Apologies for not separating the cited article from the initial post. Second try now. The
international Convention on the use of cluster munitions was signed earlier this month, and more than 100 countries have joined in. The document bans the use of cluster bombs, one of the deadliest weapons in modern times, and most damaging in the long term.
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Comments 116
Color me surprised.
Same shit.
End of story I suppose?
Modern times favor soft power and that's why Chinese influence along with that of India and Turkey are expanding dramatically worldwide while that of the USA and Israel are grinding to standstills. Arms limitation treaties are notable goals but aren't the primary concern as the main purpose of armies these days is only to shore up broader economic power.
are cluster munitions really that important for military success?
Also "cluster munition" is a broad term. Do they want to ban all of them or just some specific ones?
(Former artilleryman here, we had cluster shells and mine-layer shells)
In a word, they're extremely useful for certain situations. For example: You have a large-area target -- say, a large, somewhat-fortified enemy position. You want to hit as many enemy in that area as possible. You could carpet-bomb, with the number of bombs varying inversely with their size. Or, you could use a small tactical nuke, which is, of course, Right Out. Or, you use a cluster munition which gives you a wide dispersion of smaller individual strikes. The alternative is to turn that area into a mess of wall-to-wall craters. Or, perhaps, using napalm. Or white phosphorus. Which is the lesser evil?
To your question, I am afraid I would have to respond to you with your own question: is there a lesser evil, and if yes, what is it? I hope you would have some ideas.
on the other hand new warfare methods create need for new weapons, new weapons on the other hand create new warfare methods
I am sure that military tacticians would be able to give you a dozen scenarios where cluster bombs would be the best choice in combat.
I am also sure that military sapers would be able to give 99.9% effective ways to clear unexploded munitions and landmines.
In the end, 3/4 of signatories of these treaties don't care about these weapons. They will sign every treaty, or they will try to get some advantage from signing them. But still they will never voice any real public opinion.
Or they could be signing all those papers just for fun, you know, because they like signing things.
I mean that Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Moldova, Lithuania, etc. all have real reasons to sign, they are on the receiving end of these bombs. Chances for rest to be engaged in heavy military action are close to none. But they do look good when they sign one of those treaties.
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