To Make Me Feel So

Aug 07, 2011 20:46

Spoilers: Up to 2.22
Warnings: None.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5,004
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.
Beta: rdm-ation
Also available: A stunning piece of fanart by the gracious and talented ileliberte because I shamelessly asked her to draw it.
tumblr post

This prompt. Rachel is acutely aware that Kurt doesn’t really think she's pretty, so his fascination ( Read more... )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, mostly: angst, character: rachel berry

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Comments 35

beta_goddess August 9 2011, 03:13:10 UTC
This is startlingly different from most Glee fic -- and stunningly good. You've done a brilliant job of illuminating so many tiny facets of each of the characters. Wow.


tamakito August 12 2011, 00:18:28 UTC
Oh my gosh - thank you so v. much! I am hugely flattered you thought so well of it, and the characterization and stuff! Even if it is a little odd-man-out, lol.


catte_noir August 11 2011, 12:50:35 UTC
Oh this is beautiful. Rachel and Kurt were very believable, particularly Rachel's insecurity and Kurt's inability to admit when he is wrong about something. I love love LOVE that she regards him as a brother (I kind of like to see them as twin siblings who just happened to have different parents), and the whole thing about wanting to feel validated by your siblings more than anyone else in the world rings so true, especially for them. The little moments of intimacy between them were heartwarming but also very bittersweet. Their entire relationship here is just perfect. I loved it <3

Also, Blaine was SO ADORABLE OMG. And the little mention of Puck being a bleeding heart all over Kurt's solos was awesome. LOL Puck.


tamakito August 12 2011, 00:10:40 UTC
Ooooh thank you so much babe! I am thrilled you enjoyed it, and tickled they seemed believable. I was a little leery of playing so very very hard to Rachel's insecurity and need for Validation by Man, but... I think she does have that in her, and I'm just glad it read okay to you. Also omg Kurt's inability-to-admit-he's-wrong I swear that boy. My personal headcanon is that he devotes so much energy to fending off accusations that just being is wrong that he can't redirect and realize that sometimes he does things that are wrong.

Also I am super psyched you share my Rachel+Kurt twins-separated-by-birth thing because AREN'T THEY THO. I just saw a prompt somewhere about them being raised as siblings and I swear if I ever get through everything else on my list...



catte_noir August 12 2011, 11:20:19 UTC
I can appreciate that were wary of using Rachel's extreme insecurity, but like you said, it does ring true to her character (oh Rachel), and besides, I think Validation by Man and Validation by Kurt are two very different things (a difference that you portrayed very well). I don't mean that as a slight against Kurt's manliness at all, just that he holds a very different position in Rachel's life and self-regard. He's in lot of ways more important than any of her love interests, because 1) he's pretty much her twin,and just as brutally honest, 2) he'll probably be in her life for a while to come if NY works out, and 3) because he's judging her purely for HER, and is not blinded by any sexual or romantic feelings, etc ( ... )


tamakito August 13 2011, 16:23:01 UTC
Lol yeah, Rachel is... oh lord. I mean in some ways she's one of the stronger female characters on television, and I am forever applauding her ambition and how unashamed she is of it (she reminds me sometimes of Christine in the concept version of Phantom of the Opera, which I saw ages ago on YouTube, where she was basically like "well, yeah, people are getting killed and shit, but the dude is making me famous so... kinda worth it? just saying, it's a dilemma") but oh gawd does she have insecurity in spades to make up for it ( ... )


bluebitbrown August 13 2011, 03:09:52 UTC
I started getting teary when Blaine sent Rachel the picture text. Oh, this fic is so quietly emotional it's damn gorgeous.

"Dear god, that criterion makes my biggest fan Noah Puckerman."

And then I laughed forever.

