Apr 13, 2013 23:08

I want this so very badly. I am concious of the fact that it is ABSURD, but I want it anyway. I have found it, quite reasonably priced, at $220. *headdesk*

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Comments 22

dmacabre April 14 2013, 04:35:46 UTC
Damn, that's detailed! I was scrolling past quickly and thought it was a promotional photo...


tallulah99 April 14 2013, 04:41:26 UTC
Hence the pricetag *sadface*

It is INCREDIBLY detailed. I imagine Tom Hiddleston recoiling in horror and crying 'kill it with fire!', but I STILL WANT IT. I've found the 'pieces' (squicky as that becomes when you realize you have to buy the HEAD separately) on ebay, which is certainly more affordable, but significantly more terrifying since you'd never know if you'd be able to score the proper bits when you needed them (DAMN! They're still out of kneecaps!).

I am ashamed to admit it, but I am SERIOUSLY considering buying this for myself...

I just can't get over the *hands* Those are freaking Tom Hiddleston's HANDS! Would that I were the mold maker...


dmacabre April 14 2013, 04:52:38 UTC
I picture you in an Ebay bidding war over a set of Loki kneecaps... it brings me unspeakable glee.


tallulah99 April 14 2013, 05:01:13 UTC
Well we do want the poor darling to be able to kneel, don't we? I mean, really.


startraveller April 17 2013, 02:07:05 UTC
Man, that's unbelievably gorgeous!


tallulah99 April 17 2013, 02:15:55 UTC
Isn't it? I collect action figures and have every Loki I can get my hands on (sure, I'm an adult!), but this one is just extraordinary.

Secret confession: I bought it. I won't get it until sometime in May, but I pined after it so charmingly, my husband (eye-rollingly, complainingly) agreed to get it for me for mother's day:)


startraveller April 17 2013, 02:17:36 UTC
Now that's an awesome husband! :) You'll have to post photos when it arrives!

(BTW, HUGE fan of Loki here! He's my favorite part of Thor and The Avengers! Best sympathetic villain of all time.)


tallulah99 April 17 2013, 02:40:06 UTC
*Loki fangirl secret handshake*

He's my favorite part too:). Hiddles has a lot to do with that, of course, but it was the character that first won me over.

I'll definitely post photos, but you can check him out in up close detail here under gallery. Check out the close up of his face, it's uncanny. I can't help but wonder how weirded out Hiddles must be that there is such a thing out there...and in the hands of a bunch of pervy fangirls, for that matter!


jinx1764 April 17 2013, 16:05:48 UTC
Hehe. I confess. I already bought one months ago, but it's on back order. Drat.

Loki is my new crack.


tallulah99 April 17 2013, 16:32:56 UTC
There are a lot of us LokiCrack whores, lemme tell you!

Who did you order your figure through? I ordered mine from Sideshow and apparently Hot Toys *is* finally going to ship them out sometime in May (they've been delayed for almost a year). No one had gotten one until very recently and those that HAVE are all outside the US. I guess there are pretty dramatic delays when it comes to getting things through customs from Hong Kong.

Oh, the things you learn when you're hardcore fangirling...

I have found 'parts' for these figures on eBay and am seriously considering buying the tesseract/container that comes with the Thor figure...assuming I don't break down and buy Thor to keep Loki company:).

I am also keeping an eye out for anyone making clothes for 1/6 figures because I want to get Loki's 'human' outfit from Avengers. Lol. Poor dear needs a change of clothing, you know.


jinx1764 April 17 2013, 16:57:46 UTC
I ordered from sideshow. I've been waiting and waiting. I've heard getting Loki's fancy outfit back on is a pain, so I'm just waiting. I don't really collect figures. Just have Jareth and soon Loki. Though I've considered Spike.


tallulah99 April 18 2013, 02:06:11 UTC
I am not an avid collector, but I have Jareth, a bunch of Doctor Who figures and every Loki I could get my hands on. Once I get this bad boy there will only be one that I don't have (amusingly, the one I am missing is the Marvel Select version that costs $60-80 that I couldn't bring myself to pay for. lol ( ... )


jinx1764 May 1 2013, 20:03:15 UTC

Can you tell I'm mildly excited?


tallulah99 May 1 2013, 20:11:12 UTC
You and me both, girl! *squee*

I can't help but wonder if they'll do another Loki when Dark World comes out...if they do, hopefully it will be a post-hairgel, non-Darlene-from-Roseanne version!

And yes, I WILL buy it. Because I am a Loki Whore with no actual pride.


jinx1764 May 17 2013, 01:52:30 UTC
It's being shipped this week!!!!!!!!! LOoooooookiiiiiiiiiiii!


tallulah99 May 17 2013, 04:56:54 UTC
I KNOW! Mine is supposed to arrive on Monday. CANNOT WAIT!!



jinx1764 May 1 2013, 22:12:21 UTC
I wonder too. That would be awesome! I actually have a fanfic idea about Thor 2 (another one) that would get Loki and Jane together and neither would be totally good or evil. I just have to commit to writing it.


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