Monthly topic

Mar 01, 2017 09:44

Hey everybody! First of all, may I wish happy Baba Marta to our Bulgarian pals! May she bring tons of health and good luck to us all! Now, as per our local tradition, it's time to see what the new monthly topic is. The one you guys last time chose was...

The Slide to Authoritarianism

Now this comes rather timely, eh?

Some details on the subject...

- Anti-democratic thought and managed democracy.
- Democracy vs dictatorship.
- The personality cult.
- Forms of totalitarianism: fascist, theocratic, white supremacist, communist, etc.
- Forms of authoritarianism: traditional, bureaucratic, military, coporporatist, ethnic.
- The authoritarian mindset.
- Tools of the police state.
- The concept of the benevolent dictator.
- Historical examples of authoritarianism gone bad.
- Authoritarian dystopia in fiction.
- Authoritarian weakness and resilience.
- Anti-authoritarianism.

And here's the poll for April:

Poll Monthly topic

Feel free to suggest more topics.

poll, topic

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