful measures in return, or at least fight back verbally as she had done, astounded her even more.

Simca looked up when she felt fingers clenching the fabric of her shirt on her back, concerned filled eyes raised to meet Sano’s once more. God, the tone of his voice was gut wrenching, and the fact that it bothered her showed clearly in her expression. “I know,” she nodded quietly. “I know you were. But it’s like I said before, everyone makes mistakes,” she continued. “And… Yoshitsune is your friend. You and I both expected… better treatment,” she cringed, chewing on her bottom lip in an attempt from letting out another long string of bitter and nasty words. Sano’s empty laugh was not a nice sound.

Sano glanced down at Simca, an apologetic look appearing on his face. It probably wasn’t the first time it had happened that evening, but he’d made the girl worry. Releasing her shirt, he ran the back of his hand across her cheek before letting it settle in the small of her back. It was because of his problem that she wore that look on her face, and he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for putting it there. Simca looked far better with a smile.

“If nothing else, I guess it’s good that he said that before any more damage was done,” he murmured, lightly shrugging his shoulders. Admittedly, Sano felt that the best time to have done that was after their drunken night together, but he was no mind reader. Maybe Yoshitsune was… Well, maybe he hadn’t gotten enough pleasure and joy from belittling him the first time. “Yeah… It’s best that this was done now.” He looked away, lips curling into a small frown. “Yeah, it was for the best.”

Carefully removing himself from Simca’s arms, he moved toward the bed again, settling against the pillows and glancing over at the laptop. The words on the page stung him once more, and he quickly minimized the window. A part of him wanted to just shut the thing off and forget about the whole thing, but at the same time, some faint, lingering hope remained. It was as he was waiting for some word from the other to change things, for there to be another chance.

“Waiting to be dissed again,” he murmured, shaking his head at himself. “I’m such a masochist.”

There he went again, trying to comfort her. Silly man. She wasn’t the one who needed comforting right now. Not to the same degree, anyway. Simca realized that Sano could tell she was worried about him, and decided that that wasn’t helping either of them. She should have been making more of an effort to be happy and cheer him up, not bring him down and make him feel guilty.

“Mmm, I suppose,” she replied, not know what to else say to that. “There are better way to say things like that,” she shook her head, frowning darkly for a moment, eyes lowered back down to the ground. A brief burst of anger flared up again as Simca remembered everything Yoshitsune had said to Sano, and to her as well. God, did she ever want to hurt him back, to make him feel a least a sliver of the pain Sano seemed to be feeling.

Letting him go, Simca waited a moment before joining Sano on the bed, sitting on the edge of it and watching him carefully, and with concern, but making sure that she wasn’t looking too worried or forlorn. “Sano,” she murmured, reaching out to take one of his hands between both of her own. “You’re making it sound like you were asking for something like this to happen. It’s not like that, and you know it,” she shook her head, lips tilting up into a reassuring smile. She pushed the laptop aside and scooted closer, sitting on her knees in front of him. “Come on. You’re strong. You’ll be fine.”

“I wasn’t asking for it then, but…” He trailed off, eyes sliding over to glance at the laptop again. Stop waiting. Nothing’s coming. Sano carefully pushed the screen down before turning fully to face Simca. She was smiling again, and he gave her a small one in return. Things just seemed a little bit better when she looked happy. With a slight nod of his head, he acknowledged her statement and tried to make himself believe it.

He’d typed it out not long ago. Surely there was some truth behind his words back then. Surely…

“Yeah, I’ll be alright,” he finally said in response, giving the girl the best smile he could muster at the moment. Sano could bounce back. He wasn’t one to dwell on matters for days on end, and if Akira would just hurry up with the alcohol, things would be better even sooner. That’s right… a good night’s rest and some alcohol would solve all his problems.


If nothing else, a hangover in the morning would keep him from thinking about anything else for a while. Running a hand through his still damp hair, he sighed softly before casting Simca another smile, this one a tiny bit warmer than the last. “Thanks for helping me out tonight. You’ve… made it a lot easier to get through.”

A smile was always a good sign, even if it was small and a bit forced. Sano was looking a little better. At least not as gloomy and miserable as he had when Simca had first come in, and that was better than nothing. She still couldn’t believe that Sano didn’t want to go kick some serious Yoshitsune ass after all of that, but that was his prerogative. She couldn’t make him do anything.

Making a soft tsk tsk, Simca shook her head. “Stop thanking me, Sano. And stop comforting me, too,” she smiled even more brightly at him. “You’re the one who’s hurt here,” she reminded him, squeezing his hand. “And you’re my friend,” she added with a softer smile, tilting her head to the side as she gazed back at him. True, she supposed it really wasn’t her fault. After all, Sano and Yoshitsune hadn’t slept together because of anything she had done. They had done that all on their own. But she still felt a little guilty for pushing Sano so hard.