Everyone is ecstatically, beautifully in character. Infuriatingly, hysterically, gut wrenchingly in character. Have all the adverbs. Guh. Whatever, this comment wasn't very coherent to start with anyway. ALL THE LOVE EVER.


tamakito August 13 2011, 16:04:24 UTC
omg "quietly emotional" is this for real

why you so nice tho

Seriously, this whole comment is just the sweetest thing! I am so tickled it read as in character for you and that the Puck thing made you lol and stuff and stuff, just so pleased over here, thank you!


jyusan August 13 2011, 12:20:32 UTC
Still so adorable and perfect oh my I really have no words and the way you saw Narnia in it at the end almost made me cry I still adore your Kurt and Rachel voice so freaking much oh my the whole siblingity than Kurt's mother and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rachel longing for it all how do you words like really I wish I could write better feedback but I can't describe the feelings and all the parts it touches so well I really can't so huh. I missed your fanfiction so much iusgefauiqruwerhweuir ♥

Also side note you're one of the few people on this planet who can make me tolerate Klaine welp. :D


tamakito August 13 2011, 16:09:45 UTC
omfg babe I am so glad - I mean that you liked it first of all, but also that you're even here, I was afraid I had lost you to frustration with Klaine entirely and I legit would just be lost without your loverly comments dude idek

so no pressure

lol but seriously, so effing psyched you liked this, and my unending Narnia references I WILL NEVER GET BEYOND MY CHILDHOOD OKAY AND THOSE NEW MOVIES ARE FAB, and that you enjoyed Kurt and Rachel and "siblingity" lol best word and just. stuff and stuff. and your comment on tumblr too. you are just. flawless.


jyusan August 13 2011, 17:55:59 UTC
ahahaha dear it's not that easy to get rid of me, there was a point when i almost unfollowed you on tumblr but I couldn't even make myself do that :D at the end of the day Klaine is just another ship I don't like and in my saner moments that's a silly thing to get all frustrated over.

And really though, your Kurt is still perfect and flawless, which really makes me wonder about our interpretations but anyway I'm kind of done with glee in the sense of trying to figure it out or enjoying it :D

I've never read Narnia, even though I have some masterbook but yeah it didn't even get published here until the movies came out. Which I love oh so dearly ♥

So I'll still be here and I'm glad it's all okay and stuff and I'll forever be looking forward to your stories okay I enjoyed your fanfictions more than most of the last season of the series so so I'm not going to give you up for something as silly as a ship I don't like welp 323sudgfsgdfsdgfhsd


tamakito August 15 2011, 04:28:44 UTC
well I am glad you stuck around is all bb

and that you like my Kurt

and holy shit are you serious, there is a place on this earth that escaped Narnia books until recently? like the C. S. Lewis novels? I did not think that was possible except in like... remote jungle villages or something. although apparently my take on how many musty old British books are omnipresent is a bit off, even aside from this instance, so.


geoffrey_f August 15 2011, 09:08:49 UTC
I'm so glad I have this lovely account thing because it means I can actually tell you how much I love your writing rather than just lurking and enjoying it in silence. You're one of my absolute favourite Glee writers ( ... )


tamakito August 15 2011, 22:36:49 UTC
Oh well shit son! Wow! I am also glad about this account thing because dude, look at me reaping the benefits. So but I am every kind of thrilled that you liked Rachel being all-in and Kurt... not so much and that you think it's realistic and all, omg. AND super psyched you liked Blaine. Lol I just always want everyone to interact with everyone else, so yeah, MORE FRIENDSHIPS ALWAYS.

AND AND AND so glad you liked the Narnia thing - I fucking love those books (same story, read them when I was little and am just like LOL WHAT CHRISTIAN SHIT I GOT ME A FUCKING DRAGON TO READ ABOUT) and the new movies are flawless and magical, so. As for Kurt, yeah, idk, it was a toss up - he does usually seem to make an exception for art, but then sometimes he doesn't... overall I just went with my rule of thumb, which is that I am a fan of fantasy, but pretty much none of the characters I write are, so.

Omg so just in general, thank you so, so much for this lovely comment and for calling these stories beautiful, you are a magical peach creature of


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