On the subject of, Perceptions, and Economics...

Jan 03, 2010 17:11

...Here is an interesting take on things.

The opening story is not for the squeemish but if you gut it out he gets into such heady topics as "people's preconceptions", and "self-discovery".

I also feel that his closing points about "getting it done" and "America's cultural cold war" are pertinant to the US' current politcal/economic situation.

My personal take behind the cut...

On Anagnorisis and Peripeteia...

In case you didn't watch the video Anagnorisis and Peripeteia are terms from classical literature. Anagnorisis is "the transition from Ignorance to Knowledge", and Peripeteia is "a moment of truth". Specifically "that part in the greek tradgedy where Oedipus finds out that he's been shagging his mom"

There are certain things that through training and experiance I feel qualified to discuss, Life in the Military, Battlefield Ethics/Medicine (my pior occupation), Mechanical and Structrural Engineering (my current field of study), and where to get a good drink or pizza in San Diego (My daily life) to name a few. History and Political Science are mearly hobbies of mine and as a result I make a point to admit defeat when faced with a better argument or superior knowledge. (even when I'd rather not)

That said, my personal experiances as an adult, first as soldier, now as a student, have driven home one simple fact, I am ignorant. Having never been to Russia, I do not know what life there is like, and unless you live there I'll bet that niether do you. As a result I've endevoured to adopt a "sit back and see what happens" approach to most things in the hopes that by observing and conversing I will become less ignorant.

However occasionaly I encounter a debate regarding something "I know" and can't resist sticking my nose in it. For instance, being lectured about "Life in the military" or "in a warzone" by someone who clearly never served just pisses me off.

Wich brings us back to Mr. Rowe's Story, and the reason that I hold the political views that I do. The sad fact is that we are all ignorant (especially the guys writing the rules), and that the only way to really help anyone is to help them figure it out.

X-posted to Sandwichwarrior

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