“But,” she added after a moment. “I’m glad I could help,” she smiled. Her smiled turned more teasing and playful and she gave him a sly look. “This is the part where I’d comfort you with mind-blowing sex that would make you forget all about what’s-his-face, but given the circumstances, our current relationship, and your preference in partners, I’ll skip it,” she laughed.

He gave her an apologetic grin and nodded his head. Sano couldn’t quite help himself when it came to wanting to keep Simca happy, so he had no doubt that he’d be apologizing and comforting her again in no time. However, for the moment, he’d try to keep that to a low level, if only just to appease her by following her request.

“I’ll have to agree with you and ask that we skip the mind-blowing sex.” Sano laughed softly. “What is it that you girls do after a break-up? Something about eating lots of chocolate and watching chick flicks?”

He gave Simca’s hand a squeeze before getting up and walking over to the kitchen. He opened the pantry and looked about before pulling out a bag of popcorn. Quickly tossing it into the microwave, he went to sit down next to his friend again. “I think I’ve had to deal with enough candy today that I’d rather not have to eat any to feel better.”

Sano leaned back, propping himself on his elbows before sliding down onto his back to stare at the ceiling. “I’d say we could start another movie, but I have a feeling that Akira wouldn’t be too thrilled with watching Casablanca with us when he gets here.”

“I’ve gotta stop hanging out with so many gay guys, honestly, or I’m never going to have sex again,” Simca teased, winking at him, glad to hear Sano laughing again. It made her relax even further, knowing that he was going to be alright. He said himself that he would bounce back. She knew he would, but it had still unnerved her to see him so distraught.

“Hmm. So they say. I have to admit that I’ve never been on the bad end of a break-up before,” she realized aloud, looking mildly surprised as she gazed back at Sano. “I’m always the one doing the breaking-up part,” she winced, looking a little ashamed of herself for once. She hadn’t really thought about it much, or from this perspective before.

“But yes. Chocolate and chick flicks are what I do when I’m feeling depressed, that’s true,” Simca added a moment later, brightening up again and smiling once more. When Sano returned from putting the popcorn in the microwave, she giggled. “Or popcorn works too,” she grinned. “Whatever it takes to stuff yourself silly.”

“And I don’t think Akira will care too much what you watch, if he plans on bringing the booze,” Simca laughed, rolling her eyes.

“I guess. He’ll be here to drink, not watch some old classic anyways,” Sano replied, folding his arms underneath his head as a pillow. He remained silent for a while longer before sitting up once again. Damn that laptop; he couldn’t get his mind off it. It seemed like he still wanted to keep checking for some new word. That was if there was any, of course.

Hope could be so annoying at times.

Forcing his eyes away from the computer, he went into the kitchen to stand by the microwave until the popcorn finished popping. Sano then dumped the snack into a large bowl and brought it back to bed with him, popping the food into his mouth as he walked.

“Care for some?” he asked, offering the bowl to Simca. Sano gave her another smile before handing her the entire thing without really waiting for a reply so as to free his hands to go fuss with the DVD player. It took him just a moment to set everything up and then he crawled back into bed, settling in between the pillows once more. He pat the spot next to him, beckoning the girl over.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have an additional ‘slumber party’ this week then,” he murmured, eyes moving to focus on the television. “Not that I mind, of course.”

Taking the popcorn bowl from Sano with a grin, Simca popped a few kernels into her mouth. “Mm. Needs sugar, but that just might be the after effects of being a kid all day,” she giggled, following him over and plopping down next to him on his bed, setting the bowl in her lap and smiling at him.

“Fine with me, darling,” she replied. “One of these days I’m bringing Cuilan with me. I can’t leave him with Yzak all the time, he might eat him for dinner,” she laughed, eating another handful of popcorn. Realizing something else, Simca’s smile faltered slightly and she looked Sano in the eye. “I can’t stay for all that long, though. I told… well. You know. I’m supposed to meet him soon. I’m itching for an ass kicking,” she murmured, keeping her voice level and pleasant. It was cheering up time now, after all. The mood in the room had been lightened and she had no desire to drag it back down again.

“Anyways. I couldn’t care less about keeping him waiting awhile, and you’re way more important,” she shrugged, brushing it off and returning her gaze to the TV screen. Before another word could be said, there was another knock at the door.

“Akira!” Simca grinned. “I’ll get it,” she added a second later, kissing Sano on the cheek before dashing off to get the door. If he wasn’t feeling any better now, he would be soon. Alcohol worked wonders like that.

Even if he would be regretting it in the morning.
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