From the drive in to work today:
- I saw two bumper stickers reading "Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less" and a picture of a gas pump against an outline of the state of Alaska. Both stickers were on SUVs. I was tempted to drill a hole in their gas tank and steal their gas, since a little literalism might illustrate the point of the objection, plus it would get another SUV off the road.
On the other hand, if I was a bumper sticker having person, I'd want one that said "Drill Here. Drill Now. Think Less" and a picture of someone getting a nice and friendly bit of trepanation done.
- There's some large construction going on across the street, mostly just the red-brown I-beam skeleton of a building, mostly upright lines so far. As I was driving past, a crane was lifting a series of I-beams up, five of them hanging horizontal in the air, one after another, twisting slowly in the air.
For a moment it looked like they were suspending a mobile over a giant's nursery crib.
- This morning's misreads of signs and ads:
Fashion retailer DTLR ad read as "TL;DR"
Exit Realty read as "Exit Reality"
Cooking Thrills from Last Night
Last night I decided to make beef stew. This used my traditional recipe of about half a bottle of wine in the stew, and the other half in the cook.
I tend to forget what an utter lightweight I am. This was enough that I was really glad I had nothing trickier to manage that the stairs in my house (note: anyone thinking "wow, you were really drunk" should keep in mind that I have Many Cats, and therefore the stairs can be tricky when dead cold sober).
I will also admit that I had to resort to using a power drill to open the bottle of wine. Again. My corkscrew is utterly gone. This is no great tragedy, since I rarely drink, and because I had two problems with the former bottle opener.
The first was merely that it was given to me by someone that I now thoroughly detest, so having that 'gift' (and he only really every gave bribes) gone is actually a benefit.
The other problem is that the corkscrew-wine-pull device was just wrong. it was a fancy little gadget, with silver level-wings in a style that is known as a Rabbit.
*ahem* my general mental associations with mechanic devices called Rabbits made it hard to look the wine pull in the eye, so to speak. Plus it had a bloody great sharp corkscrew in the center and I found myself thinking not my kink when I'd go to use it. So I'd probably be happier with something a little more like a leatherman style- oh wait. Damn, can't win here, can I?
I have decided to participate in
con_or_bust! Since I've only got the three skills, I'm offering up brownies for charity.
Go see my post
HERE to see the auction post and consider bidding.
I wanted a good excuse to try out a new variant. I wanted to do more good this year. This is a perfect excuse. Go, bid.