World Of Madness Part 2

Aug 27, 2009 15:09

Title: World Of Madness Part 2
Author: TalliW
Characters: Cutter/Lester
Rating: MA
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
Warning: non-con/dub-con

Lester thoughts turned to the events of the last months while he waited for Cutter to arrive.

The attack had been so quick no one had realised what was going on before it had been too late.

The Prime Minister had been replaced by a clone and had acted in Helen's order. Within hours the old government had been destroyed and Helen's lackeys had taken over. Everything had happened so fast.

Lester had been confined to an ARC holding cell before he'd learnt what had happened. Everything he knew had been told to him by other imprisoned people in the adjoining cells and Jules Clifford, a bank clerk from the Lloyds Banking Group, who had been locked up in the cell with him six days later.

He had heard that Jenny had been shot after an attack on Helen. Perhaps the procedure hadn't worked on her either. There were also rumours that staff members had been turned into willing bootlickers but had recovered their old selves after a few days and had attempted a revolt against Helen. Lester didn't know if anything of that was true. He just held to the hope that the news about Jenny was an error.

Then word had spread that Becker had managed to escape. He was on his way to raise the army and the hope was that they would be rescued soon. But weeks passed and help never came. And slowly the cells emptied.

One morning they had come to fetch Clifford. The next day, he was one of the guards who delivered the food to the prisoners. He had beaten Lester into a bloody pulp when he hadn't taken his bowl of porridge fast enough.

When his calls, and the knocks against the wall, weren't answered anymore, Lester realised he was alone. Everyone else had been turned or killed. From that day on, he had waited to get killed as well. The turning hadn't worked on him. There was no second chance. Then Cutter had come and his life had taken an unexpected twist.

Lester had been so exhausted his eyes had fallen shut and he had slept for hours. He wondered why Cutter hadn't come back until he felt the warm body next to him.

Lester could tell Cutter was awake and expected that he would pounce on him any minute and use him for his own pleasure again.

He wasn't prepared for the soft hand on the base of his neck, ruffling through his hair in such a gentle way Lester had to stifle a sigh. It had been ages since someone had touched him so tenderly and his body reacted involuntarily. He bored his finger nails into his thigh to stop his reaction. Cutter wouldn't get him to enjoy his touch.

Cutter's lips caressed his neck and moved slowly down to his shoulder, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses behind. Cutter's hand groped for Lester's groin then slipped under the waistband and touched Lester's cock.

"Please don't," Lester begged desperately, as he felt his cock stiffen faintly at the gentle pressure. He was shocked when the hand actually retreated and Cutter moved away from him.
The door clicked and Lester was alone again, confused and scared of the future.

Cutter was sitting at the table in the morning. In front of him was a plate with ham and eggs and Lester's mouth watered at the smell.

"You can have some if you're a good boy." Cutter stood up and moved over to the bed, opening his zipper whilst he walked.

Lester stared in horror at Cutter's cock, still limp but slowly filling with blood under Lester's look.

"Kneel down and swallow!"


"I said, swallow my cock!" Cutter said menacingly but Lester shook his head in defiance.

The blow knocked the breath out of him and he struggled desperately as he was dragged down from the bed. His head connected hard with the floor and his vision became blurred.

Lester felt a heavy weight settle down and realised Cutter was sitting on his chest.

"You...," Cutter hissed, emphasising every word with a slap in Lester's face.

Bile was rising up in Lester's throat as his vision cleared. Cutter's erection was bobbing up and down in front of him.

Lester clenched his teeth and tried to turn his head to the side but Cutter had grasped his hair firmly and every move hurt.

"Be a good boy. Open your mouth and suck me off, James, or you will regret the day you were born."

"Please, don't," Lester whispered but Cutter's only reaction was another slap, harder than the ones before.

"Do what I've told you to. You're too pretty to get beaten up. I would really dislike having to use such drastic measures."

Lester closed his eyes and waited for the next blow.

Suddenly Cutter caressed Lester's burning right cheek, the one he had just slapped, then bent down and breathed a kiss on Lester's lips.

"You're right. I'm too impatient. You need a little more time," he whispered against Lester's mouth.

Lester didn't trust the words and kept his eyes and mouth shut. But Cutter really got up and Lester heard some rustling as Cutter put his cock back into his trousers.

"Stand up and come here. The breakfast is getting cold," Cutter called cheerfully and Lester scrambled slowly to his feet. His whole head hurt and he swayed slightly as he made the first step.

Within seconds Cutter was next to him, leading him over to the table.

Lester sat down and stared morosely at the appetising food on the plate which Cutter had pushed over to him. The smell made him feel sick now and he swallowed hard to prevent himself throwing up.

Cutter seemed to realise his predicament. He pulled him up and led him back to the bed.

"Lay down, James. I will take care of you," Cutter mumbled as he ran his fingers softly through Lester's hair and watched as Lester lost consciousness.

Lester woke up, hours later, on his belly with a big headache and an aching backside. His sweatpants lay around his ankles and his arse cheeks were covered with bloody scratches and sperm.

james lester, nick cutter, primeval, author:talliw

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