Originally posted by
ricomsmith77 at
"The Immigration Address....Let the GOP Madness Begin!"Tonight, President Obama will be addressing the nation on how he is going to move forward on Immigration Reform through Executive action. He will lay out his plan on how he will go about fixing this problem legally, and what's at stake when he does it
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He wanting to run the table, and doesn't make you good at pool.
Did you even read the article?
But of course you're not supposed to know any different from what you've seen at your place.
Virtually all the arguments that you've been employing have become a caricature at this point.
When was the last time that a Democrat opened a negotiation by offering the GOP something they actually wanted rather than demanding the whole pie and then settling for half?
Seriously, what is the GOP's motivation to cooperate in this case?
So you and your fave partisans have absolutely no right to preach about negotiation, because negotiation was never their intention in the first place. What's the GOP's motivation to cooperate? None whatsoever. And has been like that right from the get-go.
Your argument is hypocritical. You're using the tu quoque argument when it comes to bipartisanship and negotiation, where you should probably just sit back and shut up about it.
Dude. What a pile of bollocks.
Gay rights isn't a Democrat cause. It's a civil rights cause. It's stupid and short-sighted to ascribe it to any one political ideology, just as race equality was. But then again, we've all grown accustomed to witnessing examples of short-sightedness on the conservative side, so that should hardly be a surprise to anybody.
There's a difference between a constructive opposition (one which has an alternative proposal to a particular policy), and an obstructionist opposition (whose sole task is to block anything the other side is trying to do). Granted, you guys in the US have forgotten how the former looks like, having become so used to the toxic nature of your political debate - so may you be forgiven for your complete lack of a sense for nuance.
I pity what American politics has become these days. And guys sharing your mentality are to blame for that predicament.
The Idea of "President Cruz" struck you. The Idea that a conservative president could effectively put an end the ACA by fiat did not.
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